Orangeyes-I don't want to negative about what Floyd said and maybe Coughlin has changed, but I lived in Sadler with the team for my second semester freshman year-Coughlin was a flaming to non-football players.
I knew Floyd casually and Jim Nance lived next door. Jim was one of the biggest people I ever met-and certainly the strongest, but a teddy bear when out of competition. Jim and I got to be pretty good friends. Both Jim and Floyd were wonderful people.
My true story about Coughlin-1965-As a freshman, your were not allowed to have cars so when I bought my first car to school (my bad I guess-but I'm sure I'm not the only one) I couldn't park in student parking areas-no permit. So when I moved into Sadler I park in a small area across from the entrance of the dorm. I started to find nasty notes under my windshield wiper to move my car or else. Then "this is a jock parking lot so don't park here any more." This was public property and I knew it. The notes were unsigned (chickenshit) but naturally I was concerned.
I didn't know who was writing the notes and I got them daily. Finally I was talking to Jim and showed him the notes and asked him if he knew who might have written them. He read about 4 of them and stopped. He said "yes" I know who wrote these. Jim said "Joe, don't worry about this I'll take care of it tonight."
Well he must have because I parked their the rest of the semester and found no more notes on my car. Before Jim graduated, after he showed up in his new Corvette from the the Patriots bonus money, I congratulated him on his success-then had to ask him, since he was leaving, who wrote the notes. Answer-Tom Coughlin!
Jim hadn't told me during the semester because he felt it would only create more problems, but I kind of knew because he was the only player who I never talked to and for some reason he would glare at me when I saw him. When I asked Jim why he never told me he said "I didn't want to make things worse".
I will be rooting for the Giants this weekend because I am a New Yorker, but I could care less about Coughlin. I do hope he's change though.