While I think Mulé might be the most impactful addition (and to be clear, that takes into account his talent and the way his role/skillset can affect the rest of the offense), it seems to me that the new face Syracuse fans are most interested in isn’t really a new face at all. Defenseman Riley Figueiras,
IL’s No. 6-ranked Class of 2022 recruit and top-ranked defenseman who missed last season due to an ACL injury, is wearing the No. 11, the defense’s equivalent to No. 22, which is a sign of how he’s regarded by whoever confers jersey numbers (and an assignment given to him last fall). I didn’t come away with a great sense of his game, but talking to Spallina about Figueiras after practice, he had an interesting comment. He describes his cover style as “weird,” describing how Figueiras keeps the head of his stick on Spallina’s hip when he trails the ball-carrier.
Hips don’t lie.