Chase Scanlan suspended indefinitely | Page 34 |

Chase Scanlan suspended indefinitely

it wasn't really all that difficult to assume and infer that the yin and yang of this was a result of title ix and attorneys.

next up is what else comes out or if no further charges are pushed, whether it gets largely kicked.
And there will still be folks that defend their position as more information is released. I feel sorry for Chase that someone in the program did not see/hear about this behavior and seek to help. Complete let down from the staff
I've avoided commenting in this thread, but I can't refrain after reading the bolded.

This guy is an adult, and apparently an abuser. I feel sorry for the people he abused, and the people in their orbit who have been harmed in some way, but not him. A 20 year old certainly knows that menacing and hitting women is the lowest of the low. Hell, my son knew that when he was 4.

The staff may not have handled this saga well, but the blame is squarely on the shoulders of the abuser.
Questions need to start being asked about why this kid was even on the team in the spring in the first place. Leaving the latest incident and the Titlex IX stuff out of it. There have now been multiple reports, and likely more coming, that this player was known to have issues and was involved in his fair share of other incidents long before the most recent debacle.

I've now heard from another source very close to the team (a 2019 alum, family friend) that Scanlan definitely got into it with Peter Dearth in the fall, though he was unsure of specifics.

It is not difficult to come to the conclusion that the staff, perhaps thinking they were already on the hot seat, turned a blind eye to a player exhibiting dangerous tendencies because they thought he could help them on the lacrosse field and would thus stave off speculation about a coaching change. It's not some grand leap to believe priorities were horribly mismanaged here.

Players get kicked off of teams every year for extremely minor stuff. Knowing what we know now, it's disturbing to me that this player lasted this long. Either the staff knew about him all along and took no action, or they didn't know about him, and to me that might be almost as bad, because it would imply they have seriously lost touch with their own players.
Questions need to start being asked about why this kid was even on the team in the spring in the first place. Leaving the latest incident and the Titlex IX stuff out of it. There have now been multiple reports, and likely more coming, that this player was known to have issues and was involved in his fair share of other incidents long before the most recent debacle.

I've now heard from another source very close to the team (a 2019 alum, family friend) that Scanlan definitely got into it with Peter Dearth in the fall, though he was unsure of specifics.

It is not difficult to come to the conclusion that the staff, perhaps thinking they were already on the hot seat, turned a blind eye to a player exhibiting dangerous tendencies because they thought he could help them on the lacrosse field and would thus stave off speculation about a coaching change. It's not some grand leap to believe priorities were horribly mismanaged here.

Players get kicked off of teams every year for extremely minor stuff. Knowing what we know now, it's disturbing to me that this player lasted this long. Either the staff knew about him all along and took no action, or they didn't know about him, and to me that might be almost as bad, because it would imply they have seriously lost touch with their own players.

I think you need to take a step back. First, your post is colored by the unsubstantiated theory, "that the staff, perhaps thinking they were already on the hot seat, turned a blind eye ..." There is no reason to believe the staff thought that, and objectively, coming off a season where they ended ranked #1 in the country, is patently absurd.

Second, teammates in college not getting on, and even getting physical, is not some strange thing (there are well documented instances right at Syracuse, even on winning teams). There's this odd assumption that teammates are best friends, and/or should be. Really, its a bunch of young men, generally highly competitive, trying to carve out a space. While tolerance is an expectation, if they get along well, its a bonus. Fighting with a teammate usually will not get a player booted from a team. Being a jerk will not get a player kicked off the team. The captains, including Dearth, were not shy about coming forward and seeking Chase's removal in April. You'd think if things had gotten to that point this fall, they would have already taken such action?

While much of what the Daily Orange wrote was unnerving at best, and utterly disgusting at worst, without going allegation by allegation, much of what was written was not school-related, was not team-related, and candidly, would not even amount to a Title IX or maybe even a Code of Conduct issue. And, if unreported, the coaches, AD, or University Administration, would have had nothing to even work off of.
I think you need to take a step back. First, your post is colored by the unsubstantiated theory, "that the staff, perhaps thinking they were already on the hot seat, turned a blind eye ..." There is no reason to believe the staff thought that, and objectively, coming off a season where they ended ranked #1 in the country, is patently absurd.

Second, teammates in college not getting on, and even getting physical, is not some strange thing (there are well documented instances right at Syracuse, even on winning teams). There's this odd assumption that teammates are best friends, and/or should be. Really, its a bunch of young men, generally highly competitive, trying to carve out a space. While tolerance is an expectation, if they get along well, its a bonus. Fighting with a teammate usually will not get a player booted from a team. Being a jerk will not get a player kicked off the team. The captains, including Dearth, were not shy about coming forward and seeking Chase's removal in April. You'd think if things had gotten to that point this fall, they would have already taken such action?

While much of what the Daily Orange wrote was unnerving at best, and utterly disgusting at worst, without going allegation by allegation, much of what was written was not school-related, was not team-related, and candidly, would not even amount to a Title IX or maybe even a Code of Conduct issue. And, if unreported, the coaches, AD, or University Administration, would have had nothing to even work off of.

And what I'm saying is there have been rumors about this player for more than a year and if they are reaching MY desk, someone who is not the coach of the Syracuse men's lacrosse team, then surely they've reached Desko's as well. It's unbelievable in the literal sense of the word that the staff simply knew nothing at all about what was going on. There is a lot that has not been written here, and it's not my place to reveal it all. The players took the stand they did because it was the last straw for them, not the only straw. They shouldn't have had to take a stand at all. Shouldn't have gotten to that point.
And what I'm saying is there have been rumors about this player for more than a year and if they are reaching MY desk, someone who is not the coach of the Syracuse men's lacrosse team, then surely they've reached Desko's as well. It's unbelievable in the literal sense of the word that the staff simply knew nothing at all about what was going on. There is a lot that has not been written here, and it's not my place to reveal it all. The players took the stand they did because it was the last straw for them, not the only straw. They shouldn't have had to take a stand at all. Shouldn't have gotten to that point.

Fair enough. Some coaches just put up with a lot of crap. I dont disagree that is often motivated by the need to win. But that isnt really exclusive to Desko though either.
And what I'm saying is there have been rumors about this player for more than a year and if they are reaching MY desk, someone who is not the coach of the Syracuse men's lacrosse team, then surely they've reached Desko's as well. It's unbelievable in the literal sense of the word that the staff simply knew nothing at all about what was going on. There is a lot that has not been written here, and it's not my place to reveal it all. The players took the stand they did because it was the last straw for them, not the only straw. They shouldn't have had to take a stand at all. Shouldn't have gotten to that point.
Your saying that this was "the last straw for them, not the only straw" for the players implies that they have stood by and tolerated a certain degree of domestic violence from Chase up to that point. That's an irresponsible thing to say (anonymously) and you better have something more than information from a friend of an friend of a friend. It implicates each and every player on the team. I have zero problem in believing that guys like Curry and Rehfuss would have zero tolerance for any DV - none. So while these rumors may have been "reaching your desk", I didn't see you on here saying anything about it until it's time to go on a Fire Desko rant.

If, however, what you're saying the players (and coaches) knew he had anger issues, was a bad teammate or just an all around jerk then that's an entirely different matter - because every team I've been on had guys who had anger issues (including myself at times), were bad teammates and a few all around jerks.

Here's the truth about Domestic Violence - it cuts across every demographic and more often than not it hides in plain sight. Here's a stat for you - 32% of college aged women report experiencing dating violence by a current or former partner. That's roughly one in three women - ask yourself many did you know? How many guys did you know that had been violent towards a woman? I'm going to bet that the answer is probably zero or maybe one, What's that tell you? It's not just the poor trailer park trash - it hides in plain site. It's in the suburbs, the exclusive neighborhoods, the college dorms. They are the educated and uneducated - the young, the middle aged and the old. Black, white, native, asian, gay, straight. They are your neighbors and sometimes your family members.

If you want to learn more about the subject pick up Don McPherson's book "You Throw Like a Girl" or anything written by Jackson Katz. I've been fortunate enough to spend several hours with Don talking about this as we served on a couple of Boards together - trust me, you can't unhear what he has to say.
I've avoided commenting in this thread, but I can't refrain after reading the bolded.

This guy is an adult, and apparently an abuser. I feel sorry for the people he abused, and the people in their orbit who have been harmed in some way, but not him. A 20 year old certainly knows that menacing and hitting women is the lowest of the low. Hell, my son knew that when he was 4.

The staff may not have handled this saga well, but the blame is squarely on the shoulders of the abuser.
So you highlight how I feel bad b/c he has a problem and no one has said something to him or tried to help him get it under control. Clearly his lacrosse ability has allowed him to get away with this kind of behavior before. It happens to players that are talented, their leash to mess up is longer than them guy not seeing the field.

As a coach, you should do all you can to help a player off the field. Nobody did that and b/c of it, his girlfriend suffered from it.

I haven’t posted any support of his behavior on this whole thread. Way to misinterpret what I wrote
it wasn't really all that difficult to assume and infer that the yin and yang of this was a result of title ix and attorneys.

next up is what else comes out or if no further charges are pushed, whether it gets largely kicked.
If he's had physical confrontations with teammates (Mellen last fall, and Dearth earlier this year), as is rumored, then it's fair to question why the staff kept him on the squad.
So you highlight how I feel bad b/c he has a problem and no one has said something to him or tried to help him get it under control. Clearly his lacrosse ability has allowed him to get away with this kind of behavior before. It happens to players that are talented, their leash to mess up is longer than them guy not seeing the field.

As a coach, you should do all you can to help a player off the field. Nobody did that and b/c of it, his girlfriend suffered from it.

I haven’t posted any support of his behavior on this whole thread. Way to misinterpret what I wrote
You should feel bad for his girlfriend, and others he has harmed. He’s an adult, he knows better, he doesn’t need some coach to tell him that hitting women is bad. He has complete agency for his actions and doesn’t deserve pity.

*edit* One can say that the staff could have done more to enact consequences earlier. I don’t know enough about the history of the situation to comment on that. But the notion that this guy was somehow wronged by coaches makes my blood boil. He owns his actions 100%.
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You should feel bad for his girlfriend, and others he has harmed. He’s an adult, he knows better, he doesn’t need some coach to tell him that hitting women is bad. He has complete agency for his actions and doesn’t deserve pity.

*edit* One can say that the staff could have done more to enact consequences earlier. I don’t know enough about the history of the situation to comment on that. But the notion that this guy was somehow wronged by coaches makes my blood boil. He owns his actions 100%.
Never said I didn't feel bad for his girlfriend or others that have been harmed. Out of 32 pages of comments, I find it interesting you are commenting on mine, where I never defended his actions, only stating that its a shame he's been allowed to get away with this behavior in the past.

His whole life ppl have catered to him, it's not just the Cuse coaching staff. His parents, his teachers/coaches in HS, etc...That's my point, his actions have been overlooked for a long time

And if you don't think this falls on the coaching staff as well, it does. They had a similar situation 6 years ago when a player was drunk and physically assaulted a female. How many times does the staff need to let things go unchecked? Hold yourself and players accountable, regardless of season outcome
Never said I didn't feel bad for his girlfriend or others that have been harmed. Out of 32 pages of comments, I find it interesting you are commenting on mine, where I never defended his actions, only stating that its a shame he's been allowed to get away with this behavior in the past.

His whole life ppl have catered to him, it's not just the Cuse coaching staff. His parents, his teachers/coaches in HS, etc...That's my point, his actions have been overlooked for a long time

And if you don't think this falls on the coaching staff as well, it does. They had a similar situation 6 years ago when a player was drunk and physically assaulted a female. How many times does the staff need to let things go unchecked? Hold yourself and players accountable, regardless of season outcome
That's all fair. I only took issue with your language that you felt bad specifically for Scanlan, and seemed to lay some of the blame for his actions on the coaching staff. If you don't feel that way, good.
If he's had physical confrontations with teammates (Mellen last fall, and Dearth earlier this year), as is rumored, then it's fair to question why the staff kept him on the squad.
it would/will be a fair question when whatever happened that was relayed to the coaches is revealed.

do you still want dearth on the squad? what happened and what was relayed? specifics. what we know now is whatever info the players had for april '21 event and/or previously had them willing to put their season in jeopardy. what the totality of that was and what the coaches had just might be 2 different things.

the dynamics of what you're suggesting don't match much with the support desko's gotten, publicly, from his players. at least not on its face. the story probably isn't over.
Scanlan was the aggressor in the incident with Dearth. All alleged, but very credible. In fact he may have been briefly suspended from fall activities as a result. Still working to confirm that. Dearth wasn't suspended. There have been other incidents. He shouldn't have made it to the spring. Staff knew he was becoming a major issue and hoped it would go away. It didn't. Combined with the Covid party that almost got Rehfuss, Dordy, Curry, Phaup suspended for the full season. Doesn't paint a great picture.
SAFE to say that you are on a undisguised mission to get Desko canned. See it here , see it at CC. Sure you realize there are a punk or two on most every team , most of them are handled by players , do you know that particular incident was addressed and apologies to team were made? Dearth and others could have easily lit the scrawn up but showed restraint. Great respect for them.The DV issue was separate and distinct and not something they could control or turn a blind eye to. Stay on your mission if you must but think many would prefer to enjoy a breather from the stains and talk lax.
Scanlan was the aggressor in the incident with Dearth. All alleged, but very credible. In fact he may have been briefly suspended from fall activities as a result. Still working to confirm that. Dearth wasn't suspended. There have been other incidents. He shouldn't have made it to the spring. Staff knew he was becoming a major issue and hoped it would go away. It didn't. Combined with the Covid party that almost got Rehfuss, Dordy, Curry, Phaup suspended for the full season. Doesn't paint a great pict
In response to your second to last sentence here, was Scanlan fully to blame for the fall party incident that almost cost multiple players their season or are you just throwing that in there?
SAFE to say that you are on a undisguised mission to get Desko canned. See it here , see it at CC. Sure you realize there are a punk or two on most every team , most of them are handled by players , do you know that particular incident was addressed and apologies to team were made? Dearth and others could have easily lit the scrawn up but showed restraint. Great respect for them.The DV issue was separate and distinct and not something they could control or turn a blind eye to. Stay on your mission if you must but think many would prefer to enjoy a breather from the stains and talk lax.
He was on twitter harassing Dan Artesia trying to get him to write in depth on Scanlan before all the facts came out. Not to mention like 50% of his tweets are just chirping Cuse with stupid one liners. He is a Hop fan who wants the program to look bad. Not even sure why I try to engage with him in a good faith way.
Can you give us this weekend's Mega Millions numbers while you're at it?
Hey, maybe wait on making fun of someone until they're actually proven wrong?! You still want those lottery numbers?

I told you that we'd get blown out because our D was horrible, I told you that Desko was going to be fired (I actually feel bad for a HOF coach to go out like this, because his legacy will now be tainted by his stupid decision to reinstate Chase; it wasn't worth it for him or the team), and I also told you that our program would have been better off if Jordan Evans and Griffin Cook had never come here (because of all of the top talent that transferred from our program because of being behind them on the bench; many of them were on display in the Final Four).

Nobody's right all of the time, but, geez, let me at least be wrong before you guys make fun of me.

I have no idea if Gary Gait is going to be a great men's lacrosse coach (I hope he is!), but hopefully we don't regret on missing out on hiring an excellent Syracuse native lacrosse coach in Lars Tiffany (he grew up in Lafayette!). I think that was our hire to rebuild a dominant SU lax program, which is exactly what he's done for UVA, and we missed that boat.

So, the bad news is that our SU lax program has been trending in the wrong direction (maybe Gary Gait can reverse this downward spiral?), but the good news is that sport of lacrosse is doing well. That was one of the most entertaining NCAA lax playoffs I can ever remember watching, almost every postseason game! Great games, teams, and players. I feel for ND lax though, because I still think they were the best all around team this year (but they just couldn't close out games; they need to get a new conditioning coach), and I also feel bad for Army lax because we took their spot in the playoffs (and they even beat us head to head). Some other thoughts are that Sowers turned out to be overrated, UVAs help defense was great (something we should watch and learn from), and Connor Shellenberger is going to dominate NCAA lax for the next 3 years like we haven't seen for a while. Wow, he's SO good.
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SU seems to have a strong statement and feels confident that they have followed guidelines.

If this ends up being a mess, Wildhack is probably very glad he signed the extension when he did. Though I wonder if he were to be fired with cause it might void what they owe him. Wildhack's management of Women's Basketball and Lacrosse look a little weak to the outside observer.
Man. Imagine being the lone vote for in this case..

Later that day, the team held an anonymous vote to gather opinions on kicking Scanlan off the team, the suit states. The vote was 57-1, in favor of kicking Scanlan off the team.

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