GoT Season 8 | Page 18 |

GoT Season 8

The most surprising thing with Cersei to me is that she didn’t have something better than the scorpions waiting for Dany. No plan B? No secrets under the red keep? She’s been one step ahead the entire series

I thought she might at least use the napalm on the armies or inside the city.
Before this season I wasn't ready for Game of Thrones to end. It seemed like there was so much story left to tell and I wasn't sure how they were going to pay off story lines that had been building from the very beginning.

Well that was a stupid assumption of mine that they would actually do that.

I'm glad the show is over next Sunday. I feel like I've been watching one show for 7+ years and now this season I'm watching a different one.

Good post, I agree 100%.

I enjoyed last night's episode; it was shocking and entertaining. But it was very different (like much of season 8) from what the show has been in past seasons.

I'd say 2.5 of the 5 Season 8 episodes were wasted on trivial, fabricated junk to set a tone or belabor a point. And, as others have said, the whole season has felt rushed.

The only nit I'd pick about last night was the 10-15 minutes of Arya struggling to leave King's Landing. It was heart-pounding for the first 5 minutes. But the additional 5-10 minutes was overwrought and boring to me.
A few days ago she was fighting to save humanity and now she's burning peasants alive after the city surrenders.

I certainly can see how her arc had her becoming a hardened, less idealistic leader, but I never got the sense that she was turning mad.
She also crucified thousands of people in Mereen and roasted over 10,000 southern soldiers alive. She fell in love with jon and turned north because she needed the north in her end game. Don’t forget all the politicing she did in the north to remind them every step of the way that they’d bend the knee after the war with the dead was done.
I agree that having this abbreviated season means that things feel a bit rushed. Last year, Dany swooped in to save the party up north from sure defeat when there was no real reason for her to do so, at the great cost of one of her dragons.

Then, she puts her crusade for the throne on hold to save humanity at great cost to her armies, but because she didn't take counsel from Varys and because Sansa was mean to her she goes from being a benevolant to the mad queen? It needed to be a slower descent into madness -- but time is no longer a luxury this show has.
She performed those acts to win over the people of westeros. Didn’t work. Jealousy of Jon, distrust of the westerosi and bitterness towards Sansa and Cersei took over.

She made the decision she’d rebuild a new world instead of save the existing one when push came to shove.
The most surprising thing with Cersei to me is that she didn’t have something better than the scorpions waiting for Dany. No plan B? No secrets under the red keep? She’s been one step ahead the entire series
Her ace in the hole has been wild fire which doesnt work anymore
She also crucified thousands of people in Mereen and roasted over 10,000 southern soldiers alive. She fell in love with jon and turned north because she needed the north in her end game. Don’t forget all the politicing she did in the north to remind them every step of the way that they’d bend the knee after the war with the dead was done.

I hear ya, but she was crucifying slave owners who were lining the path to Meereen with crucified innocents and she torched an opposition army. I think it's quite a bit different.

For the entire seven seasons Dany was a person freeing slaves and stopping Dothraki hordes from raping women after pillaging -- a champion for the common man.

Then she goes and firebombs a city she's wanted to rule her entire plotline basically turning it into Harenhal.

People obviously change a lot during this show -- Sansa is a great example, but we usually get a better story or insight into a person than we got here.
I hear ya, but she was crucifying slave owners who were lining the path to Meereen with crucified innocents and she torched an opposition army. I think it's quite a bit different.

For the entire seven seasons Dany was a person freeing slaves and stopping Dothraki hordes from raping women after pillaging -- a champion for the common man.

Then she goes and firebombs a city she's wanted to rule her entire plotline basically turning it into Harenhal.

People obviously change a lot during this show -- Sansa is a great example, but we usually get a better story or insight into a person than we got here.
We may have been led to believe that those acts were done for the common man and it’s ok because it’s bad vs evil. But in the end she burned alive thousands and crucified thousands more. Its barbaric and thought of as so in Westeros. The means she used to her ends in Essos are not acceptable in Westeros and contribute to why the westerosi have not accepted her. Jon, on the other hand, has done everything right to earn the respect of westeros. He brought people together rather than removed them from the equation.
Dany's obliteration of King's Landing was foretold as early as Season 4. Remember her dream in which she saw the iron throne? In the dream the throne was under the open skies due to the destruction of the royal palace. We were lead to believe that it was snow falling in her dream but, in reality, it was ash. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I thought there were 2 more episodes left. The realization today that there is only 1 left is disheartening. I don't see how on earth they can tie everything up in 1 more episode (at least the way I want it to end.) and leave us feeling satisfied.

Is it going to be as simple as executing everyone left who she doesn't trust and just taking the throne?

What of the North and Sansa ?
Before this season I wasn't ready for Game of Thrones to end. It seemed like there was so much story left to tell and I wasn't sure how they were going to pay off story lines that had been building from the very beginning.

Well that was a stupid assumption of mine that they would actually do that.

I'm glad the show is over next Sunday. I feel like I've been watching one show for 7+ years and now this season I'm watching a different one.

I think you just about summed it up. I feel that if we hadn't been treated to 7 seasons of the most epic, drawn-out storytelling prior to this season, people (myself included at times) wouldn't be complaining about so many things this season. The need to wrap everything up is evident, despite the lengthened episodes. Things that would have been shown over the course of a few episodes in the past are now crammed into a half an episode. One minute, Jaime is being let loose by Tyrion and the next, he's in King's Landing already. And sure, Tyrion unlocked his chains, but how the heck did he get out of a camp of Unsullied? And why were the scorpions ridiculously accurate one episode and worthless the next? And why didn't Dany just make a beeline to the Red Keep and incinerate Cersei (aside from the fact that she's now mad, I guess, and wants to kill everyone)? And how did Arya go from having a tower fall on her to being in a room with a bunch of women and children? And how is the Hound's head strong enough to stop the Mountain's crushing grip?

I know things like these have been discussed ad nauseam, and I still love the show, but I can't shake the feeling that this season has just been a bit of a letdown in comparison to what we've come to expect.
I think you just about summed it up. I feel that if we hadn't been treated to 7 seasons of the most epic, drawn-out storytelling prior to this season, people (myself included at times) wouldn't be complaining about so many things this season. The need to wrap everything up is evident, despite the lengthened episodes. Things that would have been shown over the course of a few episodes in the past are now crammed into a half an episode. One minute, Jaime is being let loose by Tyrion and the next, he's in King's Landing already. And sure, Tyrion unlocked his chains, but how the heck did he get out of a camp of Unsullied? And why were the scorpions ridiculously accurate one episode and worthless the next? And why didn't Dany just make a beeline to the Red Keep and incinerate Cersei (aside from the fact that she's now mad, I guess, and wants to kill everyone)? And how did Arya go from having a tower fall on her to being in a room with a bunch of women and children? And how is the Hound's head strong enough to stop the Mountain's crushing grip?

I know things like these have been discussed ad nauseam, and I still love the show, but I can't shake the feeling that this season has just been a bit of a letdown in comparison to what we've come to expect.

Yeah all these things add up and the writing has just been brutal this year which makes me think we'll all be screamingly disappointed next week. I still can't get over that Kings Landing went from being in a southern paradise to looking like it's in in the middle of a desert wasteland. Can't believe it took two years to put this out.
so the episode opened with Vary's writing notes on the scrolls. I'd like to assume he was sending these out en mass and one is on it's way to Sansa. Who else would he send these to that might make it in the last episode?

As far as I could tell the note said the following: not the only Targaryen left,

their son lives still, Rhegar and Lyanna Stark...

...hidden by Eddard Stark. His name ...

he is the true heir to the Irone throne
Dany's obliteration of King's Landing was foretold as early as Season 4. Remember her dream in which she saw the iron throne? In the dream the throne was under the open skies due to the destruction of the royal palace. We were lead to believe that it was snow falling in her dream but, in reality, it was ash. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I still think it is snow. She seed snow on the throne, which is symbolic of John Snow. She then sees her husband and baby. The only way she meets them is in the after life.
Just an FYI if people want to know the ending has leaked if you search for it.
I won’t say what happens.
I thought there were 2 more episodes left. The realization today that there is only 1 left is disheartening. I don't see how on earth they can tie everything up in 1 more episode (at least the way I want it to end.) and leave us feeling satisfied.

Is it going to be as simple as executing everyone left who she doesn't trust and just taking the throne?

What of the North and Sansa ?

It’s crap. Last season should have been a full 10 with the first two episodes of 8 being part of 7. Imagine the anticipation of the Battle of Winterfell be episode 1 of Season 8?

And season 8 could have been a full 10 instead of rushing things.
so the episode opened with Vary's writing notes on the scrolls. I'd like to assume he was sending these out en mass and one is on it's way to Sansa. Who else would he send these to that might make it in the last episode?

As far as I could tell the note said the following: not the only Targaryen left,

their son lives still, Rhegar and Lyanna Stark...

...hidden by Eddard Stark. His name ...

he is the true heir to the Irone throne
My thoughta are he was writing notes to the lords of westeros revealing jon’s lineage in the hopes of reassuring them of continuity after Dany died of poisoning. I think the little girl was helping varys attempt to murder dany via poison as she mentioned dany wouldnt eat and the guards were becoming suspicious.
Yeah all these things add up and the writing has just been brutal this year which makes me think we'll all be screamingly disappointed next week. I still can't get over that Kings Landing went from being in a southern paradise to looking like it's in in the middle of a desert wasteland. Can't believe it took two years to put this out.

They could have explained the desert wasteland thing with some dialogue between Cersei and Qyburn at kings landing of war preparations how they cut down all the trees and brush to make those crossbows and to have less flammable material to burn outside the city. But they have been in such a hurry to finish this that we don’t even get basic information anymore so it’s just a big plot hole/glaring inconsistency after another.
This is 100 percent on Jon snow as he , not being of insane mind , had the responsibility to step up and exert his claim to the throne even if he didn’t want it .. it was his duty

But he , in the greatest example of being P whipped since John Lennon, did jack squat ..
Too many viewers are confusing the brevity on-screen with the actual timeline. She didn't go mad overnight. She's been simmering through all of her losses for weeks/months.

She lost two dragons. Jorah died at her feet. She fell in love with Jon then lost him. Missandei died in the most brutal way just in front of her, and not for any reason—just a massive ** you from her only real rival. And most of all, the thing she had been gearing up for for years—to finally rule the lands by birthright—was seized from her. She still wants that, and still can justify taking control back, 'by any means necessary,' if she still believes the world will still benefit from it. She basically said that even if there is massive carnage now, it's for the generations later.

Viewers rip the show for doing the obvious and then they rip it for not doing the obvious. I guess most thought Arya was going to kill Cersei. But, the torching of the city created a greater rationale for Arya. That's something. The Clergane Bowl was more epic than Obi Wan/Vader. That's something. The White Horse was beautiful. But, the millenials had to have their millenial fun and meme it out: "Bran ordered Arya an Uber." . It's a story.

We've been treated to, what, five epic battles now? And all of them have been bigger and better than anything ever in the history of tv or cinema. And people whine. The language and dialog is better than anything since The Lion in Winter (1968, an Academy Award winner), and they do it 6-12 times a year, while covering vastly more characters, plotlines, history, and scope.

Like anyone else, i have my lists of expectations and predictions. I've been massively wrong on most, and i do believe some of them would have been better than what actualized. But, all of that ignores what does happen on screen, and it is still an insanely spectacular program. And the filmmaking is so good, almost effortlessly so, that people take it for granted. You can look at any five seconds of screen time, break it down into what was required to accomplish it production-wise, and you should marvel at it.
This is 100 percent on Jon snow as he , not being of insane mind , had the responsibility to step up and exert his claim to the throne even if he didn’t want it .. it was his duty

But he , in the greatest example of being P whipped since John Lennon, did jack squat ..
What was he supposed to do? He's lived his entire life believing he was only 'mortal.' Less than mortal, actually, as a bastard. He didn't have a dragon to ride to catch and stop Daeny. He trusted her. Swore an oath of fealty to her. And he doesn't lie. He meant it. Didn't he honestly believe that if the bells sounded, all would be spared? At what point was he supposed to do something different? If he was supposed to take the throne, without the passion to do so, and without the passion to continue to rule once he had it, how was he going to take it from Dany, the girl who doesn't die by fire? Who still had dragons? Can you just slit her throat? He is supposed to be able to do that? To his aunt? Before he knew she would go on a slaughter fit? When? And then... justify that treasonous murder how? With a tale told by his 'brother' and best friend?
Too many viewers are confusing the brevity on-screen with the actual timeline. She didn't go mad overnight. She's been simmering through all of her losses for weeks/months.

She lost two dragons. Jorah died at her feet. She fell in love with Jon then lost him. Missandei died in the most brutal way just in front of her, and not for any reason—just a massive ** you from her only real rival. And most of all, the thing she had been gearing up for for years—to finally rule the lands by birthright—was seized from her. She still wants that, and still can justify taking control back, 'by any means necessary,' if she still believes the world will still benefit from it. She basically said that even if there is massive carnage now, it's for the generations later.

Viewers rip the show for doing the obvious and then they rip it for not doing the obvious. I guess most thought Arya was going to kill Cersei. But, the torching of the city created a greater rationale for Arya. That's something. The Clergane Bowl was more epic than Obi Wan/Vader. That's something. The White Horse was beautiful. But, the millenials had to have their millenial fun and meme it out: "Bran ordered Arya an Uber." . It's a story.

We've been treated to, what, five epic battles now? And all of them have been bigger and better than anything ever in the history of tv or cinema. And people whine. The language and dialog is better than anything since The Lion in Winter (1968, an Academy Award winner), and they do it 6-12 times a year, while covering vastly more characters, plotlines, history, and scope.

Like anyone else, i have my lists of expectations and predictions. I've been massively wrong on most, and i do believe some of them would have been better than what actualized. But, all of that ignores what does happen on screen, and it is still an insanely spectacular program. And the filmmaking is so good, almost effortlessly so, that people take it for granted. You can look at any five seconds of screen time, break it down into what was required to accomplish it production-wise, and you should marvel at it.

maybe I’m in the minority... but I have no desire or want for anything to happen or not happen , I just want to watch what happens and enjoy .. I don’t get this “rooting” for crap to bend a certain way thing with this show in particular .. it’s a completely ridiculous show with ridiculous themes .. for people do expect it to go the way they envision is sort of bizarre
What was he supposed to do? He's lived his entire life believing he was only 'mortal.' Less than mortal, actually, as a bastard. He didn't have a dragon to ride to catch and stop Daeny. He trusted her. Swore an oath of fealty to her. And he doesn't lie. He meant it. Didn't he honestly believe that if the bells sounded, all would be spared? At what point was he supposed to do something different? If he was supposed to take the throne, without the passion to do so, and without the passion to continue to rule once he had it, how was he going to take it from Dany, the girl who doesn't die by fire? Who still had dragons? Can you just slit her throat? He is supposed to be able to do that? To his aunt? Before he knew she would go on a slaughter fit? When? And then... justify that treasonous murder how? With a tale told by his 'brother' and best friend?
He didn’t NOT stake his claim out of fear or out of a logistical inability .. he did it out of being whipped .. and then to make him even more impotent...he turns her down anyway and THAT is what really set her full mad Q
Too many viewers are confusing the brevity on-screen with the actual timeline. She didn't go mad overnight. She's been simmering through all of her losses for weeks/months.

She lost two dragons. Jorah died at her feet. She fell in love with Jon then lost him. Missandei died in the most brutal way just in front of her, and not for any reason—just a massive ** you from her only real rival. And most of all, the thing she had been gearing up for for years—to finally rule the lands by birthright—was seized from her. She still wants that, and still can justify taking control back, 'by any means necessary,' if she still believes the world will still benefit from it. She basically said that even if there is massive carnage now, it's for the generations later.

Viewers rip the show for doing the obvious and then they rip it for not doing the obvious. I guess most thought Arya was going to kill Cersei. But, the torching of the city created a greater rationale for Arya. That's something. The Clergane Bowl was more epic than Obi Wan/Vader. That's something. The White Horse was beautiful. But, the millenials had to have their millenial fun and meme it out: "Bran ordered Arya an Uber." . It's a story.

We've been treated to, what, five epic battles now? And all of them have been bigger and better than anything ever in the history of tv or cinema. And people whine. The language and dialog is better than anything since The Lion in Winter (1968, an Academy Award winner), and they do it 6-12 times a year, while covering vastly more characters, plotlines, history, and scope.

Like anyone else, i have my lists of expectations and predictions. I've been massively wrong on most, and i do believe some of them would have been better than what actualized. But, all of that ignores what does happen on screen, and it is still an insanely spectacular program. And the filmmaking is so good, almost effortlessly so, that people take it for granted. You can look at any five seconds of screen time, break it down into what was required to accomplish it production-wise, and you should marvel at it.
When I saw the horse I thought it was beautiful metaphor. Maybe I’m overthinking it but I definitely went with Revelation.
He didn’t NOT stake his claim out of fear or out of a logistical inability .. he did it out of being whipped .. and then to make him even more impotent...he turns her down anyway and THAT is what really set her full mad Q
Where did i mention "fear" or "inability?"
1) He doesn't want it. The guy barely wants to be alive. Didn't want to be 'undead,' and doesn't want to be 'revived' if he were to die again. Continually says he's done with fighting. Him turning into someone who does have the affinity for global power would be a far dumber turn than Dany's, which has historical and genetic precedent.
2) See #1...

You'll have to explain the "whipped" thing to me. That sounds more like something that might be addressed in your weekly sessions... : )

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