Breakdown: 'FOR' the move, versus 'AGAINST' |

Breakdown: 'FOR' the move, versus 'AGAINST'

Zelda Zonk

2022 Iggy Winner: ACC Tourney Record
Sep 1, 2011
I'm wondering how the sentiment breaks down, relative to forum member ages.

I'm from the class of '89. So, I've got 26-ish years of "SU is a BE school" chiseled into my head. But, if we had switched conferences when I was a freshman, not having any history or personal acquaintance with the traditions, I'm pretty sure such a move would have meant very little to me.

As it stands, I kinda hate it, and I'm certain it will take some time for me to get used to the idea— if I ever do.
All tradition and easy road travel aside I don't see it as a bad move. Sometimes you just have to blend in to the way things are around you. The competition in college and NBA basketball has gotten so much tougher the last decade. Rutgers and uconn still don't have a real football program. They have a combined 1/5th of the tradition of cuse football. Got to Feel bad for West Virginia though.

Its not like playing Louisville, at Uconn, at Nova was always successfull over the years.
Gtown we really should grab that rivalry and play once a year around Jan/Feb. If they play us in Nov early december our edge will be even greater.
Class of 73 and I hate it but we have no choice. ACC North is no better than Atlantic 10. They will both probably send the same number of teams to the dance.
I'm probably the oldest guy on the board and attended games at Manley, so was a fan at the birth of the BE in 79'... I have "Eastern Basketball" magazines from the early 70s. I think it's the worst thing imaginable to be thrown in with the ACC and my heart is broken right now. Will miss Georgetown, Nova, Uconn, Marquette, St. Johns, Louisville, Notre Dame, West Virginia and all the rest that made up the best basketball conference in the country... What really was satisfying for me was after so many years of mediocrity, people started to call us the "Big Least".. That is when I knew we had arrived! When I look over the teams currently in the ACC and subtract UNC and dook, then see what's left, i'm left wondering if we really made a smart move??? But life goes on (it's only a sport).
Im 19 and i love it. i mean i just started watching SU sports as a hardcore fan aroud 2004-05 (yes i watched a lot of the 2003 basketball season...but you know...carmelo anthony). I'm gonna love seeing SU play North Carolina and Duke every year. And i hate to say it but the SU-GT rivalry hasn't been all that great this past decade. It's been more SU-UConn.. and Nova i suppose.

For football i figure it'll be slightly tougher but i'd be more worried if it were marrone's 1st year, not going into his 5th(?) with 2 years of telling recruits we'll be in a better, more stable ACC. I don't know how the whole money thing works but considering we should be make about 4 times what we were(said in another thread), do you think it will help with upgrading the athletic facilities?

Oh...and we'll be in the only lacrosse "Conference" that matters.
I'm 29, been a fan since I moved to Syracuse in 1989, and have continued to be a fan ever since, even since I moved to ATL (doesn't hurt when your brother - D wright, played for Cuse despite his disappointing tenure there). I don't give a rats ass about the BE. I will be a loyal Cuse fan till I die. The rest of you can support whatever team or conference we AREN'T in. But I won't.

I am here:,-84.363420
I'm probably the oldest guy on the board ...

No. You are not. I think SWC is 102 and GOSU is 87 ;)

I hear CTO is only 39 though.

As to the thread, it really doesn't matter. It is what it is. It certainly means I will have an obligation to visit minicuse more often :p
I'm 28, and this was an important move for the school. If Marrone can't recruit now...
I am in my 40s. My earliest memories of SU hoops are games against St. Johns, the loss to Gtown that "closed" Manley and the 3OT win against Nova to win the '81 BET. For me SU hoops has always been the Big East, it hurts to see that end and to potentially lose rivalries against those teams. I've reconciled by concluding that the move to the ACC hurts less than if some other group of 2 or 3 BE teams had left first and left us in dying conference. If the BE truly survives I suppose it will be painful longer than if ultimately meets its demise, at least from the perspective of the football playing schools.
Class of 67 here. That puts me in the category of Archibald in the snow and JB in the back court with Bing at Manley. I'm going to miss some of the old traditions/rivalries like St John's games in the Garden, G-town anywhere and the Big East tourney in NYC. I thought the world would end when Penn St. went to the Big 10 but I survived that. Times change. G-town is a shadow of the John Thompson days. The Big East is run by an idiot...letting ND vote on a TV contract! Really! Time will tell how we do in the ACC but it was the right move at the right time.
"Alright, times up, let's do this. Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy JJJjjjjjenkinsss."

I have "Eastern Basketball" magazines from the early 70s.

Remember the "Whispers" section? My favorite part. Great mag for the times.
Remember the "Whispers" section? My favorite part. Great mag for the times.

Whispers section was great. That was the hoops 'internet' of its day. Big East Briefs, too. I was crushed when EB stopped publication.
I'm wondering how the sentiment breaks down, relative to forum member ages.

I'm from the class of '89. So, I've got 26-ish years of "SU is a BE school" chiseled into my head. But, if we had switched conferences when I was a freshman, not having any history or personal acquaintance with the traditions, I'm pretty sure such a move would have meant very little to me.

As it stands, I kinda hate it, and I'm certain it will take some time for me to get used to the idea— if I ever do.

Class of 93. Love it. Places Syracuse at the big boy table for generations, in a league with like minded schools (for the most part) where we can compete and win.
Class of '71. I don't like it, but I recognize the necessity. At least we will now never go to the Big10/11/12.
Class of '71. I don't like it, but I recognize the necessity. At least we will now never go to the Big10/11/12.
I have been a huge fan since the late 60's. I love the decision. I am looking forward to playing in the ACC with great anticipation. The big east was dying.
I'm 20 followed SU since 1997 I hate the move for our basketball rivalries but love it for football where we have no major rivals
I'm wondering how the sentiment breaks down, relative to forum member ages.

I'm from the class of '89. So, I've got 26-ish years of "SU is a BE school" chiseled into my head. But, if we had switched conferences when I was a freshman, not having any history or personal acquaintance with the traditions, I'm pretty sure such a move would have meant very little to me.

As it stands, I kinda hate it, and I'm certain it will take some time for me to get used to the idea— if I ever do.
I'm an oldie. When I was at the Cuse there was no Dome. Only Archbold & Manley. I, too remeber Eastern Basketball, back then the best & almost only source of recruiting news amongst other things.

In isolation, I would hate the move. However, the landscape is changing. I believe the move is a necessity. The only question is do we grab our seat at the table right now or should we have put it off for awhile longer (& hope that the seat would still be there down the road). If one truly believes that change is inevitable and that at some point there will be 4 super-conferences & a bunch of wannabes, then it is hard to justify staying with the wannabes any longer.

There simply aren't enough NE football schools to build a conference wo Papa State. When they were rejected from the BE & subsequently went to the Big Ten the die was cast. Now the best there is that might be available is an eastern seaboard conference, Oh, yeah, one is called the ACC.
This move is clearly one of the best things to happen to the institution that is Syracuse University...they've really struck gold here...and at its current day price! Dr. Gross could not have been more accurate when he stated Sunday was a great (if not historic) day for the University & securing its future.

I'm an old(er) timer...pre Carrier Dome...SU has come a long way baby since those ECAC games of the week! :)
Class of 73 and I hate it but we have no choice. ACC North is no better than Atlantic 10. They will both probably send the same number of teams to the dance.

I agree with Alaska on this one, SU was backed against a wall. If we did not leave, ACC would have taken Uconn, and we would be in their shoes wondering what's next. Now we know we have stability for awhile now and can sit back and watch everyone else scramble.

I have been extremely disappointed with the Big East basketball format for years. Everything has lost it's luster during the regular season compared to the 80's and 90's. Too many teams from different geographic areas which prevent building rivalries. At least with the North ACC division, we will be from the same geographic area and renewing old rivalries with BC, VT, maybe Miami while also sustaining one with Pitt and building new ones with MD and UVA. Better than trying to build rivalries with Marquette, Cincy, Louisville, Notre Dame, USF with no hope of one ever existing with Seton Hall, Providence and Rutgers.
Class of '89 here. Loved the BE in the 80s and 90s. Love this move even better. 100% on board. Only angst is that we have to wait 27 @#&#^ months to leave.
I'm wondering how the sentiment breaks down, relative to forum member ages.

I'm from the class of '89. So, I've got 26-ish years of "SU is a BE school" chiseled into my head. But, if we had switched conferences when I was a freshman, not having any history or personal acquaintance with the traditions, I'm pretty sure such a move would have meant very little to me.

As it stands, I kinda hate it, and I'm certain it will take some time for me to get used to the idea— if I ever do.
Class of 1985. My head says the move is a great one, was desperately needed and was an absolute no-brainer.

My heart is in complete disagreement. Feel bad for the schools we are leaving, feel bad for losing the long standing rivalries we all worked so hard to build from over the years, feel bad for losing the BET experience, feel bad for losing so much of the tradition we have been able to build in my lifetime.

I felt the same way in 2003.

I also know without question it will be to our advantage if UConn, Rutgers and West Virginia do not get invitations to the ACC and their programs are marginalized by this. But I still want them in the ACC, so it has a strong NE presence and so we can retain some of what we had in the Big East.

And I want to still play GTown, Nova and St Johns on an annual basis, even if this is not always going to be in our interest to do so. And so we can retain some of the past, along with all the good things the future brings being a member of the ACC.
nearing retirement...and frankly, both saddened and pleased with the move. I have gone through all the ups and downs of the BE and the jumbling together of BBALL only and FTball + bball schools...let's not forget Syracuse is both...and so much more as an institution. I would have liked the BE to remain as it was...and perhaps add ND or some other high level university...but once the media contract was not approved I sort of knew what was coming...although a lawyer by education; advertising exec and sports manager by a resident of Florida with a widespread consulting group I can say...good for 'Cuse to have gotten out...of the BE and over to the ACC...academically as well as sports encompassing...Bball, football, Lax etc...we are where we should be...
Born and raised in CNY, grew up on Pearl, Sherm, DC, Seikaly, Owens, etc. I understand why this had to happen but I still hate it. My father took me to my first Big East tournament in 82 @ HCC, and it's been a yearly tradition in my family every year since, the memories are countless over that span, and it saddens me that it will now come to an end. Excursions to NC, ATL, etc. have no hope of comparing.

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