game thread | Page 16 |

game thread

Turnovers and penalties are a lack of discipline and this team has none. Discipline is on the coaches.

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I miss our 2010 defense. that D was nasty. at least compared to this one.
Sometimes, you can tell all you need to know about a coach by the look on his face.

Marine has had many looks this year that don't make me feel good about his abilities.
For those who still think we're winning this game.

We are nowhere near good enough to go on the road, turn it over 4 times, and still win. It won't happen.
I feel a snowball that's gonna catch fire coming on
Minnesota is a much better team then we are. They have a good defense and are better coached.
Turnovers and penalties are a lack of discipline and this team has none. Discipline is on the coaches.

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So is recruiting. We have zero playmakers on this roster. Zero.
I feel like we've just had so many frustrating games over the years that it gets hard to pick them apart. But boy, this one has to have a special place on the list. Or maybe it's just another in a long line, I don't even know anymore.
Great body language Doug. A coach with a pulse please.
Doug needs to go, wish it had worked out for him. He belongs as an assistant in the NFL.
I feel like we've just had so many frustrating games over the years that it gets hard to pick them apart. But boy, this one has to have a special place on the list. Or maybe it's just another in a long line, I don't even know anymore.

The bright side is that we're moving to a real conference, which gives us games to watch with interest...while we finish last.
Wow, this is pathetic. thank god i'm a patriots fan as well

I'm a Chargers fan, it's like this for me every Saturday AND Sunday. F***ing Norv Turner.

Chargers look good though thus far - maybe Norv turned a, not likely.
what is the ETA for Tristan and his Marrone diatribe. I've been a Marrone guy but with all that ACC cash coming in, it may be time to start thinking about using it for a guy with a pulse who can teach some discipline. This is really a "two steps back" game.
3rd and 2 and you hand off to your 3rd string freshman QB ... im still baffled by that, I don't remember GROB doing anything that stupid
If we can get down 21-3, I bet we score a TD.

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