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Hot Seat

I think so. He has lost this team, and the fans.
Thinking he is on the hot seat is not having an understanding of SU's administration.
he should be on the hot seat but there is no way gross and cantor don't give him next year
I've been a Marrone supporter, but he lost this team. This is four games in a row they have not shown up and I expect that Sunseri is going to have a great game next week. That's on the coach. If he doesn't show marked improvement next year then he needs to go.
DM will get one more year and then a decision will be made.

Of course if SU wins next week there will be the Marrone Fan Club out here arguing that the entire staff needs to be locked up with long term contracts to protect SU against having Marrone stolen away. Tons of programs looking for a terrible game day coach running boring schemes with the personality of a rock to win over their fans.
i'd hate to say it but joe pa, tressel, or mike leach would be a nice sight in orange right about now
over under 3 days before the first "Official we want mike leach thread"
He'll definitely get next year. This just happens to be the game where he's officially on the hot seat. IMO.
Thinking he is on the hot seat is not having an understanding of SU's administration.
SU administration isn;t serious about having a winning football program then. It is 2011 and you do not get 4 or 5 years to turn a program around. There are coaches making their teams very competitive and exciting in 1 or 2 years. College football is all about recruiting. Why do we keep hiring Pro caoches who can't recruit?

That figure alone could justify him being on the hot seat. Not only are we losing in a terrible conference nobody is going to the games. Marrone has lost the team and the fans. Recipe for disaster
It's weird usually people in here squash these threads backing up and making excuses for Marrone but I don't see any of that.

If he's lost us fans and we're not believing one can only imagine how the team feels.
Marrone. Discuss.

He has at least two more years and probably 3 or 4.

Those that don't like will have to lump it.

As a long time watcher of SU sports, I'll guarantee it's at least three.

Su is very, very reluctant to fire coaches. (For those who don;t know that.)
no emotion from this guy, how is the team supposed to show any
If you think Marrone doesn't have emotion, you should take a look at the post conference. He might not show it on the sidelines, but he is emotional. A better word might be passionate.
He has at least two more years and probably 3 or 4.

Those that don't like will have to lump it.

As a long time watcher of SU sports, I'll guarantee it's at least three.

Su is very, very reluctant to fire coaches. (For those who don;t know that.)

nope lame duck next year-this would have been the extention year-no way he earned one-
next year will determine his life span at su-and with what we have seen from his recruits so far-dont expect any more than that

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