Lamkin played 28 mins a game for 37 games last season. It is not some given that he was going to struggle with an injury this year. The injury also does not appear to be a major one, and I am sure we will see a better version of him in the near future. He has already had some excellent games for us and I am confident he will continue to once he gets his health in a better spot.
The "real pg" is more illusive than people realize. If we spent on a guy likely in our budget like Leffew, who does not quite check all the "real pg" boxes, while also having zero post game because we brought in a far worse center and forward than Lampkin and Davis, I really do not think our outlook changes much this season. We would have to go another level up in money that I do not even know we can reach to get that guy who is both a "real pg" like Carlos, but also capable of scoring/playmaking/defending at the very highest level. And then what money is left for the frontcourt after that? We lost 4 guys from our frontcourt from last year and have only a truly injury prone center in McLeod left over.
We had the second highest scorer in the acc, 4th in assists, 2nd in steals, and we were still well below are standard last year, in part because the frontcourt was beyond weak. To spend boatloads to just bring in a guy about as good on paper as Mintz, while going cheaper in the frontcourt and bringing in guys considerably worse than Lampkin and Davis, would also disappoint. And if that pg guy gets hurt, it would also cost us the season without question.
I am not fully defending Reds moves, becuase his talent evaluation of Carlos was clearly lacking, but I also do not think pursuing a quality center was automoatically the wrong move. I am hoping JJ and Moore can take us somewhere as the plan B.