I grew up with all the fun traditions we used to have that Franco mentioned, they are all chidhood memories, and damn good ones at that. It was innocent. Most Im sure meant no harm whatsoever to anyone, hell we were at a fb game in the Dome cheering on our heros.
It was also (not at all pointing fingers or trying to say anything negative about us as kids loving it and participating in it gladly), in retrospect as an adult, incredibly easy to be ignorant. Franco is spot on, we miss those things, a lot. But I think we are in a better world knowing as adults, we did not realize what our enjoymemt meant to those belittled and impacted. We are in a better world not doing those things today, and its ok to say we miss them and did not do them with any ill will towards anyone when we did, and wish they were still here in a world they were not harmful..but alas, they are incredibly harmful...and all these things can be true at the same time