Final play of the game |

Final play of the game


Our only goal will be the western shores.
Sep 22, 2011
I have re-watched the final inbounds play about 10 times. Am I being crazy, or does it look like Lydon basically lobbed the ball down the court without a care in the world? To me, his body language looked like "I don't care... whatever..."
I have re-watched the final inbounds play about 10 times. Am I being crazy, or does it look like Lydon basically lobbed the ball down the court without a care in the world? To me, his body language looked like "I don't care... whatever..."

You have to wonder if they ever practice that. I have no idea what that play was supposed to be. I'm hoping he was actually trying to throw to White but shortarmed it. At least that would make more sense than hoping DC could turn and shoot a 3 with that little time left.
I have re-watched the final inbounds play about 10 times. Am I being crazy, or does it look like Lydon basically lobbed the ball down the court without a care in the world? To me, his body language looked like "I don't care... whatever..."

They didn't look like they had any idea what to do...I would've thought Lydon should be on the receiving end of that pass.
It's almost like he was just stunned to be in that situation, losing to a bad UCONN team and not really helping the cause in any meaningful way. Just wonder if he's got other stuff going on right now off the court.
They didn't look like they had any idea what to do...I would've thought Lydon should be on the receiving end of that pass.
Yeah I was shocked Lydon threw it
I have re-watched the final inbounds play about 10 times. Am I being crazy, or does it look like Lydon basically lobbed the ball down the court without a care in the world? To me, his body language looked like "I don't care... whatever..."
i said the exact same thing to my wife. i'm pretty sure she tuned me out by that point.
i said the exact same thing to my wife. i'm pretty sure she tuned me out by that point.

Your wife watches with you? Mine got her MA from SU and couldn't be bothered to watch a game with me.
JB took a time out before the 2 FT. There had to be a 'plan' of some kind, right? It looked to me like Lydon didn't even try. His body language said 'I give up".
Wouldn't be the first time this season he's had body language issues. Not sure what's going on there or if I'm misinterpreting.
I just about had a coronary when he threw it. Outside of just tossing it out of bounds that was the worst thing to do. He had a better shot at hitting the scoreboard than getting that to someone on our team.
Exactly!!!! Set something up. What.

Maybe he did but was expecting them to miss the second one on purpose, which is most coaches likely would have done.
Two thoughts on the inbounding this season:

Gillon should never inbound.

When Lydon and Coleman are both in the game with 2.2 seconds left, Lydon should not inbound.
NFS. What the hell is going on here?
Felt the same way. I was at the other end of the court. But it was just a lackadaisical throw. Seemed to be no plan.
Looked to me like Lydon was not supposed To inbound. He looked around for a couple seconds like was expecting someone else to inbound and when everyone else ran down court he then had the McEff-it moment. IMO somebody else screwed up and TL was to be the shooter.
The pass was horrible and at the same time it looked like the rest of the team was ready to quit and just walk of the court.

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