Adam Weitsman announces NIL plans | Page 39 |

Adam Weitsman announces NIL plans

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You likely have far greater intel on this than I do, Mike. I just look at how much has been done for athletics on Kent's watch and am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. That's just me.

Besides, I am aware that he has much bigger fish to fry right now. This year is my 50th SU Reunion and apparently it has come to his attention that I might "accidently" streak across the field during the Homecoming game. Maybe I will and maybe I won't, know what I'm saying? Anyway, between the terrible PR that would result in plus the subsequent incarceration, he is trying to form a collective to pay me not to do it. Like Jesse, I am making no promises but I'm willing to listen to how much $$$ they are talking about.

You should. The mustache would distract everyone anyway
Yea but do the carpets match the drapes… i guess we may find out soon
No Way Do Not Want GIF
I don’t understand the agenda here on the part of Weitsman. He retweeted this garbage this morning. The divorce is final why not just shake hands and walk away? And I don’t understand the agenda of Adler other than to suck up to Weitsman. He is a SU alum and you would think he would not want to make University look bad any more than he already has by being Weitsman’s puppet. Quoting the attorney saying that Syracuse will have trouble competing without Weitsman does just that.

But make no mistake despite this bizarre war on Cuse, there are a lot of good people who love the program, are donating to SU and working hard on NIL to help Syracuse get back to where we need to be.

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I don’t understand the agenda here on the part of Weitsman. He retweeted this garbage this morning. The divorce is final why not just shake hands and walk away? And I don’t understand the agenda of Adler other than to suck up to Weitsman. He is a SU alum and you would think he would not want to make University look bad any more than he already has by being Weitsman’s puppet. Quoting the attorney saying that Syracuse will have trouble competing without Weitsman does just that.

But make no mistake despite this bizarre war on Cuse, there are a lot of good people who love the program, are donating to SU and working hard on NIL to help Syracuse get back to where we need to be.

You can spew misinformation and nonsense, Scott. I really could care less. But get your facts straight, please. I don't have an agenda. I am not Adam's puppet. I don't hate SU. I went to SU. I'm a proud alum, class of 2000. Today's article is based on comments from a NIL expert. I asked SU for comment. They declined. Also, in the almost seven years I've written for the site I run, I've written thousands of articles. 95 percent of them are positive about my alma mater.
You can spew misinformation and nonsense, Scott. I really could care less. But get your facts straight, please. I don't have an agenda. I am not Adam's puppet. I don't hate SU. I went to SU. I'm a proud alum, class of 2000. Today's article is based on comments from a NIL expert. I asked SU for comment. They declined. Also, in the almost seven years I've written for the site I run, I've written thousands of articles. 95 percent of them are positive about my alma mater.
People can make their own choice by reading your article. If they don’t agree with me, so be it. But I can’t see any reason that Weitsman needs to keep attacking the university and using you to do so. And if you love the school, as much as you say you do, just like Weitsman says he does, why would you quote an agenda, driven lawyer, who makes the absurd claim that we will have trouble surviving without one donor, who may or may not be actually giving a lot of money?

The NIL landscape is competitive enough as it is. Syracuse doesn’t need to be under attack by our supposed former donors and alumni bloggers. You guys have made your point why can’t you just move on? You did a great job getting attention on Twitter for you and Weitsman to try to make the school look bad. I’m sure you got a number of people to sympathize with Weitsman and turn against the school. Great job. Can’t you move on?
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You can spew misinformation and nonsense, Scott. I really could care less. But get your facts straight, please. I don't have an agenda. I am not Adam's puppet. I don't hate SU. I went to SU. I'm a proud alum, class of 2000. Today's article is based on comments from a NIL expert. I asked SU for comment. They declined. Also, in the almost seven years I've written for the site I run, I've written thousands of articles. 95 percent of them are positive about my alma mater.
You know what Neil, shame on you for bringing useful, relevant perspectives to our otherwise baseless conjecture. The nerve!
People keep acting like guys that provide that kind of financial support are a dime a dozen. They are delusional.

Don't confuse "dime a dozen" with "irreplacable". Even the skeptics/detractors aren't saying he's "dime a dozen".

And I'll say this for the millionth time, I don't think "the kind of financial support" he was providing is as extensive as the people upset by this think it is. The University knows for sure, though.
I don’t understand the agenda here on the part of Weitsman. He retweeted this garbage this morning. The divorce is final why not just shake hands and walk away? And I don’t understand the agenda of Adler other than to suck up to Weitsman. He is a SU alum and you would think he would not want to make University look bad any more than he already has by being Weitsman’s puppet. Quoting the attorney saying that Syracuse will have trouble competing without Weitsman does just that.

But make no mistake despite this bizarre war on Cuse, there are a lot of good people who love the program, are donating to SU and working hard on NIL to help Syracuse get back to where we need to be.

He knows the University won't hit back. He gets to play the victim to maintain goodwill of his followers and admirers while keeping his name and persona in the news cycle. Also, never discount the ability of people who feel they were "wronged" to be petty. Especially powerful people.
I appreciate all the information you've brought, but what purpose does it serve to write an article that's based around a dirtbag lawyer from South Florida with a clear bias trashing the university? I understand wanting to get all sides, but did we really need his side? Cool, a one side interview with a guy with zero connections to the university who doesn't give a fuhhhh about Cuse, that can be used negatively against Cuse by other schools. And then Adam takes the high road by IMMEDIATELY re-posting it.
Scott, I only relay what I have been told. And this is from the Edwards side. So they have a agenda to protect. I think that all sides could be true. We made a great deal. We were ready to go. And yet the Edwards team( if you will) wasn't convinced. I also believe Jesse would like to stay. I also believe that a day will come that he will regret leaving. Money comes and goes. How he will be viewed by his Syracuse family will never be the same.
I agree, Dasher. Loyalty to the coaches and program that helped to develop you should count for something. A lot actually. Especially if we’re talking about a not massive monetary difference. Jesse would still make a lot of NIL money at Syracuse next season and even more over the next 10 years+ of a pro career in Europe. Is sacrificing a couple hundred thousand dollars for one year really worth leaving the place you want to be and finish your college career, especially in the context of the millions he’ll earn over the course of a pro career?
Yes Jesse will always be an alum and part of the program having been here for 4 years, but this will tarnish how he’s remembered a bit IMO.

Exactly. You don’t throw a retirement party for a guy that worked at a company for 27 years. Leaves for a new company that moves into the area and retires there a year later.

He went to SU for 4 years but I can’t say him leaving doesn’t erode any positive feelings I’ll have about him in the future. I don’t mean that in a negative. I just won’t see him as a former SU orange player.
You can spew misinformation and nonsense, Scott. I really could care less. But get your facts straight, please. I don't have an agenda. I am not Adam's puppet. I don't hate SU. I went to SU. I'm a proud alum, class of 2000. Today's article is based on comments from a NIL expert. I asked SU for comment. They declined. Also, in the almost seven years I've written for the site I run, I've written thousands of articles. 95 percent of them are positive about my alma mater.

Just curious, did you reach out to Heitner, or did he approach you?
You can spew misinformation and nonsense, Scott. I really could care less. But get your facts straight, please. I don't have an agenda. I am not Adam's puppet. I don't hate SU. I went to SU. I'm a proud alum, class of 2000. Today's article is based on comments from a NIL expert. I asked SU for comment. They declined. Also, in the almost seven years I've written for the site I run, I've written thousands of articles. 95 percent of them are positive about my alma mater.
That’s the problem. We are getting one side of the story. Nobody is talking to anyone else who supports NIL at Syracuse besides Weitsman.


The same can be said about Brent Axe and

I generally appreciate the coverage, but one side is missing.
I don’t understand the agenda here on the part of Weitsman. He retweeted this garbage this morning. The divorce is final why not just shake hands and walk away? And I don’t understand the agenda of Adler other than to suck up to Weitsman. He is a SU alum and you would think he would not want to make University look bad any more than he already has by being Weitsman’s puppet. Quoting the attorney saying that Syracuse will have trouble competing without Weitsman does just that.

But make no mistake despite this bizarre war on Cuse, there are a lot of good people who love the program, are donating to SU and working hard on NIL to help Syracuse get back to where we need to be.

If Weitsman cares about the program at all he would shut up and go home.
People can make their own choice by reading your article. If they don’t agree with me, so be it. But I can’t see any reason that Weitsman needs to keep attacking the university and using you to do so. And if you love the school, as much as you say you do, just like Weitsman says he does, why would you quote an agenda, driven lawyer, who makes the absurd claim that we will have trouble surviving without one donor, who may or may not be actually giving a lot of money?

The NIL landscape is competitive enough as it is. Syracuse doesn’t need to be under attack by our supposed former donors and alumni bloggers. You guys have made your point why can’t you just move on? You did a great job getting attention on Twitter for you and Weitsman to try to make the school look bad. I’m sure you got a number of people to sympathize with Weitsman and turn against the school. Great job. Can’t you move on?
This is how competitive and powerful people react when acting magnanimously for years and years going above and beyond to support a cause/university they didn’t even go to, developing relationships and a love for the people and institution along the way only to be rudely (emphasis on rudely without ANY respect), rudely be thrown to the curb and disrespected only because you don’t fit the institutional profile and “look” of whom you want supporting you.

And then after a lifetime of trying to do the opposite and being successful doing it the right way, giving back etc., have so many say well they must know he’s still dirty or something suggesting dark nefarious ill begotten gain as the excuse when they know full well that’s bs but still do nothing to counter the narrative, in fact continuing to say nothing at all.

Don’t blame the guy, I hope he goes scorched earth and it results in new leadership that gets it that guys like this don’t grow on trees and they should be coddled and supported.

I certainly would do this if I were in his position and treated this way. Now that I know with CERTAINTY that the guys above board in his dealing and they don’t like his style of flying too close to the sun as he brings attention to his own causes too, it’s unconscionable what syracuse is doing to this guy.

Not that they’ve chosen to push him aside but no the manner af how they’ve done it (not returning his calls emails to have a meeting of the minds, not letting him bid on dome naming rights, etc - all of which I know with CERTAINTY to be true), not giving a modicum of respect in the process to allow people like you - not you specifically - but his critics to say he’s dirty or must be dirty.

Very nice school. I didn’t go to syracuse but have been a 50+ townie fan fanatically devoted my whole life. I went to a different school in part for the purity of the place re sports (could’ve played at SU), avoiding this type thing, so I look at them and the level of sport transactionally as a business.

The business of sport at the high level they inhabit, what they’ve done to this guy is simply bad business (again the manner of which, not the decision), and simply wrong ethically and morally.

I get it his reaction, syracuse is reaping what they sow, expect more for a while until, like me and others like me certainly I’m sure, the slow ugly mess of a separation occurs and mellows with time.
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I don’t understand the agenda here on the part of Weitsman. He retweeted this garbage this morning. The divorce is final why not just shake hands and walk away? And I don’t understand the agenda of Adler other than to suck up to Weitsman. He is a SU alum and you would think he would not want to make University look bad any more than he already has by being Weitsman’s puppet. Quoting the attorney saying that Syracuse will have trouble competing without Weitsman does just that.

But make no mistake despite this bizarre war on Cuse, there are a lot of good people who love the program, are donating to SU and working hard on NIL to help Syracuse get back to where we need to be.

Think it confirms what we already suspected about AW. Just looking for attention.
This is how competitive and powerful people react when acting magnanimously for years and years going above and beyond to support a cause/university they didn’t even go to, developing relationships and a love for the people and institution along the way only to be rudely (emphasis on rudely without ANY respect), rudely be thrown to the curb and disrespected only because you don’t fit the institutional profile and “look” of whom you want supporting you.

And then after a lifetime of trying to do the opposite and being successful doing it the right way, giving back etc., have so many say well they must know he’s still dirty or something suggesting dark nefarious I’ll begotten gain as the excuse when they know full well that’s bs but still do nothing to counter the narrative, in fact continuing to say nothing at all.

Don’t blame the guy, I hope he goes scorched earth and it results in new leadership that gets it that guys like this don’t grow on trees and they should be coddled and supported.

I certainly would do this if I were in his position and treated this way. Now that I know with CERTAINTY that the guys above board in his dealing and they don’t like his style of flying too close to the sun as he brings attention to his own causes too, it’s unconscionable what syracuse is doing to this guy.

Not that they’ve chosen to push him aside but no the manner af how they’ve done it (not returning his calls emails to have a meeting of the minds, not letting him bid on dome naming rights, etc - all of which I know with CERTAINTY to be true), not giving a modicum of respect in the process to allow people like you - not you specifically - but his critics to say he’s dirty or must be dirty.

Very nice school. I didn’t go to syracuse but have been a 50+ townie fan fanatically devoted my whole life. I went to a different school in part for the purity of the place re sports (could’ve played at SU), avoiding this type thing, so I look at them and the level of sport transactionally as a business.

The business of sport at the high level they inhabit, what they’ve done to this guy is simply bad business (again the manner of which, not the decision), and simply wrong ethically and morally.

I get it his reaction, syracuse is reaping what they sow, expect more for a while until, like me, the slow ugly mess of a separation occurs and mellows with time.
I generally agree with you, but i think you’re getting one side of the story. I had the same opinion you did until I heard both sides. Generally the truth is in the middle.
You know what Neil, shame on you for bringing useful, relevant perspectives to our otherwise baseless conjecture. The nerve!
Is AW our biggest supporter?
I generally agree with you, but i think you’re getting one side of the story. I had the same opinion you did until I heard both sides. Generally the truth is in the middle.
I’m actually getting both sides of the story. In general I usually agree with those thoughts and though there may be something I don’t know think I got this one spot on (those last two words were used with and repeated with purpose).
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