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Hanna Strong

Strongly disagree. Making a contrite personal statement, & one that shouldn't mention having friends or acquaintances who are black and/ or gay btw, should be her immediate next move.
Never hurts to say: "I'm sorry. I'm just a kid who made a huge mistake, & said something horrible in the heat of the moment. I ask for your forgiveness, compassion, and understanding...".
Folks would appreciate that & it would help to humanize her a bit.
I don't disagree that she should say how sorry she is. That said, I think it is too late to save her.
I don't disagree that she should say how sorry she is. That said, I think it is too late to save her.
Last night I read all the posts and watched the video and couldn't decide if I had an opinion on what the school should do. After sleeping on it i'm still not sure although i'm thinking that a team suspension would probably be enough punishment. I do know one thing though and that is that people make choices in life and this girl has chosen her surroundings. I'm not making any judgments on this girl but it's obviously come back to bite her. Maybe it's different for 21 year old college students these days but you still have to be responsible for your actions.
More like Faux Rage by the students...this poor girl is screwed. They'll ruin her and move on to the next one.

Why don't they rage on something real instead of a drunk white girl hanging out with her black friends. Double Standard.

I'd love to know who the video taper is.
Last night I read all the posts and watched the video and couldn't decide if I had an opinion on what the school should do. After sleeping on it i'm still not sure although i'm thinking that a team suspension would probably be enough punishment. I do know one thing though and that is that people make choices in life and this girl has chosen her surroundings. I'm not making any judgments on this girl but it's obviously come back to bite her. Maybe it's different for 21 year old college students these days but you still have to be responsible for your actions.
You think a team suspension would be enough? That sounds to me like you would have considered a school suspension and I just think that is too way too much for using words that are used around campus every day. We may not like them (even hate them) but it is the world we live in. So, using words like that is worse than stealing from a mall. Hard to believe.
dasher post: 1124038 said:
You think a team suspension would be enough? That sounds to me like you would have considered a school suspension and I just think that is too way too much for using words that are used around campus every day. We may not like them (even hate them) but it is the world we live in. So, using words like that is worse than stealing from a mall. Hard to believe.
I think she embarrased her coach and teammates especially being a senior. I guess the coach will do whatever he feels is right. I never agreed with MCW getting nothing. I guess none of these kids even care about their actions.
More like Faux Rage by the students...this poor girl is screwed. They'll ruin her and move on to the next one.

Why don't they rage on something real instead of a drunk white girl hanging out with her black friends. Double Standard.

I'd love to know who the video taper is.

In a way it reminds me of the Duke Lacrosse players. Duke and the media both over reacted to a situation. I am not saying that Strong didn't make a mistake and should apologize for her insensitive comments but a snippet of video certainly doesn't give the entire story of what was going on at the time.
I think it would be fine for her to say... For those that know me beyond this ten second clip of me saying something completely ignorant and hurtful... They know who I am in my heart and they know that I am not a bigot or a racist...

DoctorBombay said:
Strongly disagree. Making a contrite personal statement, & one that shouldn't mention having friends or acquaintances who are black and/ or gay btw, should be her immediate next move. Never hurts to say: "I'm sorry. I'm just a kid who made a huge mistake, & said something horrible in the heat of the moment. I ask for your forgiveness, compassion, and understanding...". Folks would appreciate that & it would help to humanize her a bit.
Posted by dasher in a duplicate thread...that I deleted.
... She made a misake and said something that she shouldn't have. Something that almost every member of our football has said in the last 2 months. ... Hanna also dates a black kid and I am pretty sure that the lanquage she used is pretty much what she hears every day.

I've a relative who will only date black people. She lives in a poor, urban area about an hour south of Atlanta. She's very 'ghetto', and posts the 'n-word' all day, every day, on social media. Makes me cringe. Partly b/c of the word, and partyly b/c she's just saying the same thing over and over.

Strange to read of a college senior at an expensive private school talking like this. I'm sure part of the shock is that she is a pretty, white, blonde, soccer player. But, this is slightly less surprising given that she clearly appears to run with a certain crowd. She's probably just a) going overboard trying to fit in with that crowd, and b) having fun being intoxicated. From the video, and what friend records this crap by the way, she had been on a long tear, and someone in the crew decided to start recording and caught the tail end of it.

Crap happens. Just wait til the day they invite technology that can read our minds. Frankly, it's really heartening to see black people that actually know her standing up for her.

This is why I love stand up comedy; they speak without censorship.
The new chancellor will jump at the chance for some good pub by suspending her, and quite frankly, if that happens, I won't disagree with him.

No need to use those words directed towards another student. This is getting the run it is because she's an athlete, but those two words are uttered by people on Syracuse's campus every day.

They're just not usually video-taped.

Bottom line, you can't use homophobic or racist language and expect to get away with it, especially if it's caught on video. Don't spew hate and you don't have to worry about being suspended.

Bing, bang, boom. Pretty cut and dry to me.
Words uttered by SU students everyday. Words are nothing without meaning. What screws her is that she sounds like she actually means them in the video. The response on the campus has been ridiculous to say the least. Not sure how I feel about the new Chancellor either. Seems like he wants to be involved in every aspect of student life at the University. Condemning a 10 second clip with no context a "hate speech" without an investigation being conducted? What the h^ll is he smoking?
The new chancellor will jump at the chance for some good pub by suspending her, and quite frankly, if that happens, I won't disagree with him.

No need to use those words directed towards another student. This is getting the run it is because she's an athlete, but those two words are uttered by people on Syracuse's campus every day.

They're just not usually video-taped.

Bottom line, you can't use homophobic or racist language and expect to get away with it, especially if it's caught on video. Don't spew hate and you don't have to worry about being suspended.

Bing, bang, boom. Pretty cut and dry to me.
How about if she is expelled? You cool with that?
Daily Orange Sports ‏@DOsports 1h
Full Hanna Strong statement that she sent to The Daily Orange in an email to @dougherty_jesse on Tuesday night: http://bit.ly/YvvaDr

“I don’t know how to express how truly sorry I am for my actions displayed in the recent online video. The words I chose are equally cruel and hurtful and do not reflect in any way how I view those it may have offended.

The video does not accurately represent who I am or the person I strive to become. However, I put myself in a situation that resulted in this behavior and I take all the responsibility for my actions.

To the Black and LGBT Communities, Coach Wheddon, Dr. Gross, both the athletic and academic community that is Syracuse University, and to my family, friends, and all those that have supported me: My sincere regret and apologies.”
Yup. No issues at all. ZERO space for that kind of junk.

Cool so you want to expel 80% of the student body? Let's list all the words you can get expelled for? Or will this be just 1 or 2 select words that some folks can say with impunity and others can't?
Yup. No issues at all. ZERO space for that kind of junk.
a little education for you. Hanna dates a black football that we all know. The black football players use that word around her all the time. Being a athlete she is around gay athletes in the woman's programs. They also use that other word all the time. But yes, let's toss out a sr that by all accounts is a great kid because of a few awful drunken words. I don't remember you saying that MCW should have been tossed out? What's worse, stealing while sober or saying something dumb while drunk? And while we are at it, where were you on our running back that beat up a kid for throwing a snowball? It just so happens that her dad has been my friend all of my life. There is a reason that so many blacks that know her have come out in support of her.
That's all fine and dandy but what relevance is it that she is friends with blacks and gays. She made a complete ass of herself in a drunken stupor. I think you are minimizing what she said. Granted that kicking her out might be too strong but the coach has to do something. She can't get a free ride.
That's all fine and dandy but what relevance is it that she is friends with blacks and gays. She made a complete ass of herself in a drunken stupor. I think you are minimizing what she said. Granted that kicking her out might be too strong but the coach has to do something. She can't get a free ride.
I agree with you. She has to be punished. No where have I said she shouldn't be. But to kick a sr with no prior problems, just the opposite, out of school would be too much. That is all I have said.

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