His reconstruction/re-branding of the JMA Dome has been masterful.
His decision to hire Fran Brown was inspired.
He handled the Jim Boeheim retirement well.
And his transformation of the Athletic Department into a first rate operation has been impressive.
John Wildhack has been an outstanding AD.
The BB program will be back.
While you do make a couple good points, you also have a remarkable ability to only tell one side of the story in your evaluations of coaches and administrators.
First to add the positive, I also give him and Mike Paulus credit for the fundraising for new football complex. Athletics fundraising hasn't been easy at SU in the past and they did a great job with that.
While I think most posters, except those who just won't cut ADJW any slack, realize that there were internal politics involved in the JB transition, I can't rate that as handling the JB retirement well. At best, it's in the middle.
While I think there was a lot of internal and fan pressure to give Dino a contract extension, that ultimately didn't work out. In any managerial profession, you're ultimately judged on whether decisions work out, not whether they made sense at the time.
I think we were way behind other schools in the transition to NIL. Yes it appears that we were trying to play by the rules and do NIL as what it's intended to be, which I respect. But we're behind other schools.
I can't say that Gary Gait has resurrected the men's lacrosse program like many had hoped. Sure they have gotten better, but I think many had expected more than one quarterfinal NCAA game by this point with the resources SU has.
ADJW was very lucky to survive how the Hillsman women's basketball situation was handled.
Coach Quentin Hillsman is accused of bullying and threatening players and inappropriate physical contact.
There was a transition in the women's lacrosse coaching staff last year that sparked a lot of rumors.
In both of the above situations, I think ADJW is very lucky SU is a private school and doesn't have to comply with open records requests from the media.
The softball, women's soccer and volleyball coaches who have all been hired during his tenure have been basically disasters. Not as many follow the Olympic sports, but they are still part of the job.