Game of Thrones S7 | Page 4 |

Game of Thrones S7

Just reminding all the book readers, Stannis is the one true king of Westeros.
It's so angering being a book reader.
Similar theory...but I think I know how Jon kills the NK (which I haven't seen)...

BTW - I think it will be Kingslayer and then he'll take the seat as the 1000th lord commander of the Night's Watch. I wouldn't be surprised if the show made it Arya too with her dragon glass dagger.
BTW - I think it will be Kingslayer and then he'll take the seat as the 1000th lord commander of the Night's Watch. I wouldn't be surprised if the show made it Arya too with her dragon glass dagger.
Me thinks Bran has to die...

awesome episode. some great dialogue. can't believe how rushed this season was though. should've and couldve been 10 episodes.

Liked the Hound and Brienne's little chat.

Liked the Hound's little chat with his big brother

Jamie's about ready to flip sides - will he be the Queen slayer?

Littlefinger on his knees

The sisters are tight

Tormund alive or dead?

Jon Snow getting busy with his Aunt. About time. 2 episodes in a row with baby talk so I assume he's impregnated her.

How will it end? I'm guessing now Jon will die at the end, maybe never knowing who he is, Danny will be Queen and her's and Jon's son will be the future king of Westeros. Would they have to marry to make the kid legit? My guess the show ends with her giving birth to Jon's son.

The last battle will be epic. Who will be left standing.
can't believe how rushed this season was though. should've and couldve been 10 episodes.

I think this is just because the show is great a bringing GRRM's words to life, but they are no where near his level at building suspense and a storyline. There are so many things that just went wrong after the show got ahead of the books:

- Stannis was the greatest military mind in Westeros, but he got caught with an unguarded camp and was completely out of formation going into a battle which caused his demise.

- Varys was the master of whispers but failed to find out that Cersei would be betraying Dany and even though he has substantial ties overseas, wasn't able to figure out that the GOLDEN COMPANY had been hired by Cersei. What's the point of having him around anymore?

- House Tyrell was the richest house in all of Westeros, were a force when Renly was marching on King's Landing, but all of the sudden they don't know how to defend their home when the Lannisters attacked and couldn't hire sell swords while prepping for war?

- Tyrion hasn't made a smart move in about 2 seasons. Nor has Baelish.

- The plot armor that the heroes were given beyond the wall didn't feel very Game of Throne-esque.

- Baelish's trial was set up to be overly dramatic.

etc, etc.

Don't get me wrong, the season was entertaining, but I think it's lost quite a bit of what made the earlier seasons of GOT wonderful.

I'm looking forward to where they go with season 8. I think we all knew approximately how this season was going to end, but there is the potential for much bigger surprises in the plot for season 8.
I think this is just because the show is great a bringing GRRM's words to life, but they are no where near his level at building suspense and a storyline. There are so many things that just went wrong after the show got ahead of the books:

- Stannis was the greatest military mind in Westeros, but he got caught with an unguarded camp and was completely out of formation going into a battle which caused his demise.

- Varys was the master of whispers but failed to find out that Cersei would be betraying Dany and even though he has substantial ties overseas, wasn't able to figure out that the GOLDEN COMPANY had been hired by Cersei. What's the point of having him around anymore?

- House Tyrell was the richest house in all of Westeros, were a force when Renly was marching on King's Landing, but all of the sudden they don't know how to defend their home when the Lannisters attacked and couldn't hire sell swords while prepping for war?

- Tyrion hasn't made a smart move in about 2 seasons. Nor has Baelish.

- The plot armor that the heroes were given beyond the wall didn't feel very Game of Throne-esque.

- Baelish's trial was set up to be overly dramatic.

etc, etc.

Don't get me wrong, the season was entertaining, but I think it's lost quite a bit of what made the earlier seasons of GOT wonderful.

I'm looking forward to where they go with season 8. I think we all knew approximately how this season was going to end, but there is the potential for much bigger surprises in the plot for season 8.

I can't (or won't) nitpick much because it's just good fun, but definitely Cersai hiring the Golden Company would've been widely known news. You figure Dorne still has an army to etc. But my only real quibble with the rushed episodes is that great characters like Vary's have taken a backseat. They all basically have cameo roles at this point. A couple of one liners and that's about it.

I wonder why Cersei didn't kill Tyrion? At the end of the day she couldn't. And then she just pushed her only allie Jamie out the door.
- Varys was the master of whispers but failed to find out that Cersei would be betraying Dany and even though he has substantial ties overseas, wasn't able to figure out that the GOLDEN COMPANY had been hired by Cersei. What's the point of having him around anymore?

I find this particularly puzzling given that Varys is quite possibly a Blackfyre descendant (female line). They've mentally neutered the character now, an unfortunate and disappointing arc: the Toothless Spymaster.
Theres been official hbo pictures/posts coming out this week. Id expect some videos to start popping up in july.
Scene one of the series 8 premier has leaked if your into that stuff.


Edit: NM... found it. Don’t know if I will view it though.
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Scene one of the season 8 premier has leaked if you’re into that stuff.
I am not but I appreciate it. I want the full effect as I expect pure magnificense
Dude yes.
I have a strong understanding of where this season will go but this wait is goddam insulting

I haven’t been keeping up, so feel free to drop that here if you have a moment.
I haven’t been keeping up, so feel free to drop that here if you have a moment.
Jon/arya reunite
Danyerus dies in child birth or however you spell it
They do some weird flashback
Jaime kill Cersei
Jamie dies trying to kill the night king
Mountain vs the hound
Jon ends up on the thrown being a mopey dork
Almost everyone dies

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