Best spring game and environment in some 15 years |

Best spring game and environment in some 15 years


Hall of Fame
Aug 21, 2011
Just some quick hitter general observations. What an unbelievable difference from a year ago when the game started some 15 minutes early and went downhill from there both during and afterward.

Leaving this game I actually had that feeling that you get after they had won a game. Big smiles from me and DCCuse on the walk down the hill (can't wait for his recruit report later). The game itself moved quicker than the past with a real good flow to it, felt like more action, think more scoring and with the format it felt like a real game again. Can't recall how long it's been since that's been done.

Love the way Shafer works the sidelines, lets his coaches coach, and then afterward the way he worked the room so to speak so very genuine with the fans taking the time to reach out to all of us, thank us for being there, etc. A true class act. Felt that his reach out is very passionate and genuine and not that Marrones wasnt genuine but his approach was much more businesslike. I'm thinking Shaffers outreach will be more successful getting butts of fans in the seats (with a large assist from Marrones past efforts).

The team more than passed the look test with the best team speed and size in years and they continued the trend to more than look like a legit div 1 team again. D line is scary big. RB talent is to a level I don't think I've ever seen here (and thats without Gulley). Morris looks special and they'll have to get him reps. Hunt clearly distanced himself from Loeb and Kinder, he clearly had a command of the offense, was poised, did NOT look to run first but when he had to hes certainly athletic enough to make defenders miss. He could be special by the time he's done here.

Kinder is so athletic though they should move him now to another position to get him on the field. Hunt is such a good athlete with a strong arm. Even throws he might not have been wise to make were of a sufficient velocity to not allow an int. If Drew Allen comes in here and beats out Hunt we'll be in very good shape.

Krautman solidified himself as the guy kicking and the punting was good today. OL play looked adequate but, as usual, will be the challenge to this team again, luckily the offense approach we use is well suited to minimize this concern. Speaking of offensive approach, SO GLAD we basically kept the same type offensive system which had none of that inefficient looking to the sideline over and over again to get the plays once the initial call was made (from the sideline).

I found it hard to breakdown the LB's and DB's and will look forward to Tomcats excellent analysis on this. But the overall general vibe was great and a significant step forward for this program.
Just some quick hitter general observations. What an unbelievable difference from a year ago when the game started some 15 minutes early and went downhill from there both during and afterward.
Great report. Really. Glad to hear about the size and speed. Also lie hearing about the energy and feeling. Thanks.

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