I think you need to take a step back. First, your post is colored by the unsubstantiated theory, "that the staff, perhaps thinking they were already on the hot seat, turned a blind eye ..." There is no reason to believe the staff thought that, and objectively, coming off a season where they ended ranked #1 in the country, is patently absurd.
Second, teammates in college not getting on, and even getting physical, is not some strange thing (there are well documented instances right at Syracuse, even on winning teams). There's this odd assumption that teammates are best friends, and/or should be. Really, its a bunch of young men, generally highly competitive, trying to carve out a space. While tolerance is an expectation, if they get along well, its a bonus. Fighting with a teammate usually will not get a player booted from a team. Being a jerk will not get a player kicked off the team. The captains, including Dearth, were not shy about coming forward and seeking Chase's removal in April. You'd think if things had gotten to that point this fall, they would have already taken such action?
While much of what the Daily Orange wrote was unnerving at best, and utterly disgusting at worst, without going allegation by allegation, much of what was written was not school-related, was not team-related, and candidly, would not even amount to a Title IX or maybe even a Code of Conduct issue. And, if unreported, the coaches, AD, or University Administration, would have had nothing to even work off of.