Hate to say it... | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Hate to say it...

the argument for facility upgrades is that we have lost our panache but having facilities second to none would give us a new selling point which we desperately need. It is immaterial that our facilities are comparable to duke or unc. This is their turf and they have inherent advantages. we need to compensate.

The ACC is a whole new ball game. Our competitors recruit at the highest level. We need to find new ways to compete for recruits. We need new selling points. Our basketball future is at stake.

We have the second highest basketball revenue in all of college basketball. Let's use it to rescue our program from its newly precarious position. this is the time to take off the orange glasses and act boldly.
the argument for facility upgrades is that we have lost our panache but having facilities second to none would give us a new selling point which we desperately need. It is immaterial that our facilities are comparable to duke or unc. This is their turf and they have inherent advantages. we need to compensate.

The ACC is a whole new ball game. Our competitors recruit at the highest level. We need to find new ways to compete for recruits. We need new selling points. Our basketball future is at stake.

We have the second highest basketball revenue in all of college basketball. Let's use it to rescue our program from its newly precarious position. this is the time to take off the orange glasses and act boldly.
I couldn't agree with you more! We need a one up and this is it. Our laurels are no longer valid outside Big East it appears. Build it and they will come. More Hollywood ish the better. They want to be treated like divas not blue collar workers
Add the two recruiting misses to three straight 13+ loss seasons and the roster's big-time question marks and I think the trepidation is valid.

Battle is a very good player. Thompson is above average offensively. After that, everyone is a question mark, in my opinion. And that's not good.

But but but we got hot for a week and got extremely lucky that middle tenn knocked off michigan state and we made a final four and that whole miserable season and frightening stay directly on the bubble was all eternal sunshined from our brains. Well some of us apparently.
Battle- NBA next
Moyer- Ohio Gatorade player of year
Brissett- Best player in Canada
Taurean- high ceiling- NBA one day
Washington- very capable in helping Brissett become top player and true point guard(will surprise)
Sidbe- great agility for size. Knack for anticipating opponents , can shoot, doesn't foul, aggressive
Chucku- great length, agile for size, an unknown
Howard- could be great but unknown

Add Dolejac has handle, agile, athletic, hungry, aggressive, drives hoop with any opportunity, can run the floor and finish, plays in tougher than high school league and succeeds. Shooting said to be good but would be gravy

Add last 2017 player, a guard need the right one

I really don't believe our team is that bad. These are talented kids that if they gel early who knows? 2 missing pieces- that's all

What about the guys that don't improve or regress like what was the main problem last year when Frank, Roberson and DC basically gave us nothing when they were being counted on as 60% of the starting lineup to start the year.
What about the guys that don't improve or regress like what was the main problem last year when Frank, Roberson and DC basically gave us nothing when they were being counted on as 60% of the starting lineup to start the year.
It happens but so does the reverse. We could digress or we could succeed. We dont know yet but we were full of vim and vigor before the season last year and failed. But I am absolutely not writing off next year. We have no reason beating Duke and do it repeatedly. Never know you may be right but ...,,,.
Not a good time for Syracuse sports.

Can't make the tournament in basketball. Can't make the Final Four in lacrosse. Can't make a bowl in a football. Gotta turn it around.
Gotta admit football is looking better and basketball is our forte and will re establish itself
That's because that is exactly what he has done, with very few down years. And even in those down years, he's taken the team to FFs. Some people don't freak out and start screaming the sky is falling just because they heard a podcast. Sorry you don't like the term narrative.
Well, there are simply different ways of interpreting 'data.' Plotting our history on a graph, if you stand back and look at it, you could assess it as 'impressive.' If you look at the end of the graph, where it shows three consecutive years at .500, and zero ACC tourney wins, and missing on recruits, and now the expectation that we will perform again at the median level... then you might assert its now a trend rather than a blip. Trends need to be addressed. And it's not just the downward slope. There are easily observable factors that cause that dip. For one thing, jimmy isn't getting younger. Jimmy has been 'on the way out' for a couple of years, and recruits are naturally going to have less faith in a program with an outgoing chief and a replacement without a track record. If those recruits are as impactful as we would need them to be, it makes sense that they'd have better, more guranteed options.

Even in down years he's taken us to final fours. Well, yeah. That's the unexpected end of the year bonus for the fan. But you've been living on PB&J the other 11 months leading up to that. The recruits pay more attention to the 11 months of struggle than to the big celebratory red lobster meal at the end. Go an entire year unranked, then have all the commentators talking constantly about how they don't know if you're in or out of the big dance because you lost so many games, and some mid-tier program maybe deserves to get in over you, and then you do controversially sneak in and win some games that no one would have crowed about had they been on our out of conference schedule... and you claim that as an indication that everything is solid? That entire unranked season and then the bubble status — that's a stink that a kid smells and doesn't want to be a part of the next season.

Some people freak out and scream The sky is falling. Well, I'd probably see it differently here, too. Just the way You characterize it is more hyperbolic than the comments you're condemning. Freak out? People are freaking out about people freaking out. Whatever. Read the stuff that doesn't pierce your bubble and don't read the other stuff. You've probably been around long enough to know there are always going to be people who prefer a more Objective than Optimistic perspective. And since You are only the Decider of what is Objective in your own mind, stop trying to regulate how other people see and feel about things, especially when they have supporting rationales.

Because they heard a podcast? Jeez, friend. Way to get inside our heads! I won't speak for everyone else, but for me, The Podcasts have only validate what I have already thought, and sometimes give me more information than I have access to, toward confirming he reasons for those thoughts. If you need to think about it more simplistically to push your narrative, have at it.
Gotta admit football is looking better and basketball is our forte and will re establish itself

Its tough being from WNY right now, I'm used to Cuse B-Ball being the thing that makes up for Cuse football, the Bills and Sabres. Looking like its going to take a bit of good fortune for even one to have a post season next year.
Well, there are simply different ways of interpreting 'data.' Plotting our history on a graph, if you stand back and look at it, you could assess it as 'impressive.' If you look at the end of the graph, where it shows three consecutive years at .500, and zero ACC tourney wins, and missing on recruits, and now the expectation that we will perform again at the median level... then you might assert its now a trend rather than a blip. Trends need to be addressed. And it's not just the downward slope. There are easily observable factors that cause that dip. For one thing, jimmy isn't getting younger. Jimmy has been 'on the way out' for a couple of years, and recruits are naturally going to have less faith in a program with an outgoing chief and a replacement without a track record. If those recruits are as impactful as we would need them to be, it makes sense that they'd have better, more guranteed options.

Even in down years he's taken us to final fours. Well, yeah. That's the unexpected end of the year bonus for the fan. But you've been living on PB&J the other 11 months leading up to that. The recruits pay more attention to the 11 months of struggle than to the big celebratory red lobster meal at the end. Go an entire year unranked, then have all the commentators talking constantly about how they don't know if you're in or out of the big dance because you lost so many games, and some mid-tier program maybe deserves to get in over you, and then you do controversially sneak in and win some games that no one would have crowed about had they been on our out of conference schedule... and you claim that as an indication that everything is solid? That entire unranked season and then the bubble status — that's a stink that a kid smells and doesn't want to be a part of the next season.

Some people freak out and scream The sky is falling. Well, I'd probably see it differently here, too. Just the way You characterize it is more hyperbolic than the comments you're condemning. Freak out? People are freaking out about people freaking out. Whatever. Read the stuff that doesn't pierce your bubble and don't read the other stuff. You've probably been around long enough to know there are always going to be people who prefer a more Objective than Optimistic perspective. And since You are only the Decider of what is Objective in your own mind, stop trying to regulate how other people see and feel about things, especially when they have supporting rationales.

Because they heard a podcast? Jeez, friend. Way to get inside our heads! I won't speak for everyone else, but for me, The Podcasts have only validate what I have already thought, and sometimes give me more information than I have access to, toward confirming he reasons for those thoughts. If you need to think about it more simplistically to push your narrative, have at it.

This is pretty much everything I would like to say that I didn't want to take the time to write out.
Its tough being from WNY right now, I'm used to Cuse B-Ball being the thing that makes up for Cuse football, the Bills and Sabres. Looking like its going to take a bit of good fortune for even one to have a post season next year.
You are not alone
Never like to double dip on a thread... but I have to weigh in on the JB aspect of this thing. JB's career speaks for itself. He is one of the greatest Collegiate coaches of all time and his defensive genius will be embodied in zone defense long after he is gone from the college scene. He is also synonymous with Syracuse Basketball and what he was able to do in central New York with this program is almost miraculously remarkable. People who have been in step with the program for the better part of the last 5 decades don't need to be told any of that. It's just fact.


There has been plenty of critical takes on JB as well and many contained more than a kernel of truth. JB's unwillingness (read stubborness) to never depart from his line of thinking has at times been costly. Some will point to that as being an asset but there can be a strong argument that there has been an appreciable amount of hardship and criticism that program has been subjected to as a result of it.

Most importantly, and what I was alluding to with my original post is the fact that we are positioned at a crossroads with the program. Several factors come into play, we are playing in a different conference in which we ostensibly may not be able to recruit at the same level as other teams. As mentioned by others, we have an aging facility (ies) We are a program which is STILL facing an uncertain future with respect to our coaching.

Some posit that JB is owed the option of being able to structure the terms and conditions of his calling it quits. Perhaps, but at what cost? The past couple seasons have provided plenty of data that indicate that the current trend is less than desirable. We still have some degree of swagger with the program and SU Basketball is, I would hope, still considered one of the more elite programs in the Nation. But a couple more years of bubbledom... or maybe not even making the tourney... and a few more sub par recruiting classes and conspicuous misses on prized recruits... and then were do we find ourselves?

I love JB but I think we may have missed the boat on letting Hopkins slip away after having waited patiently like a good soldier for all these years. He has been our best recruiter for over a decade and his enthusiasm is often mentioned by players as being a key component in why they came to Cuse and it's been chronicled that he relates really well with the younger players. We've just kicked the can down the road a piece IMHO and we will still be challenged with having to revamp the program at some point unless we are content with slipping into mediocrity.

I hope I'm totally wrong about this but in my heart of hearts I think that the time was ripe to go in a different direction, a new and younger direction which embraces the changing nature of collegiate basketball. Hop represented that change and he deserved a chance to do that as much as JB deserves to go out on his own terms.
Well, there are simply different ways of interpreting 'data.' Plotting our history on a graph, if you stand back and look at it, you could assess it as 'impressive.' If you look at the end of the graph, where it shows three consecutive years at .500, and zero ACC tourney wins, and missing on recruits, and now the expectation that we will perform again at the median level... then you might assert its now a trend rather than a blip. Trends need to be addressed. And it's not just the downward slope. There are easily observable factors that cause that dip. For one thing, jimmy isn't getting younger. Jimmy has been 'on the way out' for a couple of years, and recruits are naturally going to have less faith in a program with an outgoing chief and a replacement without a track record. If those recruits are as impactful as we would need them to be, it makes sense that they'd have better, more guranteed options.

Even in down years he's taken us to final fours. Well, yeah. That's the unexpected end of the year bonus for the fan. But you've been living on PB&J the other 11 months leading up to that. The recruits pay more attention to the 11 months of struggle than to the big celebratory red lobster meal at the end. Go an entire year unranked, then have all the commentators talking constantly about how they don't know if you're in or out of the big dance because you lost so many games, and some mid-tier program maybe deserves to get in over you, and then you do controversially sneak in and win some games that no one would have crowed about had they been on our out of conference schedule... and you claim that as an indication that everything is solid? That entire unranked season and then the bubble status — that's a stink that a kid smells and doesn't want to be a part of the next season.

Some people freak out and scream The sky is falling. Well, I'd probably see it differently here, too. Just the way You characterize it is more hyperbolic than the comments you're condemning. Freak out? People are freaking out about people freaking out. Whatever. Read the stuff that doesn't pierce your bubble and don't read the other stuff. You've probably been around long enough to know there are always going to be people who prefer a more Objective than Optimistic perspective. And since You are only the Decider of what is Objective in your own mind, stop trying to regulate how other people see and feel about things, especially when they have supporting rationales.

Because they heard a podcast? Jeez, friend. Way to get inside our heads! I won't speak for everyone else, but for me, The Podcasts have only validate what I have already thought, and sometimes give me more information than I have access to, toward confirming he reasons for those thoughts. If you need to think about it more simplistically to push your narrative, have at it.

Beautiful post. Couldn't have said it better myself.
All we hear is Marek is coming, and we will get either Thorpe or Ayala. I truly at this point do not see any of the 3 coming.
All we hear is Marek is coming, and we will get either Thorpe or Ayala. I truly at this point do not see any of the 3 coming.
Marek might be a longshot to attend a college in the states but if he does we have a shot. Ayala might be a longshot to be a 2017 but if he does we have a shot. Sounds like Thorpe wants to come here so he might be plan B. Recruiting is so complicated nowadays. Not just for us but for lots of schools.
Never like to double dip on a thread... but I have to weigh in on the JB aspect of this thing. JB's career speaks for itself. He is one of the greatest Collegiate coaches of all time and his defensive genius will be embodied in zone defense long after he is gone from the college scene. He is also synonymous with Syracuse Basketball and what he was able to do in central New York with this program is almost miraculously remarkable. People who have been in step with the program for the better part of the last 5 decades don't need to be told any of that. It's just fact.


There has been plenty of critical takes on JB as well and many contained more than a kernel of truth. JB's unwillingness (read stubborness) to never depart from his line of thinking has at times been costly. Some will point to that as being an asset but there can be a strong argument that there has been an appreciable amount of hardship and criticism that program has been subjected to as a result of it.

Most importantly, and what I was alluding to with my original post is the fact that we are positioned at a crossroads with the program. Several factors come into play, we are playing in a different conference in which we ostensibly may not be able to recruit at the same level as other teams. As mentioned by others, we have an aging facility (ies) We are a program which is STILL facing an uncertain future with respect to our coaching.

Some posit that JB is owed the option of being able to structure the terms and conditions of his calling it quits. Perhaps, but at what cost? The past couple seasons have provided plenty of data that indicate that the current trend is less than desirable. We still have some degree of swagger with the program and SU Basketball is, I would hope, still considered one of the more elite programs in the Nation. But a couple more years of bubbledom... or maybe not even making the tourney... and a few more sub par recruiting classes and conspicuous misses on prized recruits... and then were do we find ourselves?

I love JB but I think we may have missed the boat on letting Hopkins slip away after having waited patiently like a good soldier for all these years. He has been our best recruiter for over a decade and his enthusiasm is often mentioned by players as being a key component in why they came to Cuse and it's been chronicled that he relates really well with the younger players. We've just kicked the can down the road a piece IMHO and we will still be challenged with having to revamp the program at some point unless we are content with slipping into mediocrity.

I hope I'm totally wrong about this but in my heart of hearts I think that the time was ripe to go in a different direction, a new and younger direction which embraces the changing nature of collegiate basketball. Hop represented that change and he deserved a chance to do that as much as JB deserves to go out on his own terms.
Nicely articulated as was your first post however we do have JB now.
These are the cards we've been dealt. He s locked in a few years if not 5. He seems to be revitalized regarding recruiting as of late. The 100 percent zone is an issue for me. Kids practice and shoot 3s at a much higher percentage then years past and all the players take them(shame on you centers). Obviously compromises our zone more. Some game situations require adjustments if someone is going off on us. I also worry about Hop not being at practice anymore. That is huge. I also feel like our facilities don't impress after the recruit has other visits elsewhere and no one seems to care or believe it's significant.
There has been a big bandwagon effect of negativity on this board since we started out last year in such a dismal way. I just don't get it or see a trend.
3 consecutive seasons of .500 in ACC will do that. Not that hard to see a trend. The backstage drama with JB and Hop has to be the cherry on top.
I appreciate yor enthusiasm!:)
Our teams surprise us when they are under the radar.
Last year we had talent but we didnt have a team. The whole year just seemed like there wasnt any cohesiveness. I have a feeling the chemistry is going to be much improved.
All we hear is Marek is coming, and we will get either Thorpe or Ayala. I truly at this point do not see any of the 3 coming.

You are really not feeling it lately. I hope you get your mojo back soon.

From your own profile page "Sick of the negative fans, sick of it!!!!!" Jun 9, 2013
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Losing Tucker was a shot to the gut, along with green.

Tucker was only a gut shot because it changed up last minute. If Duke had offered 2 years ago he would have committed then as well. Green is the one that really stings to me. We put off other guards multiple times to keep him happy and we got played. These other guards liked SU more than Green and wanted to be at SU more than Green. It was like every horrible highschool romance movie ever written. The girl you should be with is right infront of you, the hot girl you want is a real B, and the girl right infront of you not only has a winning personality she's also into you and is pretty hot herself. :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang:
Tucker was only a gut shot because it changed up last minute. If Duke had offered 2 years ago he would have committed then as well. Green is the one that really stings to me. We put off other guards multiple times to keep him happy and we got played. These other guards liked SU more than Green and wanted to be at SU more than Green. It was like every horrible highschool romance movie ever written. The girl you should be with is right infront of you, the hot girl you want is a real B, and the girl right infront of you not only has a winning personality she's also into you and is pretty hot herself. :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang:

That being said, I still wouldn't have dated Molly Ringwald. :p
Well, there are simply different ways of interpreting 'data.' Plotting our history on a graph, if you stand back and look at it, you could assess it as 'impressive.' If you look at the end of the graph, where it shows three consecutive years at .500, and zero ACC tourney wins, and missing on recruits, and now the expectation that we will perform again at the median level... then you might assert its now a trend rather than a blip. Trends need to be addressed. And it's not just the downward slope. There are easily observable factors that cause that dip. For one thing, jimmy isn't getting younger. Jimmy has been 'on the way out' for a couple of years, and recruits are naturally going to have less faith in a program with an outgoing chief and a replacement without a track record. If those recruits are as impactful as we would need them to be, it makes sense that they'd have better, more guranteed options.

Here is how I interpret the data. He's in the HOF. He has more wins than anybody except K. He has a handful of Final Fours. He has a National Championship. A lot of his players go to the NBA. His off the court generosity is off the charts. You can plot it on a line graph , a pie chart, a bar graph or a spirograph for all I care. I'm still going to interpret the data the same. Yes, the team is losing too much lately. Your easily observable factors for what you describe as a trend, downward slope and dip are flimsy and simplistic. Meanwhile you ignore the more varied and complicated reasons because they don't fit the narrative. You bolster this weak argument with conjecture about what recruits are thinking or what they have faith in.

Even in down years he's taken us to final fours. Well, yeah. That's the unexpected end of the year bonus for the fan. But you've been living on PB&J the other 11 months leading up to that. The recruits pay more attention to the 11 months of struggle than to the big celebratory red lobster meal at the end. Go an entire year unranked, then have all the commentators talking constantly about how they don't know if you're in or out of the big dance because you lost so many games, and some mid-tier program maybe deserves to get in over you, and then you do controversially sneak in and win some games that no one would have crowed about had they been on our out of conference schedule... and you claim that as an indication that everything is solid? That entire unranked season and then the bubble status — that's a stink that a kid smells and doesn't want to be a part of the next season.

Again, more conjecture about what recruits are thinking and now what they're smelling too. We had a below average team (for us) make a Final Four run to end the season. That's a good thing. It makes the coach look good. It makes the program look good. Since that's not part of the narrative it gets described in terms like controversial, lucky, undeserved and now it apparently has a stink and repels recruits.

Some people freak out and scream The sky is falling. Well, I'd probably see it differently here, too. Just the way You characterize it is more hyperbolic than the comments you're condemning. Freak out? People are freaking out about people freaking out. Whatever. Read the stuff that doesn't pierce your bubble and don't read the other stuff. You've probably been around long enough to know there are always going to be people who prefer a more Objective than Optimistic perspective. And since You are only the Decider of what is Objective in your own mind, stop trying to regulate how other people see and feel about things, especially when they have supporting rationales.

There are about a thousand threads on this board authored by the same small group of posters saying the same things over and over. I'll stand by my description. I have no idea What you're talking about with the rest of this paragraph, but it looks like you're claiming to know what I'm reading and that I have some sinister motive of regulating people's thoughts. More conjecture, though somewhat comedic this time.

Because they heard a podcast? Jeez, friend. Way to get inside our heads! I won't speak for everyone else, but for me, The Podcasts have only validate what I have already thought, and sometimes give me more information than I have access to, toward confirming he reasons for those thoughts. If you need to think about it more simplistically to push your narrative, have at it.

Yes, because they heard a podcast. There are plenty of posts which cite the latest installment as living proof that the narrative is real. I have no desire to be in anybody's head. Although in a few cases there appears to be plenty of room. I'm touched that you think we're friends. I can assure you we are not and I'm not the least bit interested.
But I'm feeling really blue about our prospects for the upcoming season and in a broader context the current tack of the program. I've been on these boards for as long as they've been around and I've been a huge diehard fan of the program since '73. Since the close of the season and with the couple whiffs we've had recruiting I have not had any semblance of optimism about the direction we're headed and it's the first time EVER that I haven't been able to see some daylight on the horizon.

I've seen that others have posted that we aren't done yet with our '17 class but I think it's pretty safe to say there aren't many, if any PTP'ers out there still available. With Hops departure and the announcement that JB is going to stay on for ... well, who knows how long, I would have thought that there would be a net positive from that development in that we do not have the same level of uncertainty, which arguably plays a role in attracting recruits.

But is it really a net/net positive? Or does it just delay the inevitable and prolong the period before there can be a substantive program reset? It's impossible to say how things would have gone had Hop stayed on and taken over the program after next year but speaking for myself, I thought that would be a good thing for the program in the long run.

It's become apparent that we are not only having difficulty attracting the occasional 5 star player but are also seemingly missing on the kids we identify as "must get" players. Now that we are in the ACC we have lost many of the traditions that were associated with Big East play, the long standing and storied rivalries... the tournament in the Garden and being viewed upon as one of the best teams in our conference. Now... ??? It now seems that we cannot recruit on the same level as more than a couple teams in our conference. And last year's experiment with 5th year transfers unfolded in such fashion that I think most will agree is not the solution.

I'm sure you could make a case that there isn't much significant difference between employing the services of a 5th year transfer and a one and done. But in the end it's really something that is done out of necessity because of a lack of continuity in recruiting philosophy which includes they kids you seek out and the balance you strike between highly rated kids and program type players who will develop over the course of the collegiate career and provide the program with stability. There is a buzz and excitement which is injected into the program when a 5 star player is landed. I can't help but feel that the 5th year transfer, no matter how skilled, is in some way a retread or "sloppy 2nds in comparison with a highly rated freshman.

I feel bad about the fact that I can't bring myself to get excited about our upcoming season. I feel bad about the fact that I don't find myself clicking on the link for these message boards. It's like I just don't want to hear that we've missed out on another coveted player because one of the blue blood programs swoops in at the 11th hour and 59th hour and puts out an offer which is immediately seized upon by the prospective recruit ... after we've been waiting on pins and needles for a year or more. That sucks.

I suppose there is the chance that next years season will coalesce into a feisty team that could make some noise come March. But it seems infinitely more likely that we could be bad in a way that we have never been bad in the entire JB era. To me that's unthinkable... yet here I am having that dance across my brainpan. I feel shame to admit that I think... or rather , feel like that. I also know that if programs like Villanova can emerge as one of the top teams in the Nation that Syracuse should be able to do that as well...no?

But the lingering thought I have is that even though we have gotten the assertion that JB is going to be at the helm of the program for the foreseeable future, perhaps we have missed out on a chance to recharge the program with Hopkins coming in with his boundless enthusiasm and breathing new life into our storied program.

And before anyone wants to rip me for coming on here and sharing my thoughts about the team and program I have loved for all of my adult life... I'm still going to pull myself together once the dog days of summer are upon us and take a few deep breaths and log on to Syracusefan.com and root and cheer with all my being for Syracuse Basketball. It will always be like that for me. I love Syracuse Basketball more than any other team or sport. That will never change. I just want the best for Syracuse Basketball and I want 5 star kids wanting to put that Orange uniform on and step out on the floor of the Dome with pride and intensity and and a chip on their shoulder for Cuse. That's the way it's been and should always continue to be.
Great post. I don't agree with all of it, but it's a fair minded and not overly negative post. I too was ready to pull the trigger and get the Hop era started. But now with JB re-upping for the foreseeable future, I'm bullish on the next few seasons. We'll see how it goes. Of course if we whiff on our top targets in the 2018 class or struggle to make the tourney next season (I know many people aren't expecting us to, but I'm of a different mind), then I'll start worrying. For now, let's see what JB has in store. After a couple years of struggle, Villanova backed away from trying to land lots of top 25 kids and focused more on developmental players with high upside who would be there all 4 years, and it's worked wonders for them, resulting in a national title. Of course you still target top 50 kids who may be one and done but we also need to develop program depth, which we weren't able to do for a few years because of the sanctions.
If we stayed in the Big East we wouldn't be having any of these discussions. Boeheim saw this coming
???? Really? Nova has done well. But GTown has plummeted. UConn is the biggest name brand headliner in the AAC so by yours and other's logic, should be dominating their conference. But they too have been struggling a bit. I think it's a bit more complex than not being in the Big East anymore.

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