Does Dungey start this Saturday | Page 2 |

Does Dungey start this Saturday

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You're just speculating he was knocked cold. You have zero proof. Eric has said he wasn't, and that he was trying to draw a flag.

This is what I hate. People trying to play doctor from watching something on TV.
I only do that while watching doctor shows on TV. Nurse, scalpel, STAT!
he's done, it was a concussion. At the risk of repeating myself on here so often, it doesn't take direct head trauma to concuss the brain. Can be from whiplash or just being simply knocked around or along with the other injuries being thrown around here. . As with USF where got "dinged" being hit OB and again in Pitt, not enough for full blown out concussion but bad enough. he gone
Yawn...I'll wait of the injury report.
I have no idea how many concussions Dungey has had.

I also had no idea how many concussions AJ Long had.
It's not. They've never confirmed any. I think he's had 1, legitimately, this fall.

This is not one, from what I've heard. It's looking like a "UBI", but not a concussion from the buzz I've heard. And if you saw where he was hit, you can probably guess the injury.

SU never confirmed AJ Long's 1st 2 either, so I don't think we need to go by any confirmations at this point.

Shut him down.
You're just speculating he was knocked cold. You have zero proof. Eric has said he wasn't, and that he was trying to draw a flag.

This is what I hate. People trying to play doctor from watching something on TV.

stop. i like you and respect you too much. stop.
I would shut him down for the year.

We're lucky if he ever plays another down at Syracuse again. That kid's brain has been mashed around big time this season.

And that isn't the coaching staff's fault. It's the price you pay for wanting to make plays with your feet and being a scrambler.
It's (1) being a (fearless) scrambler / runner. It's (2) some cretin from Central Michigan for whom giant karma awaits. And (3) it is the HC who left him in the game knowing 1 & 2.
Three questions:

  1. Where did you get your medical degree?
  2. When were you given access to examine him?
  3. Why do you feel your diagnosis is more valid than the team physicians?

are you mocking me?

Did the team physicians say he wasn't knocked out cold?

do you think that the 18 yr old kid who has a family and a future wasn't knocked unconscious for a period of time? I was under the impression that we all knew that he was out cold.
Hopefully they've put bed rails on dungeys bed.

My little brother played Oline for SLU. The only concussion he every got was falling out of bed freshman year. It was during football season and he was acting pretty foggy at practice so the trainer comes over, checks him out and pulls him out of practice. When he first told me I didn't believe him- figured something happened at the Hoot Owl instead.
I am not sure why we are so hung up on concussion instead of being concerned about repeated head trauma whether technically a concussion or not. If he is my kid he is done for the year.
Honest q for the Drs on here...with the increase in head trauma injuries in football becoming more prevalent, how does a sport like boxing even exist?
That's all well and good. Maybe he did get his bell rung. But from what I hear, this one might not be a concussion, and is in fact a different injury.

The Pitt one wasn't a concussion, either. There's no way the medical staff would clear him to return that quickly if it were even in question. The CMU one, I'm pretty positive, was a concussion even though it was never reported. I know Eric was telling people it wasn't after that game, but that's the one I'm pretty positive was.
If you don't have source on the coaching staff from whom to do you hear stuff?
I'd love to know what "battery of tests" can be conducted during a two minute visit to the locker room midgame. It all seems like a very orchestrated CYA maneuver.
Honest q for the Drs on here...with the increase in head trauma injuries in football becoming more prevalent, how does a sport like boxing even exist?
it's the nature of the trauma meaning mostly the velocity. With punches to the head it's mostly facial trauma unless it's a ko punch. Even with that it's a mostly a neurologic reaction vs. the brain being sloshed around hitting the hard cranium and damaging the brain that way.


Now that said there's evidence too that the repetitive hits may be just as bad long term if not worse for long term prognosis concerns, but in terms of short term and head trauma the high velocity sports are where you can see the obvious ones that we're seeing here.
The concussion courses I've taken all point out a handful of symptoms that indicate a concussion. A player can hide really minir concussions, but, if it's serious they are quickly detectable.
I wish Dungey the best.

Regardless of what happens, his football career was going to be short lived.
I have no doubt he should be shut down for the season. However, Shafer wants to bring him back this week so we can make a great comeback and qualify for the 4 team playoff
djorange1989 said:
I have no doubt he should be shut down for the season. However, Shafer wants to bring him back this week so we can make a great comeback and qualify for the 4 team playoff

It's not up to Shafer. It's up to the doctors. If he's cleared to play he will play. It'd be foolish for Shafer not too. Dungey will want to play if cleared. His family and friends will want him to play. The fans, well most of them, will want him to play. Why would you not play your starting QB who only lacks experience if the doctors have said he's good to go?
rrlbees said:
It's not up to Shafer. It's up to the doctors. If he's cleared to play he will play. It'd be foolish for Shafer not too. Dungey will want to play if cleared. His family and friends will want him to play. The fans, well most of them, will want him to play. Why would you not play your starting QB who only lacks experience if the doctors have said he's good to go?

You're making too much sense. And, really, we don't have time for that on this board anymore.
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