I, admittedly, got into the show very late in the game. I took advantage of this weekend's marathon to catch up on all the key moments prior to this season so I could be primed for last evening. I am so glad I did that. It made the finale that much sweeter, and also a major bummer. I will be buying the full Blu-Ray set, that's a fact.
I knew the minute Lydia stirred her coffee that Walt had got her. Artificially sweet revenge!!
I am so glad that Jesse got to off Todd with his bare hands. That scene was intense. You knew the minute he got up off the floor what he was going to do with those chains.
It was great how Walt shielded Jesse at the end and got him out of there. Those skinhead bastards deserved to go out as a bloody mess.
I think one of my favorite scenes from the series was when they blew up Gus and he walked out of the the freakin room like nothing happened. I was like 'you have got to be KIDDING me! This guy is Teflon!'. Then they reveal the Harvey Dent face. OMG!!
The best thing for me is that I still haven't seen every episode, so going back and reliving it will be a treat.
Great show. Great finale. But where's all that money the skinheads stole?