Big 10 Delaney is a IDIOT - NYC a Big 10 city? NEVER | Page 2 |

Big 10 Delaney is a IDIOT - NYC a Big 10 city? NEVER

every other year kids in NY/NJ will get to see michigan and ohio st up close.

michigan and ohio st are HUGE in the City. granted, so is florida, the ped st nambla lions, Syracuse etc...but the fact remains the bars here make a freakin ton of money on college football.

the b1g did a VERY smart thing bringing in rutgers. the columnist is right, he planted his flag here and hes not just visiting.

nor is he trotting out nsewflorida, lville, freakin storz or cincy. hes showcasing some of the biggest horses in the country.

and i wish you people would stop labeling NYC as not a college town. this country isnt built upon by people without educations, and some of the best educations are coming from BCS programs. there are PLENTY of people who follow college football. more than in CNY, more than most places.

you just dont know it, i guess if one is a social shut-in they would think that way. but again, just walk up and down the avenues on a saturday afternoon. go to the UES, the villages, the uws...and tell me what you see.

swofford could rue the day he didnt grab rutgers and make this a 15 team conf, 16 for hoop.

maryland may still have left, but now delany wouldve had to look at storz. but we know, he knows theyre useless so god knows what direction he wouldve had to take.
every other year kids in NY/NJ will get to see michigan and ohio st up close.

michigan and ohio st are HUGE in the City. granted, so is florida, the ped st nambla lions, Syracuse etc...but the fact remains the bars here make a freakin ton of money on college football.

the b1g did a VERY smart thing bringing in rutgers. the columnist is right, he planted his flag here and hes not just visiting.

nor is he trotting out nsewflorida, lville, freakin storz or cincy. hes showcasing some of the biggest horses in the country.

and i wish you people would stop labeling NYC as not a college town. this country isnt built upon by people without educations, and some of the best educations are coming from BCS programs. there are PLENTY of people who follow college football. more than in CNY, more than most places.

you just dont know it, i guess if one is a social shut-in they would think that way. but again, just walk up and down the avenues on a saturday afternoon. go to the UES, the villages, the uws...and tell me what you see.

swofford could rue the day he didnt grab rutgers and make this a 15 team conf, 16 for hoop.

maryland may still have left, but now delany wouldve had to look at storz. but we know, he knows theyre useless so god knows what direction he wouldve had to take.
I never said NYC wasn't a college town I said it wasn't a market for college football. NYC cares about college basketball, but the NFL RUNS NYC from August pre-season thru the NFL draft in April. College Football is not major in NYC, and I conceded Rutgers planted the B1G flag in NYC, but no Michigan/Ohio State/Penn State vs. Rutgers isn't going to draw non-RU alum or non-UM/OSU/PSU alum interest in NYC because the Giants and Jets will run the show.
Rutgers has more alumni in the area then all of those schools(which have thousands as well). With the move to the BIG 10 and the great schedule they will be playing I'm sure they will see a major uptick in season ticket sales from RU alumni/casual fans in NJ.

How you don't think Rutgers will benefit/gain more fans by playing these storied programs in front of sell out crowds(with all games being broadcast on TV in the NY/NJ area) is beyond me. I bet they have to expand their stadium again in a few years.

You're making an awful lot of assumptions here.

While it's logical to assume that a better schedule will bring more people in to the fold, it's illogical to assume that those casual fans will be converted into diehards. If Rutgers doesn't win in the Big 10 right out of the gate (and many of us assume they won't), those casual fans are going to disappear. Quickly.

It's also illogical to assume that playing a docket of better teams will generate a buzz. Syracuse fans are expecting a bigger interest when Clemson and Florida State come to town. No one is assuming packed houses for Duke, Wake Forest, etc. The same can be said for Rutgers. While there will be interest/excitement for Michigan, Ohio State, and maybe Penn State no one will go out of their way to see Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Northwestern, Minnesota, Purdue, Maryland, and even Wisconsin.

You're assuming that there will sellouts game in and game out. Rutgers may be drawing well now. But you're assuming a move to the Big 10 will create an organic football culture that Rutgers has liked for 140+ years. You're expecting the banks of the Raritan to turn into Happy Valley on football Saturdays because of a conference switch? Not likely.

You're also assuming the Rutgers stadium will be expanded once again. Aren't they still paying out the nose for the last expansion.

Your other comment about the games being on TV in NY/NJ. Am I missing something? Were Rutgers games previously blacked out/unavailable in its own home market? If so, that makes my point even more clear. If people in NJ didn't care about Rutgers enough to demand it on TV before, why will they care now?

If they were already available, what difference will it make if the game is on TV or not? The exposure has already been there.
It's funny to see B1G fans have a huge beat off party about Jim Delany. His largest accomplishment to date is adding Penn State a couple decades ago. Maybe adding Nebraska but he's whiffed on all other major moves. He couldn't secure Notre Dame - he's been trying for over 20 years. He couldn't get Texas. He couldn't grab UVA and as an alum of UNC - couldn't pull them away from the ACC either. Missing on his two most coveted prizes - UNC and ND and having both in the ACC pisses him off to no end.
His vision on the B1G network is good but he's missing the big pieces for NYC, let Missouri slip through his fingers and into the SEC's control. The St. Louis and KC markets are much more valuable than any additions he's made and when SEC network numbers leak we'll see that the B1G will no longer be thought of as the largest media driven conference. The B1G will continue to be the SEC's B!tch in football and will be the ACC's B1tch in basketball
Not a buzz for Rutgers though. A buzz maybe for the huge Michigan/Penn State/Wisco fan bases that live in the city and want tickets.

Schools like Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, Wisco, and Nebraska coming to New Brunswick isn't going to create new fans for Rutgers.

Unless Rutgers wins. Then it will. Just like us beating PSU, ND, and eventually Michigan at MetLife games should help increase fan interest in NYC.

Point being there will be a lot of people who do want tickets and unless you are willing to spend a couple hundred bucks you won't be able to get them...

That might be somewhat true as a novelty for a year or two, until fans of other Big 14 teams realize that going to RU to watch their team drub a hapless Scarlet Blight team is just not worth it. It's easier to stay in the City, and casually watch the game at a sports bar where they'd be allowed and encouraged to drink alcoholic beverages while their alma mater tries to cover the 20 point spread before the half.
I think the sway of Rutgers in the NYC market is delusional. Maybe they have a following in New Jersey but across the Hudson virtually none in the five boroughs, LI, Westchester. Rutgers athletics has been such a joke for so long that nobody pays any attention. They will have to have an 11-1 football team before anyone in NYC pays any notice. And that's not happening any time soon if ever. Just getting beat up annually by tOSU and Michigan isn't going to make people watch or care.
I never said NYC wasn't a college town I said it wasn't a market for college football. NYC cares about college basketball, but the NFL RUNS NYC from August pre-season thru the NFL draft in April. College Football is not major in NYC, and I conceded Rutgers planted the B1G flag in NYC, but no Michigan/Ohio State/Penn State vs. Rutgers isn't going to draw non-RU alum or non-UM/OSU/PSU alum interest in NYC because the Giants and Jets will run the show.

is the NFL playing on saturdays sept-early dec??

where do you live?? because you have absolutely no freakin clue what is going on here. pro-sports may DOMINATE talk radio, but to think this isnt a market for college is fluckin absurd.

go to a gym in NYC and count the college sweatshirts, tshirts, shorts etc with big time programs on them. go up to them and ask where they are watching the game, guys & girls. they all know what time the game is on, where the 'official' spots are and where they most likely go to watch.

college football is talked about in offices and bars all week as well.

my god, college football is about to basically declare itself a pro-minor league for the greatest professional league in the world (sorry EPL and the rest of the euro-kickball followers). do you not think there is interest in what is happening in the colleges?? do you not think we are watching the b1g at 12, the SEC at 330 and whatever the 8 game is...IN ADDITION to 'your' schools telecast???

sweet jesus, come on man.
every other year kids in NY/NJ will get to see michigan and ohio st up close.

michigan and ohio st are HUGE in the City. granted, so is florida, the ped st nambla lions, Syracuse etc...but the fact remains the bars here make a freakin ton of money on college football.

the b1g did a VERY smart thing bringing in rutgers. the columnist is right, he planted his flag here and hes not just visiting.

nor is he trotting out nsewflorida, lville, freakin storz or cincy. hes showcasing some of the biggest horses in the country.

and i wish you people would stop labeling NYC as not a college town. this country isnt built upon by people without educations, and some of the best educations are coming from BCS programs. there are PLENTY of people who follow college football. more than in CNY, more than most places.

you just dont know it, i guess if one is a social shut-in they would think that way. but again, just walk up and down the avenues on a saturday afternoon. go to the UES, the villages, the uws...and tell me what you see.

swofford could rue the day he didnt grab rutgers and make this a 15 team conf, 16 for hoop.

maryland may still have left, but now delany wouldve had to look at storz. but we know, he knows theyre useless so god knows what direction he wouldve had to take.

Agreed for the most part. However, I don't think NYC becomes more of a BiG city than it already is just because Rutgers is in the conference. To get increase interest in the area, Rutgers will need to win. If they don't, I don't see a significant interest boost just because they are playing Penn State, Michigan, and Ohio State.

You're making an awful lot of assumptions here.

While it's logical to assume that a better schedule will bring more people in to the fold, it's illogical to assume that those casual fans will be converted into diehards. If Rutgers doesn't win in the Big 10 right out of the gate (and many of us assume they won't), those casual fans are going to disappear. Quickly.

It's also illogical to assume that playing a docket of better teams will generate a buzz. Syracuse fans are expecting a bigger interest when Clemson and Florida State come to town. No one is assuming packed houses for Duke, Wake Forest, etc. The same can be said for Rutgers. While there will be interest/excitement for Michigan, Ohio State, and maybe Penn State no one will go out of their way to see Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Northwestern, Minnesota, Purdue, Maryland, and even Wisconsin.

You're assuming that there will sellouts game in and game out. Rutgers may be drawing well now. But you're assuming a move to the Big 10 will create an organic football culture that Rutgers has liked for 140+ years. You're expecting the banks of the Raritan to turn into Happy Valley on football Saturdays because of a conference switch? Not likely.

You're also assuming the Rutgers stadium will be expanded once again. Aren't they still paying out the nose for the last expansion.

Your other comment about the games being on TV in NY/NJ. Am I missing something? Were Rutgers games previously blacked out/unavailable in its own home market? If so, that makes my point even more clear. If people in NJ didn't care about Rutgers enough to demand it on TV before, why will they care now?

If they were already available, what difference will it make if the game is on TV or not? The exposure has already been there.

Rutgers averaged 50K last year in a 52K seat stadium playing in the Big East. Its not a big assumption to think they will likely sell out most games with a major upgrade in schedule starting next year. They are already drawing pretty well so only a few thousand extra fans will do it.

If they start selling out consistently and with the influx of BIG 10 money they will be coming into, expansion will absolutely be on the table again in the future. Ofcourse the better they are the more likely/quicker that might happen.

Games were always on TV in their market but now they will also be on the Big 10 network and I think they will have a lot more games with regional/national exposure because of the teams they will be playing. I'm sure most bars/restaurants in the area are more likely to put on a RU/Michigan, Mich St, Penn St, Ohio St, etc matchup then a RU/USF, Uconn, Cinn one as well so even though they were on TV more casual fans will watch the games now.
We all appear delusional if we don't at least acknowledge that Michigan, tOSU, PSU et al coming to Piscataway will create major buzz in and around NYC. Those games will be sellouts - and the local media will be all over it.

One thing I'm uncertain of, however, is whether these games will move local TV ratings at all. Would Michigan v RU in Piscataway be more of a local media draw then if @ the Big House? Maybe the media coverage will increase the local interest and buzz. Which brings me to my final point.

RU must be competitive for this to work. They were competitive in the Big East, but only recently, and they played an EXTREMELY protected schedule. If they get waxed early and often, they will fall to Indiana type football status quickly. Then the local media will mock them - and the game will become nothing more than an excuse for real B1G alumns to get together, get drunk, and watch a beating. If the B1G wants to take Manhattan, they really need RU to make those games interesting. I have watched a lot of incredibly boring B1G football over the years - and it often included one of the big names vs. one of the lessers. If this occurs, then the buzz will remain on the periphery of the City's consciousness. Think BC in Boston.

The B1G is betting a lot on RU - and it is definitely ok to think this is an unwise gamble. RU has over the years give us plenty of reason to think they will f this up.
I don't like Rutgers like most, but with the way they have been recruiting as of late, it will be interesting to see if they really fall on their face in the B1G like everyone thinks.
Rutgers averaged 50K last year in a 52K seat stadium playing in the Big East. Its not a big assumption to think they will likely sell out most games with a major upgrade in schedule starting next year. They are already drawing pretty well so only a few thousand extra fans will do it.

If they start selling out consistently and with the influx of BIG 10 money they will be coming into, expansion will absolutely be on the table again in the future. Ofcourse the better they are the more likely/quicker that might happen.

Games were always on TV in their market but now they will also be on the Big 10 network and I think they will have a lot more games with regional/national exposure because of the teams they will be playing. I'm sure most bars/restaurants in the area are more likely to put on a RU/Michigan, Mich St, Penn St, Ohio St, etc matchup then a RU/USF, Uconn, Cinn one as well so even though they were on TV more casual fans will watch the games now.

Yeah, but if Rutgers doesn't win in the Big 10, will they still sell out? Will they draw at all? You're talking about page 15 when you haven't started page 2.

And again- You're assuming what people will want to see. Casual fans know Ohio State, Michigan, Nebraska for their history. They're not going to assume Rutgers is a great program because of their opponents or their conference affiliation.

You're assuming that Rutgers will be automatically embraced because of their affiliation with prestigious, storied football programs (other than Syracuse).

If Rutgers is successful in the Big 10, they could very well capture a bigger fan base in the area. But for that to happen, Rutgers has to actually develop an offensive and defensive scheme that works in all situations instead of relying on individuals to make plays at random times.
Rutgers averaged 50K last year in a 52K seat stadium playing in the Big East. Its not a big assumption to think they will likely sell out most games with a major upgrade in schedule starting next year. They are already drawing pretty well so only a few thousand extra fans will do it.

If they start selling out consistently and with the influx of BIG 10 money they will be coming into, expansion will absolutely be on the table again in the future. Ofcourse the better they are the more likely/quicker that might happen.

Games were always on TV in their market but now they will also be on the Big 10 network and I think they will have a lot more games with regional/national exposure because of the teams they will be playing. I'm sure most bars/restaurants in the area are more likely to put on a RU/Michigan, Mich St, Penn St, Ohio St, etc matchup then a RU/USF, Uconn, Cinn one as well so even though they were on TV more casual fans will watch the games now.

Where is this major influx of cash coming from?

Assume that the BiG projections of $40 million a year are accurate(& not pie in the sky numbers), that $40 million minus the $5 million they were getting from the Big East subtract another $28 million they take from the student fees, that only nets Rutgers out an additional $7 million a year. Just using the tv $$ for Syracuse doubles the money we'll take in ($20 million minus the $5 mill from Big East) add in playoff money, bowls, ncaa hoopes etc.. and were well above what the rutgers athletic dept pulls in.
We all appear delusional if we don't at least acknowledge that Michigan, tOSU, PSU et al coming to Piscataway will create major buzz in and around NYC. Those games will be sellouts - and the local media will be all over it.

One thing I'm uncertain of, however, is whether these games will move local TV ratings at all. Would Michigan v RU in Piscataway be more of a local media draw then if @ the Big House? Maybe the media coverage will increase the local interest and buzz. Which brings me to my final point.

RU must be competitive for this to work. They were competitive in the Big East, but only recently, and they played an EXTREMELY protected schedule. If they get waxed early and often, they will fall to Indiana type football status quickly. Then the local media will mock them - and the game will become nothing more than an excuse for real B1G alumns to get together, get drunk, and watch a beating. If the B1G wants to take Manhattan, they really need RU to make those games interesting. I have watched a lot of incredibly boring B1G football over the years - and it often included one of the big names vs. one of the lessers. If this occurs, then the buzz will remain on the periphery of the City's consciousness. Think BC in Boston.

The B1G is betting a lot on RU - and it is definitely ok to think this is an unwise gamble. RU has over the years give us plenty of reason to think they will f this up.
cant really argue with any of this.

the thing is, the b1g will now start 'using' Giants Stadium. its in their footprint to do so. i expect a lot of 'preseason' b1g football v a more than worthy opponent.

its easy to do that when youve got a flag planted there.

and that is not good for the ACC.
I don't like Rutgers like most, but with the way they have been recruiting as of late, it will be interesting to see if they really fall on their face in the B1G like everyone thinks.

Agree. We just don't know how they will perform. It's assumed we will flop in the ACC, but we don't think so. It's why this is more of a wait and see type thing.

cant really argue with any of this.

the thing is, the b1g will now start 'using' Giants Stadium. its in their footprint to do so. i expect a lot of 'preseason' b1g football v a more than worthy opponent.

its easy to do that when youve got a flag planted there.

and that is not good for the ACC.

Will they avoid signing up for the SU MetLife games then so as to not help the ACC? I'm still hoping for a 1-1-1 deal with Michigan.

Personally I think this supposed battle between the BiG and the ACC for NYC could eventually increase college athletics interest overall in the city as long as Rutgers and SU are at least competitive.

Will they avoid signing up for the SU MetLife games then so as to not help the ACC? I'm still hoping for a 1-1-1 deal with Michigan.

Personally I think this supposed battle between the BiG and the ACC for NYC could eventually increase college athletics interest overall in the city as long as Rutgers and SU are at least competitive.

1-1-1 with michigan would be aok in my book.

but if michigan plays fla st at Giants Stadium, i hope the Syracuse game isnt on opposite it, because it will get a little annoying watching the game on my cell phone from my seat at the big local event.

Oh Lord
1-1-1 with michigan would be aok in my book.

but if michigan plays fla st at Giants Stadium, i hope the Syracuse game isnt on opposite it, because it will get a little annoying watching the game on my cell phone from my seat at the big local event.

Oh Lord

No worries. We'll be the noon game that early in the season. ;)

It's funny to see B1G fans have a huge beat off party about Jim Delany. His largest accomplishment to date is adding Penn State a couple decades ago. Maybe adding Nebraska but he's whiffed on all other major moves. He couldn't secure Notre Dame - he's been trying for over 20 years. He couldn't get Texas. He couldn't grab UVA and as an alum of UNC - couldn't pull them away from the ACC either. Missing on his two most coveted prizes - UNC and ND and having both in the ACC pisses him off to no end.
His vision on the B1G network is good but he's missing the big pieces for NYC, let Missouri slip through his fingers and into the SEC's control. The St. Louis and KC markets are much more valuable than any additions he's made and when SEC network numbers leak we'll see that the B1G will no longer be thought of as the largest media driven conference. The B1G will continue to be the SEC's B!tch in football and will be the ACC's B1tch in basketball

The Big Ten Network was a grand slam - it changed much in the college athletic scene.

I don't love the guy but give him credit - Jim Delaney is a dynamic force.
It's funny to see B1G fans have a huge beat off party about Jim Delany. His largest accomplishment to date is adding Penn State a couple decades ago. Maybe adding Nebraska but he's whiffed on all other major moves. He couldn't secure Notre Dame - he's been trying for over 20 years. He couldn't get Texas. He couldn't grab UVA and as an alum of UNC - couldn't pull them away from the ACC either. Missing on his two most coveted prizes - UNC and ND and having both in the ACC pisses him off to no end.
His vision on the B1G network is good but he's missing the big pieces for NYC, let Missouri slip through his fingers and into the SEC's control. The St. Louis and KC markets are much more valuable than any additions he's made and when SEC network numbers leak we'll see that the B1G will no longer be thought of as the largest media driven conference. The B1G will continue to be the SEC's B!tch in football and will be the ACC's B1tch in basketball

Adding 2 of the top 10 elite programs in the nation in Penn State and Nebraska was a home run by Delaney and the Big Ten. Rutgers and Maryland were forward thinking adds and will open up major markets for the conference. I think Delaney got a lot of what he wanted this time around and the moves he made will pay off for the Big Ten and put the conference in a great position going forward.

The Big Ten is clearly ahead of the ACC in football(which drives 80% of everything) and pretty even with the ACC in basketball btw.
What a IDIOT - I can't wait for Swofforrd to set up all the ACC tournaments in NYC so we send a message to the idiots Big 10. And how do you plan to do this Delaney? With the GIRLZ (of RUTGIRLZ)???

NYC cares more about college basketball than it does college football. The ACC basketball brands will be more popular in New York City than the Big Ten basketball brands. Rutgers won't deliver New York City. The Big East never even thought that.

The irony of all this is there is a greater chance of Notre Dame delivering Chicago for the ACC than Rutgers delivering New York for the Big Ten. Swofford is focused on New York at the moment, but don't discount Notre Dame's popularity in Chicago.

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