'Cuse, Duke and my Marriage | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

'Cuse, Duke and my Marriage

You are a very lucky man that this is the only major issue with you and your wife.
My son grew up watching hoops in the 90's...he picked Duke to root for as a little kid--Grant Hill was his favorite player. He liked Cuse but rooted for Duke just to piss off Dad. Funny thing happened: he now roots for Cuse exclusively...I think 2003 changed him oh and Dad threatened to disown him.
My father in law is from Kansas and a huge Jayhawk fan. We didn't talk for a year after the 2003 game. He has come a long way, and I think he secretly roots for syracuse. He knows all the players names and thinks Ennis is one of the best pg's he's ever seen.
Your story doesn't surprise me at all--arrogant Duke fans throwing temper tantrums when every advantageous thing doesn't go their way, like it usually does, is about what I'd expect from that fanbase.

When you are used to getting every call it distorts your perception of what is reality.
I think you should give your FIL a collectible We're Number #1 SU T-shirt as a consolation gift.

The next battle is who your kids are going to root for.

Already on that one! My four year old Son, just out of the blue will say "GO ORANGE!" without being prompted. Even though orange is not his very favorite color, he loves picking out his orange plate, cup and fork at the dinner table. I love to look at my wife when he does that. Sometimes he will even end the evening prayer at the dinner table with GO ORANGE! To make things even better, a couple of weeks ago my wife called me to let me know that our two-year old daughter yelled out "GO ORANGE" for the very first time, again without being prompted.

What probably frosted my wife even more regarding the game was the fact that my son asked to come out to my man cave and watch the game with me instead of her. It was the first game he was able to sit put for a half and watch. It was great having my boy sitting on my lap rooting like hell for the Orangemen. He even corrected me once when I said "let's go Syracuse!". He said no, Daddy - it's 'Cuse!

My wife has been good with all of this but I can tell lately (even before the game) that she has been getting a little jealous. She has been trying to get our son to also say go Duke. However, so far at least, it just hasn't stuck. I'm trying not to be obnoxious about it with her because next to Duke, she has always rooted for us. I have a feeling that the tide is about to change as this develops into a tense rivalry.
Already on that one! My four year old Son, just out of the blue will say "GO ORANGE!" without being prompted. Even though orange is not his very favorite color, he loves picking out his orange plate, cup and fork at the dinner table. I love to look at my wife when he does that. Sometimes he will even end the evening prayer at the dinner table with GO ORANGE! To make things even better, a couple of weeks ago my wife called me to let me know that our two-year old daughter yelled out "GO ORANGE" for the very first time, again without being prompted.

What probably frosted my wife even more regarding the game was the fact that my son asked to come out to my man cave and watch the game with me instead of her. It was the first game he was able to sit put for a half and watch. It was great having my boy sitting on my lap rooting like hell for the Orangemen. He even corrected me once when I said "let's go Syracuse!". He said no, Daddy - it's 'Cuse!

My wife has been good with all of this but I can tell lately (even before the game) that she has been getting a little jealous. She has been trying to get our son to also say go Duke. However, so far at least, it just hasn't stuck. I'm trying not to be obnoxious about it with her because next to Duke, she has always rooted for us. I have a feeling that the tide is about to change as this develops into a tense rivalry.
As sweet as a win at the Cam might be, it wouldn't compare to beating them in the conf tourney finals !!!
As sweet as a win at the Cam might be, it wouldn't compare to beating them in the conf tourney finals !!!

Yeah, that's a tough call. For the simple fact that doing so would mean we were ACC tourney champs, I agree. However, as far as the rivalry is concerned, I believe beating them at Cameron would be bigger because the cocky Duke faithful can't wait for revenge and are so sure that we are going to act like a deer in the headlights when we arrive. Punching them in the mouth AGAIN would be absolutely priceless and devastating to the Duke fan base's ego.

I think it is REALLY eating at them that the first year that SU and Pitt joined the ACC, there have been comments for several weeks about how how the former Big East is carrying the ACC (not Pitt any longer though) and how they are fortunate we joined when we did. Anyone think Duke likes playing second fiddle? I believe that is one (of many) reasons that they came in fired up to show us, and the rest of the country, that they are the ACC top dog, not us Yankees. Beating us at home with a record crowd would have gone a long way to proving that. Too bad that didn't happen. ;-)

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