I remember vividly, but times have changed. Even comparing our most recent big games compared to games in the 80’s-90’s vs Miami, VT, Tenn, it wasn’t comparable. You can’t expect some of those people who come to the recent big games as a one off experience to be invested as before when we had a larger, more passionate fan base, that was totally invested into the program/game. Also, a lot of previous season ticket holders, or those that came to big games, were men in the demographic who would be your typical football fan, that we lost do to the closing of many big, well paying, manufacturing plants that we’re all well aware of (Carrier, General Motors, Chrysler, Miller Brewing, Nestle, Kodak, etc). imo that certainly has had an effect. We still struggle to fill the Dome for major games, and the crowds that do come, well engaged, just don’t seem to be invested at the same passionate level as during our best years. I remember not being able to talk to the person next to me throughout large parts of the game. There has definitely been a change and it would be interesting to see if we can be consistently good (8 wins +) for several years if the same enthusiasm, and fanaticism ever returns.