I don't agree, Kentucky can get all 4. Wiggins played the 4 some during AAU especially in his infamous matchup with Randle where he shut him down. UK played MKG some at the 4 last year in their offense, and Wiggins is far more dynamic than MKG. I don't want the Harrisons to go to UK. All that will do is get the ball rolling on one of the best recruiting classes in history. They have a really strong chance to get the Harrisons, Young, Wiggins, Randle, and Lee. That team would be crazy good. Cal has said his next goal is to get an undefeated season, that team would have a chance to do that. Can you imagine how impossible it would be to recruit against UK if they have all of their recent success and then can add another ring and mythical undefeated season to that recruiting pitch? IMO Wiggins and Young are going to UK regardless of if the Harrison twins commit or not, the only ripple effect for SU is it might make it tougher to recruit Roberson or Lawrence but even that I doubt because Young and Wiggins are far higher priorities for Calipari. I'll go against the Harrisons a couple times at Maryland for 1 year then have them go to UK and potentially impact countless recruiting battles in the years to come.