CBA-Albany vs CBA-Syracuse for AA State championship Saturday at the Dome | Page 3 |

CBA-Albany vs CBA-Syracuse for AA State championship Saturday at the Dome

Plenty of public schools have ”recruited” also. I know parents unfortunately who have done it for their kids. They rent apts, give their “aunts” addresses in the district, hire their parents etc and there are a number who conversely were recruited from private schools to attend a public school. My son had an All American teammate at his public school who lived in a different district. My son in Texas has his children attending the district he teaches at but doesn’t live in - they aren’t big athletes either - it’s for convenience and a better academic public district. Many do it for the coaching - public school unions usually require a coach to be a teacher in the district or in the union while the private schools can hire coaches for coaching ability only - parents make choices. Look at the recruits who have attended multiple high schools for their 4 years - private and public.Parents are making the decisions for their kids, whether one agrees or not.
Cough cough skaneateles
Plenty of public schools have ”recruited” also. I know parents unfortunately who have done it for their kids. They rent apts, give their “aunts” addresses in the district, hire their parents etc and there are a number who conversely were recruited from private schools to attend a public school. My son had an All American teammate at his public school who lived in a different district. My son in Texas has his children attending the district he teaches at but doesn’t live in - they aren’t big athletes either - it’s for convenience and a better academic public district. Many do it for the coaching - public school unions usually require a coach to be a teacher in the district or in the union while the private schools can hire coaches for coaching ability only - parents make choices. Look at the recruits who have attended multiple high schools for their 4 years - private and public.Parents are making the decisions for their kids, whether one agrees or not.
Very good points.
Cassamento at CBA who was the former Henninger coach that put CBA on the map. He got plenty of the kids in the Syracuse City schools to attend. Guys like Bruce Williams, Lavar Lobdell. Paulus would have gone to CBA regardless just like his brothers before him. That is what started it and the rest is history, the coaches drive it, much like Bruce does now.

Whine about it all you like. There are also a ton of really good athletes that have gone to CBA in the last 20 years because they want to play there and their parents want them to attend school there as well, make no mistake about that. They weren't "recruited" there. Good sports and academics is attractive for parents and student and lets face it the four high schools in the City aren't what they use to be.
"the high schools in the city arent what they use to be"

like in the 50's?? they have been HORRIBLE since i was a kid in the 80's/90's.
Get the private schools out of here. The amount of sectional games I played against Syracuse private schools while I was at lil ole HP was laughable. Go play in your own playoffs.
All what, 3-4 of them?
I remember when CBA Syracuse used to play Dolgeville in the sectionals. I think the privates are going to have a run for a while. In fact I fear for the future of football at public schools in NY, especially at the lower levels.
When I was in high school, all the Syracuse city schools' players played together on one team. Otherwise there wouldn't have been enough.

I went to Nottingham, and I have significantly more pictures in a Corcoran jersey than my own school in my yearbook.

Smaller towns might be able to pool together for funds and players to keep football going. But it's a definite step backwards if they have to do that.
Plenty of public schools have ”recruited” also. I know parents unfortunately who have done it for their kids. They rent apts, give their “aunts” addresses in the district, hire their parents etc and there are a number who conversely were recruited from private schools to attend a public school. My son had an All American teammate at his public school who lived in a different district. My son in Texas has his children attending the district he teaches at but doesn’t live in - they aren’t big athletes either - it’s for convenience and a better academic public district. Many do it for the coaching - public school unions usually require a coach to be a teacher in the district or in the union while the private schools can hire coaches for coaching ability only - parents make choices. Look at the recruits who have attended multiple high schools for their 4 years - private and public.Parents are making the decisions for their kids, whether one agrees or not.
If switching schools gives your kid a better shot at a scholarship, either through better coaching or more exposure, you have to do it.

A scholarship and admission to a top100 University is worth incalculable dollars. Forget about the tuition itself... All the ancillary benefits far outweigh the degree.
Albany or Syracuse CBA?
Syracuse, early 00s. An adult from the CBA side came over to me while I was on third and said he'd like to talk to me after the game about what I was doing next year. He did, and I told him I was just a scrawny undersized senior that had a good hitting day. We both laughed and wished each other the best, and that was that. My parents thought it was weird and my coach was very angry, but I thought it was funny. Definitely bold, but nothing untowards or aggressive about it; I always think of that whenever I hear about how CBA didn't try to pluck players.
Get the private schools out of here. The amount of sectional games I played against Syracuse private schools while I was at lil ole HP was laughable. Go play in your own playoffs.

One possible issue with that is that much of Upstate NY is sparsely populated, so some private schools with football teams end up playing against nothing but public schools -which works out well because in a sparsely populated area recruiting is fairly pointless in a sport like football. Another issue is joint programs - Binghamton and Seton Catholic Central run numerous joint athletic programs including football. Does that make it a “public” or “private” school team?

The challenge in upstate NY is this is really an issue at a small number of private schools, all located in the major urban areas of upstate NY. Figuring out an equitable solution that doesn’t create a myriad of new problems isn’t all that easy, which is why we’re where we’re at.
One possible issue with that is that much of Upstate NY is sparsely populated, so some private schools with football teams end up playing against nothing but public schools -which works out well because in a sparsely populated area recruiting is fairly pointless in a sport like football. Another issue is joint programs - Binghamton and Seton Catholic Central run numerous joint athletic programs including football. Does that make it a “public” or “private” school team?

The challenge in upstate NY is this is really an issue at a small number of private schools, all located in the major urban areas of upstate NY. Figuring out an equitable solution that doesn’t create a myriad of new problems isn’t all that easy, which is why we’re where we’re at.
I'm fine with them playing their regular seasons against the local teams, in fact I think that makes things a lot more fun for everyone. It's just the sectionals and the state tournament that I have an issue with.
If switching schools gives your kid a better shot at a scholarship, either through better coaching or more exposure, you have to do it.

A scholarship and admission to a top100 University is worth incalculable dollars. Forget about the tuition itself... All the ancillary benefits far outweigh the degree.

When I was in school years ago and Johnson City had a monster wrestling program, it wasn’t uncommon to see a kid who’d wrestled in the youth program for another district suddenly move to JC before 9th grade. I don’t think there was any recruiting involved - it was just that JC would wrestle Lehigh Valley programs in tournaments in PA every year, so doing well there gave you a shot at a wrestling scholarship.
Syracuse, early 00s. An adult from the CBA side came over to me while I was on third and said he'd like to talk to me after the game about what I was doing next year. He did, and I told him I was just a scrawny undersized senior that had a good hitting day. We both laughed and wished each other the best, and that was that. My parents thought it was weird and my coach was very angry, but I thought it was funny. Definitely bold, but nothing untowards or aggressive about it; I always think of that whenever I hear about how CBA didn't try to pluck players.
I don't blame any program for trying to entice the best players possible.

When I moved to the Utica area I knew I wanted to put my kids in New Hartford or Clinton due to academics / quality of education and successful athletic programs that my kids are involved with.

Most parents want what's best for their kids, and if a program is approaching your kid and offering them a better starting point, who wouldn't take it?

"One of the biggest concerns is recruiting at the high school level. While it may be occurring, Zayas said, that if there’s any evidence of it, that school will be punished and he has done so during his tenure with NYSPHSAA.

“We have gone and we have unfortunately told a non-public school, you’re no longer going to be in the playoffs because there’s evidence of undue influence,” Zayas said. “We went to court in that specific situation ... And we still prevailed because of the sound evidence that we had towards the non-public school. So a lot of people always say non-public schools are recruiting. OK, if they’re recruiting, then we need evidence of it and then we can take action (under) our bylaws to address that recruitment and undue influence, same as we would with any public school that would be found in violation or has evidence (of) recruitment and undue influence.”
Good private programs recruit themselves.

I live in Cleveland. St Ignatius and St Edwards recruit themselves. They are typically two of the best teams in all of Ohio, crank out a handful of D1 players every year.

The best want to go against the best in practice, and it gives them a ton of exposure for college scouts.

Do private schools give grants to lower income students? Of course.

Do the coaches scout Pop Warner games for the next Randy Moss? No. Do they whisper in the ears of players during games? Highly unlikely.
So was CBA, they were a non-factor to the big schools in those days. The best players played for their hometowns.
Your memory in is incorrect. Back in the early 80's, CBA played in a mixture of the Old City League and some of the larger rural areas teams. Conference opponets included, Henninger, Nottingham, Corcoran, Bishop Ludden, Fowler, Watertown, New Hartford, Utica Proctor and Utica ND. CBA was an all boy's school then and pretty strick. That league was very strong with a couple of guys having NFL & MLB experience . A couple teams would mix in and out of the conference. I graduated from CBA back then and the enrollment my senior year was 102 students. Lastly, it was no treat to attend CBA then. Great academics but all the way out in Dewitt. Your old friends go to the local high school 10 minutes away while your waiting for a bus at 6:15 am in the snow and rain only to have some Brother smack you upside the head for being late lol. Trust me 50% of the students in my class would have chosen to go local HS. I just don't like the word recruiting in this case. The people that the give oportunties to are held to the same stadards so it's not like the don't have to do the same as people that can afford to pay. With a 100% graduation rate and the top test scores in the area and the state the recipe is working well and they got rid of the Brothers who liked to slap.
Plenty of public schools have ”recruited” also. I know parents unfortunately who have done it for their kids. They rent apts, give their “aunts” addresses in the district, hire their parents etc and there are a number who conversely were recruited from private schools to attend a public school. My son had an All American teammate at his public school who lived in a different district. My son in Texas has his children attending the district he teaches at but doesn’t live in - they aren’t big athletes either - it’s for convenience and a better academic public district. Many do it for the coaching - public school unions usually require a coach to be a teacher in the district or in the union while the private schools can hire coaches for coaching ability only - parents make choices. Look at the recruits who have attended multiple high schools for their 4 years - private and public.Parents are making the decisions for their kids, whether one agrees or not.

Ha. JJ Grant was a Bville kid who ended up at Lpool after I think his freshman year. If memory serves me right it had something to do with an Aunt.
It's a farce that either of those all-star teams are participating in the state tournament against public schools. Do something like a federation-type tournament where the public and private school champs can duke it out for all the marbles, if anything. That would be a lot of fun.

One of my funniest high school sports memories is tearing up CBA in baseball in the 00s; my team was not good, but I was a homer away from hitting the cycle... and damn near had one. The CBA coach was trying to talk to me during the game and even came out to try and talk to me one of the times I was on 3rd. Joke was on him; I was a runt playing one of my last games as a senior and not some underclassman he could bring onboard. My coach was livid at how brazen the whole display was.
But yeah, they didn't recruit back then ;)
I call BS on this post on many points. He had over 700 wins when they only pay like 24 - 25 games a year. Dotterer and "Southy" from Corcoran were the two most repected baseball coaches in the area and no assiatant Coach (who I know personally) would approach a "runt" Senior during or after a game.
I call BS on this post on many points. He had over 700 wins when they only pay like 24 - 25 games a year. Dotterer and "Southy" from Corcoran were the two most repected baseball coaches in the area and no assiatant Coach (who I know personally) would approach a "runt" Senior during or after a game.
Call BS all you want and keep tossing out stilettos, my Lord.
I finally got tuned in and Syracuse CBA was up 5-0 early in the second quarter. Albany CBA had the ball What followed was 3 straight completions, the last for a TD, the extra point to make it 7-6, then 3 penalties against Syracuse in four plays and and incomplete pass as I type this.
Albany took advantage of a short kickoff to set up a drive to take the lead, 14-21 with 67 seconds left in the half. Syracuse seems vulnerable to the passing game- too many wide open receivers.

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