Very excited about Frank. Can't wait to see how quickly he adjusts to the zone. I'm not expecting much offensively but hopefully he can protect the rim, get some rebounds and give JB (and Sid) 10-15m. That will allow MD to do his thing at PF and avoid fouls.And then last week we finished our 2020 class with Frank...
Ummm noThey are great pickups yes, but we are Syracuse, and this is what we should be getting year in and year out. We have never had more 3 stars than 4 stars on our roster like the current situation. We have always had 1 or 2 5-stars on the team, followed by 7 or 8 4-stars and 3-4 3-stars.
The late signing period may have ended, not sure on the calendar dates. Which means he doesn't sign an NLI, he just shows up to or enrolls in a summer session on campusAt the risk of sounding impertinent or worse stupid, why doesn’t his heading show “committed/signed” like our other 2020 recruits? Is he signed? Is there a COVID-19 reason he’s not signed? Don’t they just fax these NLIs in? Again, sorry if I missed something just curious that’s all.
As my mother would say, “Should I worry?”
He should be fine. The 2020 NLI D-1 BB signing period has been extended from May 20th to August 1.The late signing period may have ended, not sure on the calendar dates. Which means he doesn't sign an NLI, he just shows up to or enrolls in a summer session on campus
Thank you, wonder if he will bother w signing one before enrolling? Not signing one means he can still be recruited.He should be fine. The 2020 NLI D-1 BB signing period has been extended from May 20th to August 1.
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I think that only the bench will truly allow MD to avoid fouls.Very excited about Frank. Can't wait to see how quickly he adjusts to the zone. I'm not expecting much offensively but hopefully he can protect the rim, get some rebounds and give JB (and Sid) 10-15m. That will allow MD to do his thing at PF and avoid fouls.
Frankie Block Partyreally feel like Big Frank is gonna be a key guy for us
Pterodactyl wing span...block party baby! Hopefully a willing rebounder and athletic enough to move and cover the areas of our zone. I like it!
How does Frankie's brow compare?For reference Anthony Davis has a 7-6 wingspan vs Frank's 7-5.
Yeah, I think since it seemed like it all kinda came out of nowhere and his rankings were weird between the reclass, we'd normally be more excited about this level of a recruit than we've shown. Especially for a 5.I’m really excited about Frank. People forget that he was a top 75 recruit in 2021 and trending up.
Disagree. Love Edwards’ upside.Very high likelihood that Edwards redshirts or transfers. He was brought in for depth just like Howard Washington. I wish him the best of luck in whatever happens.
In the limited highlights his athleticism and aggressive nature provide optimism. Other than Guerrier we lack tough inside players. Sid and Edwards are more finesse type players.Frank is way better than any of the Centers we have signed in recent memory. Real good player, love the pickup.