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GoT Season 8

Is it me or are the only main characters that have been whacked since the show passed the books have been kin slayers or Stark betrayers?

Stannis Baratheon, Ramsey & Roose Bolton, Walder Frey, Petyr Baelish. Anyone I missed?

A few "good" guys & gals have been placed in some jeopardy but survived. I wonder if the show writers have the stones to attempt some of the bold plot twists Martin had in the books.

Either way, they need to stop pissing away time with montages of armies marching and dragons flying. We get it. Drive on.
Robb Stark, Ned and Catelyn Stark, Lysa Tully, Ollena Tyrell, Tyrell Lannister.
Is it me or are the only main characters that have been whacked since the show passed the books have been kin slayers or Stark betrayers?

Stannis Baratheon, Ramsey & Roose Bolton, Walder Frey, Petyr Baelish. Anyone I missed?

A few "good" guys & gals have been placed in some jeopardy but survived. I wonder if the show writers have the stones to attempt some of the bold plot twists Martin had in the books.

Either way, they need to stop pissing away time with montages of armies marching and dragons flying. We get it. Drive on.

After the show passed the books, the show obviously took a different turn -- whether it be the greatest military mind in Westeros (Stannis) not having guards on his base and getting flanked while out of formation, the plot armor of raiding north or the wall, the Golden company being hired without Varys finding out, etc. So many things started happening that didn't make sense based on the way the story has been structure and that lack the characteristics of Martin's stories.

HBO knows the end game, but I highly doubt they have a great view of GRRM's path to get there. I suspect when (IF?:() WOW comes out there are gonna be plenty of the classic twists and weaving story lines that we love in there.
Robb Stark, Ned and Catelyn Stark, Lysa Tully, Ollena Tyrell, Tyrell Lannister.

Except for Olena, those were all written in the books. He's talking about how after the show passed the books the shows have lost GRRM's edge, which I agree with. Even Olena had a "glorious" death, which isn't GRRM's style either.
For as much hype as the last season has that was a big letdown. Really bad storylines. Very corny. The big reveal was totally rushed and wrong.

What is taking the Night King so long to come south? The Unsullied made it quicker!
I thought Tormund was going to be the surprise death in that scene but they didn’t want any deaths first episode back.
The Umber kid’s death was more sick than scary.

They can’t waste much time on Jaime next week as the Army of the dead is on the way.

I really think Cersei is going to die in child birth and she may give birth to a dwarf like her brother.
She is pregnant and was drinking the wine in those scenes with Euron.

The writers are making Sansa smarter than she appears. Her character is my least favorite main character but she does play chess well.

I wanted to see a scene with Lady Mormont and her cousin Jorah but they didn’t go there.
Felt bad for Sam but everyone already what had happened.

Mostly thought the same. I hate the rushing to advance plot points, the pacing has left the show too thin. I really expected more from the Army entering Winterfell and the reunions. These are people who haven't seen each other in years and mostly think the other is dead. Arya Jon's reunion was weak and so was Bran. Jon's believed Bran to be dead this whole time no ? Arya and the Hound, Arya and Gendry. They were all just quick and unsatisfying.

Best line - Tyrion to Sansa - “many underestimated you; most of them are dead now”

2nd best line was imo Samwell to Jon about Deanary's bending the knee "Would she do the same". ? Has to be major foreshadowing here and I can't wait to find that out.

Who's going to die first - Dani or Jon ? I'd like to see Dani die but I suspect she'll be carrying Jon's kid who'll be the one to end up on the throne.

Seriously Jon - do you think a dragon would allow you to climb on board if you weren't a Targaryen ?

Tormund won't die for a while. He and Amazon Warrior are due for a hookup first.

I found it interesting that Yara mentioned using her ships to aid in a retreat if needed.

I thought it a little silly that Dany was surprised at Sansa's reception. You just marched your army in to her kingdom. What do you expect?

Best scene to me was the close with Jamie and Bran staring at each other. Interesting dynamic. Jamie entering Winterfell and being their with Bran is a major story line. This is the antagonistic force that kick started the entire story so I hope they don't brush it off. Nobody knows but Bran, Jamie and Cersei who pushed Bran out the window. And with Jamie's character arc you know he's completely remorseful pretty much about everything bad he's ever done. What does Bran think?

2nd best scene - Sam being upset his brother was murdered. He's just become a wild card against Dany.
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Am I the only one who loathes the Bran character?

I’m not sure if he’s just a really hard character to portray on the screen or if the show just doesn’t do a good job with him. His character has always seemed to be poorly done to me. I don’t remember disliking his character so much when reading the books.
For as much hype as the last season has that was a big letdown. Really bad storylines. Very corny. The big reveal was totally rushed and wrong.

What is taking the Night King so long to come south? The Unsullied made it quicker!
The unsullied were already marching, i think, before the night king brough down the wall
Am I the only one who loathes the Bran character?

I'm not a fan of omniscient characters as they're usually accompanied by goofy exceptions to further plot twists.

If the three-eyed raven can see everything in the past, present and future then what's the point?

I like the actor but the character was always going to be flawed once they brought him back to civilization. If he'd stayed in the tree it might've had some potential.
Mostly thought the same. I hate the rushing to advance plot points, the pacing has left the show too thin. I really expected more from the Army entering Winterfell and the reunions. These are people who haven't seen each other in years and mostly think the other is dead. Arya Jon's reunion was weak and so was Bran. Jon's believed Bran to be dead this whole time no ? Arya and the Hound, Arya and Gendry. They were all just quick and unsatisfying.

Best line - Tyrion to Sansa - “many underestimated you; most of them are dead now”

2nd best line was imo was Samwell to Jon about Deanary's bending the knee "Would she do the same". ? Has to be major foreshadowing here and I can't wait to find that out.

Who's going to die first - Dani or Jon ? I'd like to see Dani die but I suspect she'll be carrying Jon's kid who'll be the one to end up on the throne.

Seriously Jon - do you think a dragon would allow you to climb on board if you weren't a Targaryen ?

Tormund won't die for a while. He and Amazon Warrior are due for a hookup first.

I found it interesting that Yara mentioned using her ships to aid in a retreat if needed.

I thought it a little silly that Dany was surprised at Sansa's reception. You just marched your army in to their kingdom. What do you expect?

Best scene to me was the close with Jamie and Bran staring at each other. Interesting dynamic. Jamie entering Winterfell and being their with Bran is a major story line. This is the antagonistic force that kick started the entire story so I hope they don't brush it off. And with Jamie's character arc you know he's completely remorseful pretty much with everything bad he's ever done. What does Bran think?

2nd best scene - Sam being upset his brother was murdered. He's just become a wild card against Dany.

I think you nailed all of the highlights.

I'm done with the Greyjoys. I was hoping Theon or Yara (or both) would get clipped and effectively end their involvement.

I was very surprised Cersei gave it up.

Hiring Bronn just reeked (no pun intended) of a subplot grasping at straws. Does anyone see him actually killing Tyrion or Jamie? Weak.
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Mostly thought the same. I hate the rushing to advance plot points, the pacing has left the show too thin. I really expected more from the Army entering Winterfell and the reunions. These are people who haven't seen each other in years and mostly think the other is dead. Arya Jon's reunion was weak and so was Bran. Jon's believed Bran to be dead this whole time no ? Arya and the Hound, Arya and Gendry. They were all just quick and unsatisfying.

Best line - Tyrion to Sansa - “many underestimated you; most of them are dead now”

2nd best line was imo Samwell to Jon about Deanary's bending the knee "Would she do the same". ? Has to be major foreshadowing here and I can't wait to find that out.

Who's going to die first - Dani or Jon ? I'd like to see Dani die but I suspect she'll be carrying Jon's kid who'll be the one to end up on the throne.

Seriously Jon - do you think a dragon would allow you to climb on board if you weren't a Targaryen ?

Tormund won't die for a while. He and Amazon Warrior are due for a hookup first.

I found it interesting that Yara mentioned using her ships to aid in a retreat if needed.

I thought it a little silly that Dany was surprised at Sansa's reception. You just marched your army in to her kingdom. What do you expect?

Best scene to me was the close with Jamie and Bran staring at each other. Interesting dynamic. Jamie entering Winterfell and being their with Bran is a major story line. This is the antagonistic force that kick started the entire story so I hope they don't brush it off. Nobody knows but Bran, Jamie and Cersei who pushed Bran out the window. And with Jamie's character arc you know he's completely remorseful pretty much with everything bad he's ever done. What does Bran think?

2nd best scene - Sam being upset his brother was murdered. He's just become a wild card against Dany.
They are turning Sansa into a non evil Cersei.

It’s obvious the group will want to kill Jaime and then Jon/Bran/Breanna will step up for him and he will be allowed to fight.

The Army of the dead battle for Winterfelt fight has to be the 3rd episode.

I think Jon is going to have a blowup with Sansa. The series has made Dany a hero the entire series but if she doesn’t take the news about Jon being the true heir correctly it will be interesting to see if she is really interested in making the world a better place or if she is all about power.
I think Jon is going to have a blowup with Sansa. The series has made Dany a hero the entire series but if she doesn’t take the news about Jon being the true heir correctly it will be interesting to see if she is really interested in making the world a better place or if she is all about power.

I'm not sure on a blow up yet. I don't think there's any way Dany is going to step aside though. I get this hunch every now and again that she leans more dark than wants to believe and has become a bit of an egomaniac driven by power. I felt last night that Dany was implying get your sister in line or I will. Nothing good will come of that. Jon will ultimately protect Sansa and Winterfell is my guess. And Jon's new dragon friend will take his side now to.
I think you nailed all of the highlights.

I'm done with the Greyjoys. I was hoping Theon or Yara (or both) would get clipped and effectively end their involvement.

I was very surprised Cersei capitulated.

Hiring Bronn just reeked (no pun intended) of a subplot grasping at straws. Does anyone see him actually killing Tyrion or Jamie? Weak.

I can't stand Theon at this point. Though would anybody be surprised if he finally meets his end saving a Stark? I'd rather see him just drown in some muddy slosh getting trampled by horses. That'd be way cooler.

I like Yara and I'd like to see her play a big role in helping the North. I think that'd be great.
My favorite characters are Arya, the Hound, Tyrion and Jamie Lannister. While it's fairly easy to predict Jamie dying, I wouldn't mind seeing him make it through. My guess he'll go out in some epic redeeming moment throwing himself on the grenade etc.

I've really always wanted to see the Hound and Arya come together whereby he's her sworn right hand and bodyguard something like that. The Hound to me has been one of the best characters in the show and he and Arya make a great pair.
Drogon is Dany’s favorite.
Rhaegal which is named for Jon’s dad has a bond with Jon now.

Poor Viscerion is a zombie dragon now.
Dany’s got the Mad King DNA so its not crazy she isn’t innocent.
Jon was 100% loyal to Dany until Sam told him what she did and who he is.
I'm not sure on a blow up yet. I don't think there's any way Dany is going to step aside though. I get this hunch every now and again that she leans more dark than wants to believe and has become a bit of an egomaniac driven by power. I felt last night that Dany was implying get your sister in line or I will. Nothing good will come of that. Jon will ultimately protect Sansa and Winterfell is my guess. And Jon's new dragon friend will take his side now to.
My favorite characters are Arya, the Hound, Tyrion and Jamie Lannister. While it's fairly easy to predict Jamie dying, I wouldn't mind seeing him make it through. My guess he'll go out in some epic redeeming moment throwing himself on the grenade etc.

I've really always wanted to see the Hound and Arya come together whereby he's her sworn right hand and bodyguard something like that. The Hound to me has been one of the best characters in the show and he and Arya make a great pair.
If Kingslayer is not the one to put the sword in Jon Snows back then they’ve totally messed the story up. Redeeming? Ha!
They should’ve just killed off yara. Theon’s redemption arc is not full yet, despite her. Should have let someone die with theumber boy too. It wasnt tormunds time.
If Kingslayer is not the one to put the sword in Jon Snows back then they’ve totally messed the story up. Redeeming? Ha!

He's my bet to be the one who finally kills Cersei. The Queenslayer.
While it's fairly easy to predict Jamie dying, I wouldn't mind seeing him make it through. My guess he'll go out in some epic redeeming moment throwing himself on the grenade etc.

I’d like to see Jamie have a redeeming storyline. I (would like to) see him ending up as the 1,000th Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch and restore/rebuild it after the war.
We were sold feature length episodes to justify a 6 episode season. S8E1 was 55 minutes. Bah!
Here is length of each episode of season 8 (from ):
Episode Runtimes
  1. Episode One 54 Minutes
  2. Episode Two 58 Minutes
  3. Episode Three 82 Minutes
  4. Episode Four 78 Minutes
  5. Episode Five 79 Minutes
  6. Episode Six 79 Minutes
Here is length of each episode of season 8 (from ):
Episode Runtimes
  1. Episode One 54 Minutes
  2. Episode Two 58 Minutes
  3. Episode Three 82 Minutes
  4. Episode Four 78 Minutes
  5. Episode Five 79 Minutes
  6. Episode Six 79 Minutes
Episode three that is definitely the battle for Winterfeld. They said they shot the battle scene over 55 different nights to get the fighting exactly the way the writers wanted.
They should’ve just killed off yara. Theon’s redemption arc is not full yet, despite her. Should have let someone die with theumber boy too. It wasnt tormunds time.
I never forgave Theon. His redemption arc never hit me. Jon was far nicer to him than most would have been.
He is who truly killed Rickon as much as Ramsey who shot him.

Theon is going to save somebody important at Winterfelt though and that will be his moment.
I never forgave Theon. His redemption arc never hit me. Jon was far nicer to him than most would have been.
He is who truly killed Rickon as much as Ramsey who shot him.

Theon is going to save somebody important at Winterfelt though and that will be his moment.

Me either. He has no redemption arc.
I never forgave Theon. His redemption arc never hit me. Jon was far nicer to him than most would have been.
He is who truly killed Rickon as much as Ramsey who shot him.

Theon is going to save somebody important at Winterfelt though and that will be his moment.

Yara telling Theon that the starks have a resting point in the iron island, combined with Maester Lewin felling Theon about the secret tunnel getaways in winterfell, make me believe that is 100% likely.
Is it coincidence that the shape used in the kid Umber’s death and the very first scene in the first episode (and repeated a few times since) looks identical to the Targaryen sigil?

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