First in season prognostication update |

First in season prognostication update


Hall of Fame
Aug 21, 2011
It's all over folks...ALL HAIL TRICKYSU! (AND GOSU96 who was a close second)

No major changes as the leader board was still manned by the same folks as last week with only a little schuffiling after the two clear leaders and winner above.

Anyway, here's how the numbers worked out with posters seasons predictions for the season as a whole:

12-0 1 person CuseisGodsteam (loved the fantasy)

11-1 2 fans Tank19 and Orangesox44 (sorry thanks for playing)

10-2 7 lead by Cali, Cusefanatl, Boog7, Bornorange,Imperialorange, ToddnTx (who was one of the leaders from last year) and upperdeck. (Kool aid must have been laced)

9-3 10 lead by such luminaries as Borzak, IthacaBarrel, nralecuse, orangezoo, sdpenny32, Shanexon, Steve C, SWFlcuse,the legendary Retro, and VaSaltine (We applaud your optomism gents but reality intrudes)

8-4 23 fans incl. ALL4, Bayonneorange, Blazeorange, Crusty, cuse2010, cusecrew08, edowd26, Elwood Blues (another leader from last year), Francuse, kcsu, Hoov50, Mattyl, maxwellcuse, Orangecrush, Orangenirvana, Orangepace, Pearl309, Sandiegocuse, smilinbob, STO, SUFan44, Texascpa, and the man, the myth, the legend...Texanmark (you gents are done, but were oh so close to being right so thanks for playing)

7-5 16 of us incl. Bees, Chip, Chris02m, cuseclappy, cuseregular, cuseman78, Dnabb, Faegan, GOSU96,Kaiser, oldpinepoint, RF2044, SUFaninAz, SUTomcat, TDTOrange, Tep624 and TrickySU (This group are the resident board sooth seerer Nostradamus of the board - go out and get your powerball tickets boys!)

6-6 14 incl. 72Orange, Alsacs, Blackknight, Cusedog321, Djcon57, DSYR440, Frozen, Garnermike, martycuse, Mason, Orange79, Orangeblood, and Upstate. (close gents, oh so close...)

5-7 6 with Ghost, Kingottoiii, kirbivore, Orangello, SoBristol, and SUintheville (with a few bounces once again these guys would've been right)

4-8 5 fans with GuyFawkes, Millhouse, Orangetradition, OttoinGrotto, and Scooch. (too pessimistic gents, there's more than stats to consider)

3-9 2 with king of Jack Daniels OrangeOnions, and Orangepack in this (damn pessimists/realists may be right!, edit: thank God you're wrong!!!)

so that works out to 86 posters participating and an average record predicted of 7.35-4.65

So as noted 7-5 wins the day and there were only 2 posters in the running at the end correctly predicting the results of 8 of the 12 games. No one had more, 8 of us predicted 6 of 12, 1 had 5 right, and four had 4 right.

So the Leaders who nailed the final 7-5 record are the following 18 listed below from #1 to #15 as there was 3 tied at the #15 spot and 2 tied at the #6 spot. As noted no one accurately predicted the exact wins vs. losses of each of the individual games within their 7-5 predicted records.

Details below.

And as this is the Cuseregular seasons prog competition the rankings are determined by me with the following criteria used to determine rankings. First #1 the record predicted needs be correct and exactly spot on, second the most number of correctly predicted SU's wins/losses determines the next hierachy of rankings and lastly within those parameters to differentiate (if needed), the point differentials listed in the 12 games closest to actual difference which was/is 124 points through 12 games is how the final ranking were figured.

Here we go with the following leaders who have correctly nailed the 7-5 record to date; LADIES AND GENTLEMAN WE HAVE A WINNER!!!

#1 TickySU, he was the latest entry literally coming on board in the hours before the first game, he stays on top to win it all after making a bold reentry last week, as noted he has correctly predicted 8 of the 12 games with a point differential of 47 points off the actual point difference which was 124.

#2 GOSU96, staying close on the heels of Tricky, closing the gap a bit this week but not quite enough in his vailiant effort, GO was the only other poster predictor who had 8 correct predictions and he was 53 points off the actual spread differential

#3 RF2044, up 2 spots, 6 correct predictions, only 6 points off

#4 rrlbees, down 1 spot, 6, 18

#5 Cuseregular, up 1, 6, 20

#6 SUTomcat (down 1, 6, 31) tied with Oldpinepoint (up 1, 6, 31)

#7 Cusedog321, up 2, 6, 33

#8 Cuseclappy, stays at #8, 6, 34

#9 Tep624, up 1, 6, 68

#10 Cuseman78, up 1, 5, 24

#11 Chris02M, up 1, 4, 6

#12 Faegan, up 1, 4, 33

#13 Dnabb, up 1, 4, 40

#14 TDTOrange, up 1, 4, 45

#15 Chip, KaiserUEO, SUFaninAz (all tied with 6 correct predictions, but no scores given, therefore penalized to the bottom of the board)

Again Congrats especially to Tricky and GO for moving to the top of the leader board with a vengeance and to the rest of the leaders. How about this last week huh where to steal GO's other accurate prediction, we've turned the corner folks. GO ORANGE lets go win a bowl game and I"ll see you all there (hopefully!).
I would be in the lead if that BS late hit wasn't called in the NW game and that fumble was rightfully given to us vs. USC. Oh well.
Not happy to be leading with that prediction, but I did have us turning it around, and going 4 and 3 in the league.
Not a big deal but I predicted 7-5 preseason, not 6-6. I'm sticking to 7-5 even though I had NW as a win originally. I think we have played well enough that we will pick up a win somewhere tha I previously predicted as an L.
Thanks for the quarter recap.

I don't want to win this thing.
Not a big deal but I predicted 7-5 preseason, not 6-6. I'm sticking to 7-5 even though I had NW as a win originally. I think we have played well enough that we will pick up a win somewhere tha I previously predicted as an L.
upon further review you are correct sir. It was quite a project and everyone listed their picks differently as to how they structured their layouts, and I missed a whole page of picks so I'll go back and make an edited post.
You missed me. I nailed 1-2 as well (you can check the thread)


W - SB, Minny, Schpitt, The Girls, UConn

L- NW, USC, USF, Cincy, Ville, Mizzou, Temple​
upon further review you are correct sir. It was quite a project and everyone listed their picks differently as to how they structured their layouts, and I missed a whole page of picks so I'll go back and make an edited post.

No problem -- thanks for putting that together.
You missed me. I nailed 1-2 as well (you can check the thread)


W - SB, Minny, Schpitt, The Girls, UConn
Wow missed yours too. Got ya in now. BTW you get the award for the most unique prediction no doubt...5 W's followed by 5 straight L's incl. Temple?! Wow if you win it it will be deserved.

L- NW, USC, USF, Cincy, Ville, Mizzou, Temple​
Figured I'd resurrect this thread with every update (admins feel free to nuke the word first in title).

Here's how the numbers worked out with peoples predictions (if you don't see your name next to your predicted season record or if it's incorrectly listed drop me a PM or a line here):

12-0 1 person CuseisGodsteam (loved the fantasy)

11-1 2 fans Tank19 and Orangesox44 (sorry thanks for playing)

10-2 7 lead by Cali, Cusefanatl, Boog7, Bornorange,Imperialorange, ToddnTx (who was one of the leaders from last year) and upperdeck. (Kool aid must have been laced)

9-3 10 lead by such luminaries as Borzak, IthacaBarrel, nralecuse, orangezoo, sdpenny32, Shanexon, Steve C, SWFlcuse,the legendary Retro, and VaSaltine (You gents may be in trouble)

8-4 23 fans incl. ALL4, Bayonneorange, Blazeorange, Crusty, cuse2010, cusecrew08, edowd26, Elwood Blues (another leader from last year), Francuse, kcsu, Hoov50, Mattyl, maxwellcuse, Orangecrush, Orangenirvana, Orangepace, Pearl309, Sandiegocuse, smilinbob, STO, SUFan44, Texascpa, and the man, the myth, the legend...Texanmark (Hang with these folks, they're the board optmists temperd with a healthy dose of reality)

7-5 16 of us incl. Bees, Chip, Chris02m, cuseclappy, cuseregular, cuseman78, Dnabb, Faegan, Kaiser, oldpinepoint, RF2044, SUFaninAz, SUTomcat, TDTOrange, Tep624 and TrickySU (lets hope so)

6-6 14 incl. 72Orange, Alsacs, Blackknight, Cusedog321, Djcon57, DSYR440, Frozen, Garnermike, GOSU96, martycuse, Mason, Orange79, Orangeblood, and Upstate. (think we'd all take this now)

5-7 6 with Ghost, Kingottoiii, kirbivore, Orangello, SoBristol, and SUintheville (lead by So these guys r doing well)

4-8 5 fans with GuyFawkes, Millhouse, Orangetradition, OttoinGrotto, and Scooch. (these guys too)

3-9 2 with king of Jack Daniels OrangeOnions, and Orangepack in this (damn pessimists/realists may be right!)

so that works out to 86 posters participating and an average record predicted of 7.35-4.65

Early leaders who nailed the 1-3 start are the following 10 listed from #1 to #10 with point differentials listed in the 4 games closest to actual difference which was/is 32 points

#1 SoBristol (16 points off in his predicted scores vs. actual scores and keeps his grip on first place)
#2 Orangepack (23, keeps his august spot)
#3 OttoinGrotto (24, also keeps his spot)
#4 Pearl309 (28, up 2 spots this week)
#5 Kingottoiii (30, down 1 but nailed exact margin of Mn. defeat)
#6 Scooch (34, up 2 spots this week)
#7 GuyFawkes (38, also up 2 this week)
#8 Ghost (53 up this week as well and closest to nailing exact score of Mn. game)
#10 Orangetradition and Millhouse (who gave no scores so on bottom of winners circle)

Falling out of the top #10 this week were Kirbivoire, Orangenirvana, and Orangello.

Hanging close at 2-2 and correctly predicting the Mn loss was Orangeonions (nailing exact margin of defeat), GOSU96 (almost nailing exact score of game), Orange79, Orangeblood, and upstate.

So congrates once again to SoBristol and the rest of the above posters for being on the money so far. Here's really hoping most of them are wrong the rest of the way as most having a losing seasons prediction.

OK -- believed our OOC schedule was challenging and predicted a rough September.

I wasn't all gloom. Starting with Pitt, projecting a turn-around with some wins in the league.
You should hope that I continue to be right the next three weeks so we get to 4-3 :D
You should hope that I continue to be right the next three weeks so we get to 4-3 :D
from both of yours and So's mouthes to God's ears! Man this program needs a pick me up in the worst way. Hopefully Pitts the salve in front of 15,657 of us rabid fans...
Figured I'd resurrect this thread with every update (admins feel free to nuke the word "first"in title).

Here's how the numbers worked out with peoples predictions (if you don't see your name next to your predicted season record or if it's incorrectly listed drop me a PM or a line here):

12-0 1 person CuseisGodsteam (loved the fantasy)

11-1 2 fans Tank19 and Orangesox44 (sorry thanks for playing)

10-2 7 lead by Cali, Cusefanatl, Boog7, Bornorange,Imperialorange, ToddnTx (who was one of the leaders from last year) and upperdeck. (Kool aid must have been laced)

9-3 10 lead by such luminaries as Borzak, IthacaBarrel, nralecuse, orangezoo, sdpenny32, Shanexon, Steve C, SWFlcuse,the legendary Retro, and VaSaltine (You gents may be (edit:are) in trouble)

8-4 23 fans incl. ALL4, Bayonneorange, Blazeorange, Crusty, cuse2010, cusecrew08, edowd26, Elwood Blues (another leader from last year), Francuse, kcsu, Hoov50, Mattyl, maxwellcuse, Orangecrush, Orangenirvana, Orangepace, Pearl309, Sandiegocuse, smilinbob, STO, SUFan44, Texascpa, and the man, the myth, the legend...Texanmark (Hang with these folks, they're the board optmists temperd with a healthy dose of reality)

7-5 16 of us incl. Bees, Chip, Chris02m, cuseclappy, cuseregular, cuseman78, Dnabb, Faegan, Kaiser, oldpinepoint, RF2044, SUFaninAz, SUTomcat, TDTOrange, Tep624 and TrickySU (lets hope so)

6-6 14 incl. 72Orange, Alsacs, Blackknight, Cusedog321, Djcon57, DSYR440, Frozen, Garnermike, GOSU96, martycuse, Mason, Orange79, Orangeblood, and Upstate. (think we'd all take this now)

5-7 6 with Ghost, Kingottoiii, kirbivore, Orangello, SoBristol, and SUintheville (lead by So these guys r doing well)

4-8 5 fans with GuyFawkes, Millhouse, Orangetradition, OttoinGrotto, and Scooch. (these guys too)

3-9 2 with king of Jack Daniels OrangeOnions, and Orangepack in this (damn pessimists/realists may be right!)

so that works out to 86 posters participating and an average record predicted of 7.35-4.65

This is the week the contenders separated themselves from the pretenders with a mass wholesale shake up of the board except at the top. Leaders who nailed the 2-3 start are the following 3 listed below from #1 to #3 (that's it folks this week!) with point differentials listed in the 5 games closest to actual difference which was/is 33 points through 5 games.

#1 SoBristol (0 points off in his predicted scores! vs. actual scores and keeps his death grip on first place, he nailed it exactly the 33 point differential so far!!!)
#2 Kingottoiii (1 pt. off, moves up 3 spots and is on the heels of our leader SoBristol, another stellar job so far)
#3 Upstate (36 off and is the only addition to the leader board this week AND the last leader who predicted 2-3 so far

Falling out of the top #10 this week with 1-4 records predicted were Orangepack, OttoinGrotto, Pearl309, Ghost, Guyfawkes, Scooch, Orangetradition and Millhouse the OT boards conservative wonderkind.

Hanging close at 3-2 and correctly predicting the Mn loss was GOSU96 (nailing exact margin of defeat), and the following 3-2 ers who correctly predicted the Pitt W (Kirbivoire, Orange79, Orangeblood, TrickySU, edowd26 and Orangenirvana).

So congrats once again to SoBristol for solidifying his frankly incredibly first place standing so far with accurately predicting not only the record of 2-3 but each game correctly, to Kingottoii who did the same as well as to Upstate for entering the leaders board, though not quite as accurate as our 2 august board leaders. Here's really hoping most of them are wrong the rest of the way as most having a losing seasons prediction.

Bumperoo and hail to SoBristol, Kingottoiii, and Upstate!
Page 1

Syracuse vs Northwestern - W
Syracuse vs USC - L
Syracuse vs SB - W
Syracuse @ Minnesota - L
Syracuse vs Pittsburgh - W
Syracuse @ Rutgers - L
Syracuse vs Uconn - W (on the fence with this one coach p's teams usually start slow out the gate and pick up steam would feel better if we played them earlier)
Syracuse @ USF - L
Syracuse @ Cincinnati - L
Syracuse vs Louisville - L
Syracuse @ Missouri - L
Syracuse @ Temple - W

5 - 7. We are getting better, but so are other teams. Anything above this and I will be more than happy.
bumping it up and congrats to Orangepack and OrangeOnions as this weeks board Nostradumus superstars!
Figured I'd resurrect this thread with every update (admins feel free to nuke the word "first"in title).

Some major shake ups this week at the 2/3 mark in the season which will be explained below. How about that USF game, it was special to witness that in person with some of the board guys. Orangepack upon further review you forgot to put the Cincy scores in your seasons predictions. Do so by PMing me or in this or the other thread and I'll add them in (just let me know somehow).

Anyway, here's how the numbers worked out with posters seasons predictions (if you don't see your name next to your predicted season record or if it's incorrectly listed drop me a PM or a line here):

12-0 1 person CuseisGodsteam (loved the fantasy)

11-1 2 fans Tank19 and Orangesox44 (sorry thanks for playing)

10-2 7 lead by Cali, Cusefanatl, Boog7, Bornorange,Imperialorange, ToddnTx (who was one of the leaders from last year) and upperdeck. (Kool aid must have been laced)

9-3 10 lead by such luminaries as Borzak, IthacaBarrel, nralecuse, orangezoo, sdpenny32, Shanexon, Steve C, SWFlcuse,the legendary Retro, and VaSaltine (We applaud your optomism gents but reality intrudes)

8-4 23 fans incl. ALL4, Bayonneorange, Blazeorange, Crusty, cuse2010, cusecrew08, edowd26, Elwood Blues (another leader from last year), Francuse, kcsu, Hoov50, Mattyl, maxwellcuse, Orangecrush, Orangenirvana, Orangepace, Pearl309, Sandiegocuse, smilinbob, STO, SUFan44, Texascpa, and the man, the myth, the legend...Texanmark (Hang with these folks, they're the board optmists temperd with a healthy dose of reality, however they're clinging on with nails only...)

7-5 16 of us incl. Bees, Chip, Chris02m, cuseclappy, cuseregular, cuseman78, Dnabb, Faegan, GOSU96,Kaiser, oldpinepoint, RF2044, SUFaninAz, SUTomcat, TDTOrange, Tep624 and TrickySU (2 weeks ago I said "lets face it we're done boys", however, the patient still has a pulse with these here)

6-6 14 incl. 72Orange, Alsacs, Blackknight, Cusedog321, Djcon57, DSYR440, Frozen, Garnermike, martycuse, Mason, Orange79, Orangeblood, and Upstate. (think we're hoping this is worst case now).

5-7 6 with Ghost, Kingottoiii, kirbivore, Orangello, SoBristol, and SUintheville (lead by Ghost these folks r doing well)

4-8 5 fans with GuyFawkes, Millhouse, Orangetradition, OttoinGrotto, and Scooch. (these folks are mostly out of the running at this point)

3-9 2 with king of Jack Daniels OrangeOnions, and Orangepack in this (damn pessimists/realists may be right!, edit: thank God you're wrong!!!)

so that works out to 86 posters participating and an average record predicted of 7.35-4.65

There was some serious movin and shakin going on this week with quite a few getting back on the leader board after a week or twos hiatus, while quite a few fell out and a couple of first timers to the leader board appeared.

Leaders who nailed the all of a sudden promising 4-4 record are the following 7 listed below from #1 to #7. No one has accurately predicted the exact wins vs. losses of each individual games within their 4-4 prediction, however, a pattern is emerging with some accurately predicting more of the games vs. others.

And as this is the Cuseregular seasons prog competition the rankings are determined by me with the following criteria used to determine rankings. First #1 the record predicted to this point (and of course at seasons end) needs be correct and exactly spot on, second the most number of correctly predicted SU's wins/losses determines the next hierachy of rankings and lastly within those parameters to differentiate (if needed), the point differentials listed in the 8 games closest to actual difference which was/is 72 points through 8 games is how the final ranking were figured.

Here we go:

#1 Ghost (up 5 taking the leader board by storm as the only poster who predicted both the USF W
along with leading the group with 6 correctly predicted games thus far, with a 61 pt
diffential in predicted scores off the actual pt. differential thus far which is 72 points)
#2 Pearl309 (back in the hunt with 6 correctly predicted games including the USF W, 76 pts off)
#3 Kirbivoire (reentering the fray, 6, 79)
#4 Kingottiii (back in as well, 6, 81)
#5 SoBristol (back in after dominating the early weeks, 5, 54 pt. differential)
#6 SUintheVille (First time on the board I believe, 5, 74)
#7 Upstate (down 5 this week but still on the leader board, 4,

Very few posters predicted the USF W and among those who did special shout out to Francuse who not only predicted the SU victory but the exact margin of all of 1 point!

Falling off the leader board this week were quite a few. Orangepack, OrangeOnions with 3-9 overalls no longer in the running. OttoinGrotto, Guyfawkes, Scooch, Orangetradition, and Millhouse all or most whom have 3-5 records predicted to this point (though Grotto was one of the few to nail the USF W).

So congrats to Ghost and the rest for their predicting prowess. We're coming near and around the 3/4 poll gents/ladies and it's getting interesting. Lets hope they can keep the momentum moving forward and use the USF game as a spring board the rest of the way! GO ORANGE!
bump goes the update!
Well, this proves it. KingOtto has acumen!
Well, this proves it. KingOtto has acumen!
been on this board for years and gotta admit the dude is rarely wrong over the years (which sucks since he has us at 5-7). Was there a board "tussle" flameathon I may have missed?

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