Game Day Vaccination Policy... | Page 2 |

Game Day Vaccination Policy...

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I'm coming in from over 2 hours away. I have two kids in school. Two games are on Friday evenings, and we know of at least two Friday night games and one nooner already. PCR test results are not guaranteed within 72 hours. Rapid testing is offered almost nowhere.

When I re upped my seasons i assumed 1) we were well on the road to heard immunity; 2) there would be a vaccine for those under 12; or 3) at home rapid testing would be accepted. We are 0 for 3 at the moment. I'll give it another week or to see if I can find a reliable rapid testing site in/near Syracuse, but it's looking like I'm going to be stuck with $1,000+ worth of tickets and parking passes, and will be cancelling two hotel stays.
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I look at it as be happy there is a path to watch the games in the Dome. If this does not work, then it will be back to no fans. Personally I prefer only vaccinated as I have to fly from AZ for the games I am going to. But my preference is not as important as looking at what could happen if we don't follow these procedures. I really do not want them closing down the dome again before I get there in October.
Wish they could get emergency approval for kids under 12 done relatively soon. Seems like Pfizer is a mid-fall event at best. Have an 11 and 9 year old. Makes it difficult to bring them to games. Think I may be spreading out in my seats solo for part of the season at current rate...

Can't imagine at home testing kits for PCR will be allowed -- will need to go elsewhere and bring results?

I'm in CT and my vaccine info is loaded through mychart (yale system). NJ has its own app now too for their results. Most folks should be able to have some kind of digital record for your vaccine if you look hard enough. Either that or the card + photo of it probably will suffice.
Pfizer has a trial going on right now for 5-11 year olds. It should be done in early October.
Pfizer wants emergency authorization usage but the FDA and CDC haven’t granted it yet.

So it could be coming real soon.
I mean...there's sort of a difference here? Schools are essential, football is not. Schools are working to maintain 3 feet of space between desks, Football games we are sort of on top of each other (at least there is potential for it)? I see your point of view, and would likely be frustrated if I had younger kids. There are just no good solutions sadly.
Well, based on last year, schools are not essential.
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This is an interesting discussion. With the delta variant leading to more kids being hospitalized and in ICUs and the CDC saying vaccinated people can transmit the virus, I'm impatiently waiting approval for child vaccination, not so I can take my kids to a football game, but so I don't bring home a gift that puts them on a ventilator. I guess we all have our priorities.
I'm coming in from over 2 hours away. I have two kids in school. Two games are on Friday evenings, and we know of at least two Friday night games and one nooner already. PCR test results are not guaranteed within 72 hours. Rapid testing is offered almost nowhere.

When I re upped my seasons i assumed we were 1) well on the road to heard immunity; 2) there would be a vaccine for those under 12; or 3) at home rapid testing would be accepted. We are 0 for 3 at the moment. I'll give it another week or to see if I can find a reliable rapid testing site in/near Syracuse, but it's looking like I'm going to be stuck with $1,000+ worth of tickets and parking passes, and will be cancelling two hotel stays.

rapid testing is offered almost everywhere here.
I'm coming in from over 2 hours away. I have two kids in school. Two games are on Friday evenings, and we know of at least two Friday night games and one nooner already. PCR test results are not guaranteed within 72 hours. Rapid testing is offered almost nowhere.

When I re upped my seasons i assumed 1) we were well on the road to heard immunity; 2) there would be a vaccine for those under 12; or 3) at home rapid testing would be accepted. We are 0 for 3 at the moment. I'll give it another week or to see if I can find a reliable rapid testing site in/near Syracuse, but it's looking like I'm going to be stuck with $1,000+ worth of tickets and parking passes, and will be cancelling two hotel stays.
I would think given your scenario they would consider options for you. Maybe I am offbase here but if the logistics became a challenge and potentially cost prohibitive I would think Syracuse would say we can roll you over worst case…..maybe a refund. Non standard times call for non standard measures if you want to keep your fans. I would like to at least think they would at least try and work with you.
Per this page the over the counter tests will not work. Has to be from a healthcare provider which stinks.

Dome Policy
If you open the link Lincoln provided for NYS, the state considers drug stores health care providers. I got 12 places I could go in my zip code just north of Syracuse, including 2 Walgreens and a Rite-Aid.

Assuming this kind of availability is the same anywhere in NYS and with companies like Walgreens and Rite-Aid involved, probably anywhere in the Northeast.

unfortunate circumstances for sure. good luck with masks in seats when people are yelling drinking and eating pretty much the entire game. Not looking forward to it
If you open the link Lincoln provided for NYS, the state considers drug stores health care providers. I got 12 places I could go in my zip code just north of Syracuse, including 2 Walgreens and a Rite-Aid.

Assuming this kind of availability is the same anywhere in NYS and with companies like Walgreens and Rite-Aid involved, probably anywhere in the Northeast.

Well, if anyone knows a "healthcare provider," preferably located in the eastern Syracuse area, offering 15 to 1 hour rapid tests, I'd appreciate a pm with the info? So far all i have noted is a clinic on Seymour Street, and maybe the WellNow urgent care centers.

It would be awesome if SU teamed up with the University or Crouse, or even used their own Health Services Department, to roll out these rapid tests on game day.
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I'm coming in from over 2 hours away. I have two kids in school. Two games are on Friday evenings, and we know of at least two Friday night games and one nooner already. PCR test results are not guaranteed within 72 hours. Rapid testing is offered almost nowhere.

When I re upped my seasons i assumed 1) we were well on the road to heard immunity; 2) there would be a vaccine for those under 12; or 3) at home rapid testing would be accepted. We are 0 for 3 at the moment. I'll give it another week or to see if I can find a reliable rapid testing site in/near Syracuse, but it's looking like I'm going to be stuck with $1,000+ worth of tickets and parking passes, and will be cancelling two hotel stays.
I think this is still evolving as there has been no definitive direction from the state and the local authorities are still processing. That being said, the message being given to the new ticket reps and ticket operations staff is to be as flexible as they can. If you ultimately determine you cannot meet the requirements I can almost definitively say you would be able to get a refund. If you need a contact in the ticket office PM me and I will provide
So, FYI to those of you with children under the age of 12, I just got off the phone with the ticket office. They informed me that if you have children that are under the vaccination age cutoff threshold, you must provide proof of a negative test for them as well as for adults. Masks will not do. So for those keeping score, the only "free" tests are at OnCenter, during the school day, by appointment only. You pay out of pocket at places like WellNow unless you have symptoms, with tests costing $150 a pop, per kid, per week.

I'm vaccinated, this isn't a rant against the vaccine. This policy is absolutely absurd seeing as they don't need a vaccine to go to elementary, middle school, or high school. I am 41 and have had my own season tickets since graduating from college, and had season tickets growing up. It's getting to a point where colgate, cornell, and D3 games are more appealing looking.
Free testing widely available in most areas of NY. Find a Test Site Near You
So many moving parts currently. As llandz quoted coming from AZ is an interesting one as my wife (fully vaccinated) just made reverse trip to AZ, wore an N95 in the plane, and watched others get removed and/or warned for not complying.

The current NYS measures are a bit more complicated front end but near impossible to enforce once folks are in the dome.

As another correctly pointed out, Delta variant doesn't particularly seem to care about vaccine status. So vaccine alone doesn't work, mask alone probably doesn't work and combination of the 2 is likely the same.

This whole thing is a mine field regardless on anyone's personal views. Can we just fill the stadium via proxy by donating tickets to NY college kids that will be tested weekly and be loud and rowdy? I want the team to feel supported first and foremost by any means
So many moving parts currently. As llandz quoted coming from AZ is an interesting one as my wife (fully vaccinated) just made reverse trip to AZ, wore an N95 in the plane, and watched others get removed and/or warned for not complying.

The current NYS measures are a bit more complicated front end but near impossible to enforce once folks are in the dome.

As another correctly pointed out, Delta variant doesn't particularly seem to care about vaccine status. So vaccine alone doesn't work, mask alone probably doesn't work and combination of the 2 is likely the same.

This whole thing is a mine field regardless on anyone's personal views. Can we just fill the stadium via proxy by donating tickets to NY college kids that will be tested weekly and be loud and rowdy? I want the team to feel supported first and foremost by any means
Students still won’t show up even with free tickets.
Students still won’t show up even with free tickets.

Get frats and sororities involved. Get the leadership in those organizations involved. My son goes to another NYS school, is in a fraternity, and I bought him SU season tickets for as many seats as he knew he could fill without issue weekly. If a college football fan at any NYS school isn't interested in Syracuse games I'd want to know why?
So many moving parts currently. As llandz quoted coming from AZ is an interesting one as my wife (fully vaccinated) just made reverse trip to AZ, wore an N95 in the plane, and watched others get removed and/or warned for not complying.

The current NYS measures are a bit more complicated front end but near impossible to enforce once folks are in the dome.

As another correctly pointed out, Delta variant doesn't particularly seem to care about vaccine status. So vaccine alone doesn't work, mask alone probably doesn't work and combination of the 2 is likely the same.

This whole thing is a mine field regardless on anyone's personal views. Can we just fill the stadium via proxy by donating tickets to NY college kids that will be tested weekly and be loud and rowdy? I want the team to feel supported first and foremost by any means
It's not that the vaccine doesn't work. It greatly reduces the risk of hospitalization/death. But not everyone can get it yet. Masks help the way they always have, by limiting the sharing of your cooties. In an environment where lots of people will be close together for 4 hours like the dome on game day, having both increases the chances of keeping you and those around you safe. I'm being more cautious than most with my kids, probably because I know people that died from it.
SU needs to set up a rapid test site on the quad. Don’t just require it and make the fans have to scramble to find somewhere to get tested.

Shoot upcharge for it as well. It's not that difficult. Most domers pay 12 bucks for a 3 dollar beer in the dome. Why not 30-40 for a 10 dollar test? Hell let folks pay it forward and donate to pay for tests if local HS's want their teams to bus in for a game. I'd pay for tests and test every week, vaccination status be damned, if I knew it bettered the SU player and fan well being.

I want to scream til I'm hoarse for this team. I don't want the players or my neighbors in the stands to feel nervous by my doing so though.
It's not that the vaccine doesn't work. It greatly reduces the risk of hospitalization/death. But not everyone can get it yet. Masks help the way they always have, by limiting the sharing of your cooties. In an environment where lots of people will be close together for 4 hours like the dome on game day, having both increases the chances of keeping you and those around you safe. I'm being more cautious than most with my kids, probably because I know people that died from it.

So do I brother, and have known many affected where my heart dropped but they've pulled through.

I'm also an analytical person and numbers don't lie. Recent infection charts and hospital numbers look like a vaccine hasn't ever existed, thankfully the mortality chart does not follow the same trajectory.
SU needs to set up a rapid test site on the quad. Don’t just require it and make the fans have to scramble to find somewhere to get tested.
I don't know that SU has the space, the personnel, the expertise or the money to take this on.

It would be great if the county was willing to do it. Or someone like Wegman's. Everyone is hurting for employees right now and trying to get something big like this in place would be a huge challenge.

Just trying to host football games with 40K of fans arriving on campus in the middle of a pandemic is already a lot to take on. Not sure SU has enough workers to staff the concession areas, handle security, take tickets, serve as ushers, etc.
So do I brother, and have known many affected where my heart dropped but they've pulled through.

I'm also an analytical person and numbers don't lie. Recent infection charts and hospital numbers look like a vaccine hasn't ever existed, thankfully the mortality chart does not follow the same trajectory.
Are cases rising up there? They're skyrocketing down where I am, but vaccination rates are low here.
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