Has anyone heard what Bernie Fine's wife has said? | Syracusefan.com

Has anyone heard what Bernie Fine's wife has said?


Living Legend
Aug 28, 2011
Without going into detail is the rumor that BF's wife has done an interview harming BF correct? Or is my source off? I don't like reporting these type of statements, but I heard from someone I trust that BF's wife has made some statements against him.
JB quoted in the postgame after the very first question.
You block out everthing there is.Your girlfriends mad at you number one. Your Wife's mad at you number two.

I wonder if he was hinting to Bernies wife.
Without going into detail is the rumor that BF's wife has done an interview harming BF correct? Or is my source off? I don't like reporting these type of statements, but I heard from someone I trust that BF's wife has made some statements against him.

Haven't heard that at all.
Are you confusing the purported tape with something totally different?
I heard from someone I truly trust that BF's wife made some statements that harm BF.
I heard from someone I truly trust that BF's wife made some statements that harm BF.

I almost want to say that whomever told you that is confusing the rumor of a tape existing where his wife says something like "get over it". That may have been passed around enough that it has now become his wife making a statement.
Which leads us to the game of telephone that makes us wonder if there is a tape and if there is just what is on it. It went from being a tape, to being a tape with BF's wife saying get over it to the accuser, to BF's wife has come out against him.

Also doesnt ESPN usually pimp this stuff out, like on the upcoming OTL we will be showing a tape of damning evidence against Bernie Fine by his wife. Pretty sure ive seen them do this on other stories the night/day before.
Which leads us to the game of telephone that makes us wonder if there is a tape and if there is just what is on it. It went from being a tape, to being a tape with BF's wife saying get over it to the accuser, to BF's wife has come out against him.

Also doesnt ESPN usually pimp this stuff out, like on the upcoming OTL we will be showing a tape of damning evidence against Bernie Fine by his wife. Pretty sure ive seen them do this on other stories the night/day before.

If its as damming as some people say its going to be I doubt they put it on the air at 10:00 am on an NFL Sunday morning.
Sounds like a huge telephone game to me.

Could be a telephone game at some point. But it wasn't that when 2 SPD people talked to 2 posters. Post that, maybe so.
Could be a telephone game at some point. But it wasn't that when 2 SPD people talked to 2 posters. Post that, maybe so.

Do you know of what is on this tape? If you cant say, I understand but you seem really confident that this isnt a joking matter.
Without going into detail is the rumor that BF's wife has done an interview harming BF correct? Or is my source off? I don't like reporting these type of statements, but I heard from someone I trust that BF's wife has made some statements against him.

What type of source is this? Police, media, university, something else? There was a rumor of some kind of tape that was started by some SPD people apparently. No contents of that tape are known other than the sources seemed to indicate it wasn't positive. Bernie's wife was somehow connected to or in that tape supposedly.
Do you know of what is on this tape? If you cant say, I understand but you seem really confident that this isnt a joking matter.

I don't know what is on the tape and I don't even know for sure there is one or if there is, that it will come out. All I am vouching for is that 2 people that likely should know, have made comments to 2 posters here that there is one.
Sounds like it is the same tape.
So this must be recent because is BF's wife made incriminating statements against Bernie then im sure the case years ago would have had some legs with ESPN, Cuse, and the Post Standard investigating. If it is recent then why would she say these things now?
My source is within justice side of the things and someone who bleeds Orange and truthfully don't want to stir things up I kind of wish this thread gets deleted.

Dude, I feel your pain. I'll be more selective about what I post from now on.
The cops should not be leaking information to people. Period.
Dude, I feel your pain. I'll be more selective about what I post from now on.

Why are you regretting posting what you've heard? After the initial "vetting" period it seems like people have accepted your inputs at face value. People are desperate for info. I appreciate hearing stuff here. If there is evidence out there, it will come out sooner or later anyway.
Why are you regretting posting what you've heard? After the initial "vetting" period it seems like people have accepted your inputs at face value. People are desperate for info. I appreciate hearing stuff here. If there is evidence out there, it will come out sooner or later anyway.

Not referring to this thread. The other thread from earlier in the day really got out of hand, with accusations of "troll" behavior and calls to delete this "syracuse.com" thread. I don't think people are accepting it at face value at all. I don't know if the information is true and I've stated as much. But more than a handful of unconnected people on this board have stated they've heard virtually the same information from very, very good sources, and that's not good enough for some here.
Nice of you to think of that now after you have everybody sitting on pins and needles.

To that I would say, if you don't want to read potentially troubling, unverifiable information, then don't visit Internet message boards.
I'm sorry, but this board suffers from serious "I know something you don't know." Even before the BF accusations.

Either keep it to yourself and stop being an instigator, or say what you have to say.
I'm sorry, but this board suffers from serious "I know something you don't know." Even before the BF accusations.

Either keep it to yourself and stop being an instigator, or say what you have to say.

It wasn't that at all, definitely wasn't showing off. It was trying to corroborate some info without causing widespread panic. In hindsight: Epic fail. Learning experience. Won't happen again.
I'm sorry, but this board suffers from serious "I know something you don't know." Even before the BF accusations.

Either keep it to yourself and stop being an instigator, or say what you have to say.
Dude I have never claimed to be an insider of the program at all and I posted VERY little in this thread so as not to sound like I know anything. I didn't even know about the earlier thread until 10 minutes ago because I was at the damn game and had a chance to talk about the allegations. I hope BF is cleared and this crap goes away and Schwarz loses his job, but asking a legit question isn't being an instigator.

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