You know this is true. ACC Money from SUAD was redirected to SU because of the budget imbalance where SU under Cantor was dipping into endowment funds to pay for university operations. That's been corrected under Sevyrud including installing a budget process for all departments, schools, etc, that deans and professors have to follow for the first time in the history of the University. This includes regular departmental staff including rigorous travel budget restrictions where previously it was a free for all. Huge university resistance from what I was told until the BOT had put their stamp of approval on it.
I just don't know yet if this was a short term or going to be long term issue similar to the Buzz way of doing things. Basically from what I'm told SUAD has no money left over to do anything. I would be surprised if SU even advertises any football games this year. If they do advertise even a little bit, then maybe things are changing under Wildhack.