BJ getting pulled after a minute |

BJ getting pulled after a minute


Living Legend
Aug 28, 2011
I know that he bobbled that ball under the basket and turned it over. Was that the only reason Boeheim pulled him, or did he make another mistake that I didn't notice?

If he made multiple mistakes, fair enough. But if he got yanked for that one turnover, I think that's a huge misstep by JB and horrible for confidence building.
I know that he bobbled that ball under the basket and turned it over. Was that the only reason Boeheim pulled him, or did he make another mistake that I didn't notice?

If he made multiple mistakes, fair enough. But if he got yanked for that one turnover, I think that's a huge misstep by JB and horrible for confidence building.
Players need to take advantage of playing time. He and Patterson especially.

I tell my 8 year old daughter the same thing.
Boeheim did the same thing to Joseph when he fumbled the fast break out of bounds within the first couple minutes of the game. It always feels so humiliating when he does that. The players look devastated. He did it to Christmas, too . . . . and now look at him.

Coaching is beyond my keth and ken.
Players need to take advantage of playing time. He and Patterson especially.

I tell my 8 year old daughter the same thing.
That's strange...Cooney can make enough mistakes to account for an ESPN top 10 bloopers segment and still stay in the game. Just sayin'
That's strange...Cooney can make enough mistakes to account for an ESPN top 10 bloopers segment and still stay in the game. Just sayin'

It's funny cause it's true. Roberson looked to be the designated 'quick hook guy' this year until Chris McC went down and now look at him. Playing like a man.
OrangeinBoston said:
That's strange...Cooney can make enough mistakes to account for an ESPN top 10 bloopers segment and still stay in the game. Just sayin'

Maybe because he does 10x more positive and also impacts the ability of others to get open looks?
When they know they are getting the hook after one mistake they don't play loose or confident, which has been readily apparent. I wish JB would give them 5 minutes to get into the flow of the game before deciding they don't have it on any given night.
syr14 said:
BJ, Buss, Kaleb... They all need to work on their mental toughness. JB has always coached the same way. If they are too fragile they are playing for the wrong coach.

Yep. It's this x1000.

JB is a master at developing that in players. And it's done through tough hooks after mistakes, absorbing and correcting mistakes, and dealing with his verbal missiles. You either fight and get better - or transfer.
When they know they are getting the hook after one mistake they don't play loose or confident, which has been readily apparent. I wish JB would give them 5 minutes to get into the flow of the game before deciding they don't have it on any given night.
It's too late if he gives them 5 minutes of game flow. Make plays where JB can trust you out there. Otherwise, see the pine.

If you haven't learned this by now, then it's too late for you too...
That's strange...Cooney can make enough mistakes to account for an ESPN top 10 bloopers segment and still stay in the game. Just sayin'
It's not that strange. Cooney was a weapon last night. When you are your team's main weapon and play 40 minutes, you are going to be forgiven a few mistakes. You can't seriously compare Cooney v. Patterson or Johnson. I am not down on them...but they need to step it up and I think they have the talent to do so. Boeheim showed he still had confidence in Patterson at the end of the game... probably because the guy shows up in practice.
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You could just see BJ on the bench agonizing over that one mistake. Just let the kid play through it so he doesn't obsess over it.

What really sucks is that Rak's performance this year will seen as an affirmation of that behavior by JB. I would argue Rak is who he is despite JB, not because of the quick hooks early in his career. I'd love to hear Rak on this subject, after a couple drinks...

I bet President Obama, who may be the greatest President of our lifetimes, would have some interesting thoughts on this as well.***
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What really sucks is that Rak's performance this year will seen as an affirmation of that behavior by JB. I would argue Rak is who he is despite JB, not because of the quick hooks early in his career. I'd love to hear Rak on this subject, after a couple drinks...

OR did it just delay Rak's progression to this year when he finally doesn't get the quick hook? I think we are seeing just a shell of some of these guys because they have one eye on the bench afraid to make a mistake ala Rak until this year.
What really sucks is that Rak's performance this year will seen as an affirmation of that behavior by JB. I would argue Rak is who he is despite JB, not because of the quick hooks early in his career. I'd love to hear Rak on this subject, after a couple drinks...

Or Mike Hopkins on the subject, without the drinks.
Not even sure if he was pulled because of the bobble though. It was right before the 8min TO so I think JB just wanted to give G an extra minute or so of rest.

I think we have to deal with the fact that this is our 6 going forward unless Rak fouls out (Obokoh time) or there's (knock on wood) another injury.

Hell, we even saw Patterson at the 3 last night vs. a team with a bunch of trees. I think if G gets in foul trouble we might see the 3 guard lineup with BJ on the bench.
What really sucks is that Rak's performance this year will seen as an affirmation of that behavior by JB. I would argue Rak is who he is despite JB, not because of the quick hooks early in his career. I'd love to hear Rak on this subject, after a couple drinks...

Well, we have gone 10 minutes without anyone playing the "JB is beyond reproach" card in response to this post. Maybe people are still sleeping in due to the snow day in the Northeast?
You could just see BJ on the bench agonizing over that one mistake. Just let the kid play through it so he doesn't obsess over it.

matter of consistency. if you're gonna bench a kid for bobbling a layup (kj) then bench a kid for blowing a dunk (mgb).
I hate that he does it. Let the kid play through a mistake or two. Maybe he gets a chance to get comfortable. We've seen it happen in the past where JB's hand is forced by injury and a guy getting no minutes ends up being solid (Nichols during his sophomore year is the example I always use). I wish JB would see this and realize how tight guys play when they're constantly looking over their shoulder.
The guy has to make plays when he gets his chance....he goes in and fumbles what would have been a sure two points. Then later after G fouled out he was back in and was getting tossed around by the Carolina bigs.

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