Boeheim RE: Ennis & NBA | Page 3 |

Boeheim RE: Ennis & NBA

Yup. Just ask Marcus Smart.

Smart is a poor example. Because whether he demonstrated improvement in his game or not sophomore year, he was never going to improve his stock from last year. He had nowhere to go but down, he knew that, and still made the decision to return.

That he's also shot so poorly and potentially hurt himself even more with the altercation this weekend doesn't change the above. Nor should it be a deterrent to others evaluating whether they should stay or go.
If Grant and Ennis are back... Im not sure how we arent #1.

Without Grant... we have a lot to prove on how we will score points.

If Parker and Hood could come back, Duke would probably be right there. (Not like i think Parker is coming back)

If Ennis is a lotto pick; I don't see him improving his stock much if he comes back. He's not going to be any more athletic 12 months from now.
If I have to choose one as an SU fan, I easilly choose Ennis every time. I think Roberson can replace Grant pretty effectively, though I'd love to have Grant back.

"We feel Hobbs can fill your position quite nicely..."
IMO both Grant and Ennis will be back UNLESS we get to the Final Four. In that case they will be so hot on the draft charts they will have to go.
If Grant comes back along with Ennis, we'd be preseason #1.

PG-Ennis, Joseph
SG-Cooney, Gbinije, Patterson, Johnson
SF-Roberson, Gbinije, Johnson
PF-Grant, McCollough
C- Christmas, Coleman, Obokoh

We'd be freaking loaded even if Grant DOESN'T come back. Which for the record, I hope he does.
Y'know, I said this last week and you'd think I'd mooned the Pope. The only way we lose Grant or Ennis is if they pick up an entourage or if we get the National Championship. However, if both Ennis and Grant stay, I honestly think we'll lose one of the sons.
I'm not suggesting McCullough would start over Grant though. I'm curious why Roberson would start over McCullough.

I don't have any insider knowledge, but it doesn't seem to me like McCullough is a recruit going somewhere to come off the bench.
My take on Roberson is that he's a wing 3, whereas McCullough (who will come in at 6'10") will be a PF.
There are many factors which figure into players making the jump. Among them is certainly how this season pans out for the team. Players have been known to make the decision to return based on their belief that they can contend for a National Championship and/or they will be an important component in making that happen for their team. One year several Florida players decided to return in the belief that they could win 2 in a row and they were able to realize their goal.

The flip side of the coin is that once a Chip has been won, nothing left to prove at this level, might as well move on. I would tend to believe that the decisions made by both Ennis and Grant will to some extent factor in the note that this team ends the season on.
Couple things here. I think this is the beginning of JB's lobbying effort to get Ennis back. Not sure he has a lot of lobbying to do. Ennis coming back is a business decision. If I'm Ennis, I want to be the guy the NBA team builds around. So you have to be more of a finished product to get an NBA GM to make that jump from a playing being a piece of the puzzle, to the centerpiece of the puzzle. You essentially force the GM's hand.

JB is referring to guys that go first round that GM;s are essentially hoping to develop, knowing it may not pan out. Ennis needs to prove he can shoot, get stronger and also become more explosive in the transition game. He's great, but there's more to get better at to be the centerpiece of an NBA team. He can go this year, but he's it may be a stretch at this point to convince an NBA GM to build around him.

Grant is a different situation, he's never going to be he centerpiece, he has role player NBA journeyman written all over him. May not be much upside to staying. We'll see how it pans out.

and FWIW, McCullough ain't coming off no bench unless he lays a complete egg when he gets here.
I'm thinking Grant and McCullough start next year with Grant at the 3 (remember, he's supposed to be developing his outside shot next year). Roberson comes off the bench and Grant slides over to PF. I don't see JB playing both Roberson and McCullough together (maybe a few minutes on occasion) in order to keep more experience on the floor. Besides, Rak can cover the 4 while DC and Chino are in there. If Grant goes in the draft, Roberson/McCullough is an awful young front court to replace CJ and Jerami.

In an alternate universe, I'm thinking Grant starts at the 3 with Rak at the 4 and DC in the middle, at least for 4-5 minutes, then the shifting begins to rotate in Roberson and McCullough. It all depends on DC's evolution on defense. What think?-VBOF
Disagree. If he's a lottery pick now and comes back the same player meaning he doesn't have an outside game at all or doesn't bulk up he'll be a year older. He gets drafted now because of potential and athleticism. One year later can make a difference in the draft.

If he comes back, he's a consensus first team AA. He'll be a top 5 pick. Anyway, let's see how it all pans out...
Has JB commented publicly on other players facing this decision? Would seem he and the Ennis family are on the same page, otherwise don't think he would have commented (and thus hurt TE's draft propects).
JB has said that neither Ennis or Grant are ready for the NBA.
If Grant comes back with Ennis we'll be one of the most dominant teams in the last 2 decades of college basketball, if not the most dominant.

3 potential lottery picks in CM, JG and TE.

Who knows if Cooney or Xmas could end up drafted.

Johnson, Buss and Roberson are all studs waiting for a real shot.

Oh and spiderman (Gbinije).

And learners like KJII and Chino, we'd be incredible.
I look at the 2012 nba first round and there a bunch of names that dont seem to be doing much 2 years into their career. but the NBA likes to reach for kids too.

I think the NBA is getting tired of it. That's why less and less money goes to rookie contracts after every time they update the collective bargaining agreement. The league would love to have better trained, more mature players, but it's kind of like baseball owners not trusting each other (because it would be collusion) - "somebody's going to take him, it might as well be me!" Do you think he'll turn pro after the season is over?

Boeheim: I don't think so. I think he knows and his father knows that he's a really good college player. He has to become a better shooter and get stronger to go to the next level. He'd go in the first round, but look at the number of first-round picks who are already out of the league in the last two years. It's a huge number.

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He's actually better in the areas that Jb mentions than MCW was at this time last year. I hope he's right but at the same time it sounds like wishful thinking.
I like seeing JB already coming out and saying this. I think the plan all along was for Ennis to be 2 and done. With that said Ennis does drive a pimped out BMW SUV with "NBA STAR" license plates. That did give me some pause

As for Grant, it's not even a discussion he is gone.
You would start Roberson over McCullough? I think McCullough starts next season regardless of who's on the roster.

It was more of a position depth chart, not necessarily who would start [I have a few players listed at multiple positions].

In terms of who starts--may the best players win. We'd have lots of depth and versatility. Lots of answers in that lineup.

If both Ennis and Grant return, the sky is literally the limit for that team.
FairfaxOrange said:
If he comes back, he's a consensus first team AA. He'll be a top 5 pick. Anyway, let's see how it all pans out...

What makes him a top 5 pick next year if he comes back? If his jumper doesn't improve he'll be in Donte Greene territory when it comes to the draft, and if he's there he should stay for his senior year, he does that he's in CJ Fair draft territory.

The NBA drafts players based on potential a majority time when it comes to the lottery, he stays and doesn't improve it begins to look like he's close to maxing out his potential and if he improves just a little bit and his jumper is still garbage he made a huge mistake by staying.
He's actually better in the areas that Jb mentions than MCW was at this time last year. I hope he's right but at the same time it sounds like wishful thinking.

He's also worse in a lot of areas, and I think MCW's game just translates much better to the pro game than Ennis'.
Melancer46 said:
He's also worse in a lot of areas, and I think MCW's game just translates much better to the pro game than Ennis'.


I don't think I've seen Ennis push the ball during a fast break more than once. That has to be frustrating for a NBA gm to see as that's a huge part of the game.

I don't think Ennis is quick enough or strong enough to finish in the NBA either.

That said he is the perfect 1 for us and I'm glad he's on our team. I want him to stay not just for selfish reasons but I think it would benefit him more in the long run. Grant on the other hand I would want to stay only for selfish reasons. If I was him I'd be lining up agents for the day I could sign one. Do you think he'll turn pro after the season is over?

Boeheim: I don't think so. I think he knows and his father knows that he's a really good college player. He has to become a better shooter and get stronger to go to the next level. He'd go in the first round, but look at the number of first-round picks who are already out of the league in the last two years. It's a huge number.

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You only get one shot at playing college ball. One shot for your whole life!
He's also worse in a lot of areas, and I think MCW's game just translates much better to the pro game than Ennis'.

That's an understatement. MCW's game for some reason works twice as better in the NBA than college. I think it's his size, frame, speed, and the way that he thinks. Ennis is a great guard with unbelievable IQ and ice in his veins. But I think he needs one more year in college to build up his strength and outside shooting. He's amazing but not quite as dynamic as MCW. MCW had a killer instinct that translated really well at the next level.
Roberson has a year in the system to get to know the defense. JB will start whomever has the best gripes of his philosophy regardless of preseason hype. Plus, JB likes to have a 6th man who is really a starter, but come off the bench to pickup the team's energy. If Grant and Ennis staY I think the starting lineup is

C- Coleman

6th/7th guys Roberson/McCollough, 8th guy Gbinije, 9th/10th Patterson/Johnson.

I think it's pretty unlikely Grant will stay. Ennis is a 50/50 bet. Fair is 100% chance he's going!
Dave85 said:
That's an understatement. MCW's game for some reason works twice as better in the NBA than college. I think it's his size, frame, speed, and the way that he thinks. Ennis is a great guard with unbelievable IQ and ice in his veins. But I think he needs one more year in college to build up his strength and outside shooting. He's amazing but not quite as dynamic as MCW. MCW had a killer instinct that translated really well at the next level.

The three point line further out opens the floor more as well. Better shooters all all positions opens the lane up more as well.

One part of his game I thought MCW would have changed was taking bad shots as he has better shooters around him. Unfortunately he still takes shots he shouldn't. Not bashing him as he is my second favorite NBA player but with his skill set there is no reason he shouldn't be averaging 10-12 assists a game. Even at his age and at this point of the year. No excuse he's taking 20 shots or more a game.
The three point line further out opens the floor more as well. Better shooters all all positions opens the lane up more as well.

One part of his game I thought MCW would have changed was taking bad shots as he has better shooters around him. Unfortunately he still takes shots he shouldn't. Not bashing him as he is my second favorite NBA player but with his skill set there is no reason he shouldn't be averaging 10-12 assists a game. Even at his age and at this point of the year. No excuse he's taking 20 shots or more a game.

I haven't seen MCW play much in the NBA. But one aspect of his game I really loved was when someone picked his pocket he doubled his effort on defense and usually stole the ball back from the same guy. I have not seen many players have that tenacity in that situation. It seemed like MCW did that a lot last year. I just like how competitive he was even with the mistakes.

Another big difference between MCW and Ennis is when MCW drove to the lane he was going to end the play with a hard dunk. Ennis is more a finger roll type player. I like Ennis a lot. I think he's awesome. There were a lot of times when I would cringe with MCW. But with Ennis, he so good handling the ball it's amazing in itself.
If they stay, there is going to be alot of sore a$$es from riding pine. There is simply not enough minutes to go around after the cupcakes have been played.

If Rak stays, he will be on the court unless in foul trouble. JB will trust him more than any other big to man the back of the zone and his offense is getting better and would have to assume it will be better before the start of next season. He's not a heavy big and does not get winded as quickly as AO/RJ/Fab did. Somewhere around 30-35 minutes imo.

Grant already plays 35+ minutes a game and with CJ gone, I don't see that number going down.

McCullough is probably our highest rated and best PF recruit since Melo and will get the other starting forward position. As long as he is not a liability on defense, he's gonna get 20-30 minutes a game. I'll go with 25 for this scenario.

Cooney will get the same five minutes of rest a game that he get's this season. Unless a sub catches fire or the team goes on a run while he's catching his breath, he will get 35 minutes a game.

Ennis, we all know he will be out there close to the whole game. 35-40 minutes is a safe bet.

That leaves 40 minutes for subs to play.

Roberson will see most of the remaining minutes in the front court. My guess is about 20 a game.

Coleman will sub for Rak if he gets in foul trouble or for a quick blow that coincides with a TV timeout. Maybe 5 minutes a game. JB still does not trust him on defense in the middle and will be in no hurry to push him and his sore knees.

KJ2 will relieve TE from time to time, but so will Silent G. I see KJ playing about 3 minutes a game.

Silent G will play 1-2 minutes at the point and will also get 5 more minutes of run while Cooney's out. May aslo see some minutes out on the wing. I say he plays 12 minutes a game.

Patterson and BJ will battle each other in practice for playing time in games if any becomes available. Both would have to steal minutes from either Cooney or Bjnije. Johnson could also fill in on the wing ifwe went small or wanted two shooters on the court.

Obokoh may see minutes if Coleman's knees don't hold up.

Man it's nice to have a deep, quality bench. I think our reserves would beat a few top 25 teams and probably be ranked.

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