Anyone think McQuery may have been.. |

Anyone think McQuery may have been..


2nd String
Aug 14, 2011
molested by Sandusky himself? Given the families were so close and they had grown up together??
From what I've read, I don't think so. Sandusky seemed to target boys that didn't have anyone to run to. That's why so many were connected to his 2nd mile program.
Been asked a few times here and I tossed it out as a possibility.
molested by Sandusky himself? Given the families were so close and they had grown up together??
no. but it helps to explain why he basically panicked and didnt run over and punch sandusky.
molested by Sandusky himself? Given the families were so close and they had grown up together??
He must have been recruited by other schools. I would think that if he was being abused he would want to get away, but the way this whole thing has gone nothing would surprise me.
You guys watch too many crime shows.

And this thing would blow all the crime shows out of the water.
It's an interesting angle. It certainly is possible...
At this point, nothing is too far fetched.

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There has to be much more to this story, I don't see Sandusky suddenly becoming a sexual predator at the age of 55. There has to be a longer history, many more victims and deeper cover-ups to allow it to have stayed clandestine for so long.
This will become a crime show/movie that will be seen by millions of people.
no. but it helps to explain why he basically panicked and didnt run over and punch sandusky.

I guess I can see how people could see it that way. But -- and maybe this is just me being a dad -- I can't fathom not at least saying "uh, what the f?" and at least getting the kid medical attention that second. It's unfathomable to me. I don't care if it's my brother.

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