There a several additional changes to position coaches that needs to occur.
Cavenaugh needs to be replaced. Now an argument can be made that the line improved over the last three games, however, I see a number of issues that I attribute to him. First, the penalties were out of control and that is a coaching issue. Time and again we were flagged for false starts and holding. A number of these penalties killed drives. I do not see this getting better.
Second, was the decision to not have a back up center. In spring ball Heckel went down with an injury. That would have been the perfect time to get another center ready instead he inserted AS back at center. That decision came back to eventually affect the entire line when heckle went out the first game. AS had to move back to center. This was a problem since he lost about 20 pounds to play tackle. The move affected the run game and ability to protect td for most of the season.
Third player development does not seem to be occurring. Our best addition to the line was a freshman. D Davis came in but we did not have quality upperclassmen to fill rolls. That should have occurred.
concerning Reynolds. I am not sure why he is being retained now that we are switching to the 3-3-5. Is he only going to coach nt. Remember he was the d line coach and then standard had to be brought in to assist and he was moved only to coach dt. It would seem better to bring in another coach besides mccloud’s position that is familiar with the 3-3-5. It does not seem fair to arnett to have him implement a new d but having to use position coaches with no familIarity. One possible solution would be to move monroe to wr coach. Ferri could coach te and lustig could be assist head coach and special teams. This would allow arnett to higher a cb and s coach with experience in the 3-3-5.
The final change could be lynch. You could bring in a young energetic coach for rb that can recruit.
I know most of these changes will not occur but here is to dreaming.