At least Hackett said it: "Horrible" |

At least Hackett said it: "Horrible"


All Conference
Aug 28, 2011
Wish Marrone had said it has well instead of the robots comment. But at least someone came out and owned it.


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Marrone can't throw himself, his players or his coaches under the bus publicly... He needs to maintain an even keel and keep his coaches and players focused and positive...

But yes - it's good to hear assistant coaches take ownership on Sat. foibles and not sweep it under the rug in coach speak.

Kudos to Hackett for owning some of the blame.
I think Hackett is intelligent enough to learn from this and use it as a tough learning lesson. Coaches that want to improve do this and don't cower away and turtle...they man up and go from there.
Wish Marrone had said it has well instead of the robots comment. But at least someone came out and owned it.


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Depends. Does Hackett think we were horrible because of poor execution or because of a bad gameplan? If he thought that gameplan was sound then we have a big problem.
Depends. Does Hackett think we were horrible because of poor execution or because of a bad gameplan? If he thought that gameplan was sound then we have a big problem.
probably both, he owned it for sure
probably both, he owned it for sure

The Rahme article about the gameplan worries me though. RU had 647 sacks against the HS team they played. They had ZERO vs UNC and had three vs Ohio. Looking solely at stats was misleading. In reality they had a sack for every 21.67 passing plays going into our game. Very far from the 7 number that Hackett quoted.
The Rahme article about the gameplan worries me though. RU had 647 sacks against the HS team they played. They had ZERO vs UNC and had three vs Ohio. Looking solely at stats was misleading. In reality they had a sack for every 21.67 passing plays going into our game. Very far from the 7 number that Hackett quoted.

I didn't see the Ohio game but did watch the UNC game ... although they had no sacks they generated a ton of pressure up front and got into the face of the UNC QB most of the day ... he threw a few picks because of it.
Hackett needs to show alot this week in order to keep the fans' attention... Need to put up some big numbers. I could care less, but most fans want to see an exciting offense. The product on the field right now is the exact opposite of exciting.
Owning it is nice.

Fixing it is better.

Whether they say it out loud or not, most OCs know when things went wrong.

Bailey's fumbles and our unwillingness to run on 3rd and 4th and short is worrisome. I think our entire offense is based on being able to run the ball effectively between the tackles and then run play action. If we can't do it, or become afraid to do it because of a turnover, then I don't know if Hackett can adapt at this point.

The blueprint to stopping us is out there. And it doesn't seem like it requires a ton of preparation.
Depends. Does Hackett think we were horrible because of poor execution or because of a bad gameplan? If he thought that gameplan was sound then we have a big problem.
Fair. You're right. I was just looking for someone to own it...but this was more the gameplan (IMO) than the players...although both failed to execute.

Bailey's fumbles and our unwillingness to run on 3rd and 4th and short is worrisome.
I did not see enough from the OL last year to make me believe there was enough there to be able to confidently say we should game plan around it this year.

That would be worse if Hackett went into this season thinking our OL were going to be world beaters. Average is the high bar for this crew IMO.


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