Clemson outsider's take on your facilities debate (long) | Page 2 |

Clemson outsider's take on your facilities debate (long)

We all know what the Melo center did for basketball recruiting... Seems so simple, we would not be losing out on recruits if we had top notch facilities.

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It seems so ridiculous but yea, the Melo Center is our crown jewel in basketball recruiting. If we had some kind of shiny object to show recruits we probably would win some of the recruiting wars. Other teams are showing recruits diamonds and crystals while we show them a bunch of dirty rocks.
Obviously, the school doesn't see the need to step it up. This has been going on for over 10 years. The universsity isn't gong to give any money to these projects without the donations in place. The just got burned with the Melo Center. They are still short $4 millions dollars on that facility. They aren't looking for national championships. They will accept 6-7 wins a year. You're kidding yourselves if you think it's going to be any different. There's also the chance we could be completely left out of the four 16 team conferences and then they threw the money away. Marrone knows this and that's why he's looking. Do you really think Marrone wants to come back? Once you start interviewing for these jobs or any jobs, your mind is already in another place. His heart won't be in it if he has to come back. I think the Good Doctor knows that we might also get left out of the conference race and that's why he's looking. TGD is the first person we've had at SU who's been forward thinking and understands the need to pay people to get good people. The BOT doesn't like spending the money.
This post scares the out of me.
My Clemson friend,... great post and case study proof-positive on the importance of making the right decisions with the current hurdles we are facing...
No way Boyd wins the Heisman. If Spiller didn't win it (wasn't even invited), it's impossible. Can't spell Heisman Trophy w/o "ESPN".

Woody Dantzler was the first 2000 / 1000 player in NCAA history and had better numbers than Eric Crouch when he won it. Still no win. Have to be Bama, Meee-chigan, USC, etc.

I used to think that until a certain Baylor QB won the Heisman.
It seems so ridiculous but yea, the Melo Center is our crown jewel in basketball recruiting. If we had some kind of shiny object to show recruits we probably would win some of the recruiting wars. Other teams are showing recruits diamonds and crystals while we show them a bunch of dirty rocks.
I agree, and we play in a cozy dome!!!!! Nobody has that on us... Stay warm, perfect weather, no rain, and one or two hot games a year though... But I rather be warm than cold. Perfect weather in the dome to do everything on a football field. While everyone wants an indoor practice facility, we play indoor away from the elements. Do you really think an outdoor giants stadium beats a packed superdome? No way by a million miles.

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Great post our Orange brother. We are excited to be a new member of the ACC and having classy rivals like you is one of the reasons.
Obviously, the school doesn't see the need to step it up. This has been going on for over 10 years. The universsity isn't gong to give any money to these projects without the donations in place. The just got burned with the Melo Center. They are still short $4 millions dollars on that facility. They aren't looking for national championships. They will accept 6-7 wins a year. You're kidding yourselves if you think it's going to be any different. There's also the chance we could be completely left out of the four 16 team conferences and then they threw the money away. Marrone knows this and that's why he's looking. Do you really think Marrone wants to come back? Once you start interviewing for these jobs or any jobs, your mind is already in another place. His heart won't be in it if he has to come back. I think the Good Doctor knows that we might also get left out of the conference race and that's why he's looking. TGD is the first person we've had at SU who's been forward thinking and understands the need to pay people to get good people. The BOT doesn't like spending the money.

Here's my probably naive question, and apologies if this has been addressed elsewhere. If we're coming up short on the Melo Center, why hasn't there been some type of public campaign to close the gap? I know big donors are preferable, but a lot of small donors can add up as well. Again, maybe my head is under a rock and I missed this, but it seems like that approach would grab some low hanging-fruit, funding wise.

Oh, and yes, this post scares the hell out of me too.
Because it's so ill informed? That's why it bothers me.
I dont think we will be left behind in conference re-alignment but I do think our University is not doing enough for the football program which in essence means our entire athletic future since football steers the ship.
Because it's so ill informed? That's why it bothers me.

You have to give it credit though. It's a convenient, one stop shopping, cliffs notes version of every insecurity of today's SU fan. You should probably tack it.
Wait, why are we being cozy with a Clemson fan, they just stole Ebo from us?

had to go there, lol.
You don't get donations after the fact. Why does someone want to donate to a building that's all done? What's the point? Are they going to tear it down?
I never thought about this but maybe CUTIGER is right in that, a 7-8 win season is satisfactory in the minds of the heads of the university. Sure, we could spend a great deal of money on better facilities or coaching salaries but the risk is considered too high to justify the potential reward. 9 or 10 wins would be awesome but would it over the short run and/or long run justify the cost, especially considering that there isn't a large pool of donors who are quickly and easily offering up money?
From the POV of a university administration this seems to make sense.
First off thanks for the post and I hope you post here more often along with any other posters like yourself from that other orange team and oh yeah...the Gamecocks suck.
The board isnt just a bunch of people sitting in an office waiting for things to happen. Dr Gross can pass it along

Wait so you're telling me this isn't the Board of Trustees?

As an alumni I expect excellence from all areas of an institution. If they expect mediocrity with athletics then I think you will also get it with other areas of the institution. To me this is unacceptable. Give the tools to make people great, and expect the absolute best. Anything else is unacceptable and not worth my time.
Ebo w
Wait, why are we being cozy with a Clemson fan, they just stole Ebo from us?

had to go there, lol.

Ebo was never coming to SU IMO
Hi Cuse fans! I've been reading your board since it was announced you were joining the ACC.

Lately, I've read the raging debate / frustration over facilities, coaches, recruiting, etc. and thought I'd chime in with our experience with the same issue.

Back in the Tommy West years (1994 ish-1998) and the early Tommy Bowden years (1999-2002) we got a few 4-star guys, but never enough to build a solid program.

At that time, Tennessee was winning the NC by pillaging SC and NC for recruits right in our (and SC's) backyard (Shaun Ellis, Albert Hayneworth, etc) FSU would swoop in and steal a 4-star guy we thought we had at the last minute.

We had two main problems: 1) facilities that were once state-of-the-art and were severely lagging other ACC programs (not to mention the SEC) and 2) coaching staff.

But the root cause of both of these problems was our administration.

They held to the "it's good enough for 7-8 wins" philosophy b/c they, like a lot of academics, thought good sports programs and a respected university are mutually exclusive.

Bowden, like Marrone is doing at Cuse, pushed for facilities from day one and was promised they would be built as part of his hiring. Then they proceeded to drag their feet and were going to take some half-ass approach and cheap out like they always did. Luckily, at the same time, we hired Terry Don Phillips from OK St as our AD. He had his faults, but he was a major proponent of facilities and he changed the plan to the West Zone we have now.

He also rennovated our ancient basketball arena to put a some lipstick on the pig. It helped a litte and we had some good years under Purnell. It's still subpar and we don't have dedicated practice facilities. If they don't spend money soon, we'll lose Brad Brownell.

I saw in your debate on here that some were downplaying rennovating your locker rooms as unnecessary. DO IT! NOW! That's the first thing we did just to have something decent to show the kids as a placeholder until we could start building. It helped.

The first year the West Zone was being built, we had nothing to show recruits at all other than the spruced-up locker rooms, so Bowden had them tear up some dirt and park a bunch of construction equipment to look like it was in progress. Just that small perception impacted recruiting that year. We landed James Davis over some of the bigger programs.

Once the West Zone was complete, recruiting took off. James Davis helped land CJ Spiller who never would have come without the facilities to show commitment. It snowballed from there.

Our other problem was coaching salaries. Bowden never had enough to hire the best across the board. When Dabo took over, he wanted Ellis Johnson as his DC and EJ wanted to be at Clemson, but the admin wouldn't pony up and he ended up at our hated rival, SC.

What changed? We put major pressure on the Board of Trustees to re-emphasize football and commit to winning. We still didn't have a training table or an indoor practice facility until this year. We didn't have top-notch assistant coaches.

Fast forward to a few years ago and they approved paying Chad Morris $1.2MM and Venebles $800K, both of which are above what they refused to pay Ellis Johnson years earlier. We now have a training table in the West Zone and just opened an indoor facility.

It's no coincidence that it's the same time period we won the ACC for the first time in 20 years and went from 7-8 wins to 9-11 wins. It matters.

At Cuse right now, you are in the same boat. You have what looks to be a solid coach who can build your program back to what it used to be. Pay the man, pay for asst coaches, upgrade/ build facilities. If you pour money into it now, it will pay for itself and then some in the coming years.

I want Cuse to be good so we can make the ACC Atlantic like the SEC West.

Thoroughly enjoyed the WVU beatdown in the snow. Watched every snap. Great game!

Glad to have y'all in the conference and hope all the admin stuff works out for you.
Glad to have you as a fan of Clemson...such a different tone and perspective from the WVU trolls...welcome to our board...and perhaps someday we can all hoist a Jack and Coke...mean beer. Best of luck for the upcoming season against other ACC teams etc...except 'Cuse of course.
Stole? Nah, just a probable 'misunderstanding.' ;)
No...its the facilities and the fact their coach isnt going anywhere in the near wait, Doug isnt going anywhere either...its those damn facilities mentioned above...just saying.
Good post.

Contribute to the program, get season tickets and go to the Dome.
And to think, prior to this post I only liked Clemson because they wear orange and the fact that I despise USC and all things Spurrier.

Thanks for sharing

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