How to handle the Uber negative fan sitting next to you | Page 4 |

How to handle the Uber negative fan sitting next to you

Red wine works. No one wants to sit next to a klutz who spills red wine on them. Get them focused on trying to remove red wine from their clothing. They will take their anger out on you.. and leave the kids alone.

And if they get too abusive with you, remind them that your neurological disease is protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act. They will never want to sit next to you again
Outside the box
Nothing chokes uber negativity more than over the top positivity. Ushers will only bring snippy hostility to the dance, a nice friendly talk won't do the trick, reason will fall flat and a targeted spilled beer won't make the point. Besides, you can't regulate what they say if it's not inappropriate. For every player diss maybe make sure you're louder about every good play. Drown them out with syrup. They may get the point. And, then again, they may not.

That is truly a great idea! I think this more than likely is also bothering others around you also and they will probably get a kick out of it. It will be evident to all what you are doing including the offenders. If something like this doesn’t work, then get a bunch of people from around your seats and just beat the crap out of them. ;)
Simple and effective.

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I’m telling ya, that mother had a steel grip on her son, a steel grip that was soft and effective as could be. I asked her where the father was, she hesitated, then said, “Christmas shopping.” He may have asked her to take Nick because he realized that Nick was aggravating everyone around him - and he was - and he couldn’t handle him. Or - he was out Christmas shopping.

The mother was very into the game and made many comments that led me to believe she had played it herself. I believe the father is innately a more negative person than she is, although he can be a very nice guy! The father makes no attempt to rein his son in, or to teach him about self-control or to even be a better fan/man.

I know I am sounding preachy and I don’t mean it like that. There have been a few times in my tenure in 309 where I let out some colorful profanities that assures my place in hell. I muttered them between clenched teeth but I know darn well the school teacher in front of me heard them. I just don’t appreciate non-stop shouted insults at the players.

I can relate a sad story. There was an older man further down from me, front row, who shouted depredations at the refs non-stop. He was infamous in our section. As the years went by it felt to some of us that he lived to come to the games and scream his head off at the refs. His wife often came with him, and she would sit with her head down. It must have been unbearable for her. One time last year I went for a walk during half time and was told upon my return that the ushers had asked him to leave.

This year we found out that his wife had died. He has been to a few games and he is not shouting. :(
depredations really ? and his wife pre deceased him ? buy him a pretzel.with mustard. and shine a light.
depredations really ? and his wife pre deceased him ? buy him a pretzel.with mustard. and shine a light.
I think depredations is a reasonable word. He sits far enough down from me that I don’t think he would know who I am, but I take your point that doing something nice for him in order to express condolences for his loss would be a very good thing to do.
I feel for you. Glad it seems to be getting better. At the Elite 8 in DC in 2013 there were a couple of "SU fans" behind us who spent the whole game screaming at and insulting the players, especially Rak. Finally my wife couldn't take it anymore and turned to them during a time out and said "you know, you're screaming at teenagers. We work at SU and see these kids all the time going to class and walking around campus. They're college students, not professional athletes." To my complete and utter amazement, one of the guys responded by saying "oh, I guess I never really thought of it like that. That's a good point." And they didn't insult them the rest of the game! Winning by 16 and going to the Final Four might have had something to do with that, but still...

I’m telling ya, that mother had a steel grip on her son, a steel grip that was soft and effective as could be. I asked her where the father was, she hesitated, then said, “Christmas shopping.” He may have asked her to take Nick because he realized that Nick was aggravating everyone around him - and he was - and he couldn’t handle him. Or - he was out Christmas shopping.

The mother was very into the game and made many comments that led me to believe she had played it herself. I believe the father is innately a more negative person than she is, although he can be a very nice guy! The father makes no attempt to rein his son in, or to teach him about self-control or to even be a better fan/man.

I know I am sounding preachy and I don’t mean it like that. There have been a few times in my tenure in 309 where I let out some colorful profanities that assures my place in hell. I muttered them between clenched teeth but I know darn well the school teacher in front of me heard them. I just don’t appreciate non-stop shouted insults at the players.

I can relate a sad story. There was an older man further down from me, front row, who shouted depredations at the refs non-stop. He was infamous in our section. As the years went by it felt to some of us that he lived to come to the games and scream his head off at the refs. His wife often came with him, and she would sit with her head down. It must have been unbearable for her. One time last year I went for a walk during half time and was told upon my return that the ushers had asked him to leave.

This year we found out that his wife had died. He has been to a few games and he is not shouting. :(
His name is Bill. He is actually a really nice guy. I have had several talks with him about basketball, football and life in general. It killed me when he told me his wife passed away in July from cancer, only 5 months after finding out she had cancer. He has mellowed out this year.
His name is Bill. He is actually a really nice guy. I have had several talks with him about basketball, football and life in general. It killed me when he told me his wife passed away in July from cancer, only 5 months after finding out she had cancer. He has mellowed out this year.
Thanks, weeds. Yes, you would be sitting right behind him. On our side of 309 we mainly noticed him when the section was less crowded and then you could hear him quite clearly. It was unpleasant. I don’t know if I have heard him at all this season. Very sad. It is good, however, that he has mellowed because he struck me as someone whose physical health could be adversely affected by his game attendance.
Okay, friends. I have a problem. A father/son duo have new season tickets and sit to my right. Kid is 17 and I think played football. This kid (and to a lesser extent his dad) yell negative things about individual players and the team non-stop. My daughter and six people sitting in front of us are all sick of it. I tried kidding the kid about his negativity but that didn’t really work.

I have thought about talking to his dad privately. I have thought about addressing it more seriously with the son. So, my fellow fans, tell me true. How would you handle this problem? Our season may be difficult enough without Hekyl and Jekyl screaming invective at the team. I await your responses with interest.
Use Lyft
Okay, friends. I have a problem. A father/son duo have new season tickets and sit to my right. Kid is 17 and I think played football. This kid (and to a lesser extent his dad) yell negative things about individual players and the team non-stop. My daughter and six people sitting in front of us are all sick of it. I tried kidding the kid about his negativity but that didn’t really work.

I have thought about talking to his dad privately. I have thought about addressing it more seriously with the son. So, my fellow fans, tell me true. How would you handle this problem? Our season may be difficult enough without Hekyl and Jekyl screaming invective at the team. I await your responses with interest.

Ok, I'll have a talk with my kid about it but i'm not shutting up. Actually I've found that everyone in your party should constantly turn your heads and glare at them when they are doing it. Works everytime.
Okay, friends. I have a problem. A father/son duo have new season tickets and sit to my right. Kid is 17 and I think played football. This kid (and to a lesser extent his dad) yell negative things about individual players and the team non-stop. My daughter and six people sitting in front of us are all sick of it. I tried kidding the kid about his negativity but that didn’t really work.

I have thought about talking to his dad privately. I have thought about addressing it more seriously with the son. So, my fellow fans, tell me true. How would you handle this problem? Our season may be difficult enough without Hekyl and Jekyl screaming invective at the team. I await your responses with interest.

Call them a Lyft!
Okay, friends. I have a problem. A father/son duo have new season tickets and sit to my right. Kid is 17 and I think played football. This kid (and to a lesser extent his dad) yell negative things about individual players and the team non-stop. My daughter and six people sitting in front of us are all sick of it. I tried kidding the kid about his negativity but that didn’t really work.

I have thought about talking to his dad privately. I have thought about addressing it more seriously with the son. So, my fellow fans, tell me true. How would you handle this problem? Our season may be difficult enough without Hekyl and Jekyl screaming invective at the team. I await your responses with interest.
This happened at the 2013 BET with an SU fan. He was right behind my wife and I and just unleashed negativity at the players whenever he could. Screamed that Baye was a horrible free throw shooter, Cooney was awful, etc...

When Baye made a couple free throws I looked back in a friendly way and said "keep it up, I think they can hear you!" He started unleashing vitriol on Cooney, who hit three triples in the first half. I again turned around and said "Man, you're the team's good luck charm. Every player you thrash starts playing better." We laughed about it and he was a pretty good dude in the end. He loved SU, but his nervousness led to him just yelling bad things. It's the way some people are. I think if you continue to point it out, and make fun of him for it in a playful manner he will eventually get the hint. This guy at MSG did.
Any update beadle? How was he at the Arkansas State or Bonnie’s games?
Hi! I’m in Louisville with “the cousins” and am mucho distracto. Thank you for your interest! This thread is funny. I told my daughter (who is with me) that the thread was still going strong and she thought that was hilarious. I DID update about the Arkansas game - he came with his mother, you will have to flip back in the threads. With St. Bonnies, he and dad came in late. We were playing well, so again, not much to shout about. When Chukwu came in, the kid started in, but with more awareness, shall we say. His dad said, “Oh, here he goes, I can’t stop him.” I said, “His mother handles him quite well.” He said, “Yeah, she’s much better with him than me.” Not a trace of rue. Ha!

The rest of the game was good-natured. Every time Chukwu did something good, I would applaud and praise and then smile at the kid. In summary, the kid and father are better when the team plays well. We will really be able to determine if they remain better the next time we play poorly - which of course is not going to happen. ;)
This happened at the 2013 BET with an SU fan. He was right behind my wife and I and just unleashed negativity at the players whenever he could. Screamed that Baye was a horrible free throw shooter, Cooney was awful, etc...

When Baye made a couple free throws I looked back in a friendly way and said "keep it up, I think they can hear you!" He started unleashing vitriol on Cooney, who hit three triples in the first half. I again turned around and said "Man, you're the team's good luck charm. Every player you thrash starts playing better." We laughed about it and he was a pretty good dude in the end. He loved SU, but his nervousness led to him just yelling bad things. It's the way some people are. I think if you continue to point it out, and make fun of him for it in a playful manner he will eventually get the hint. This guy at MSG did.
Clockwork, that is a GREAT anecdote! Well done, good sir. I definitely think that your approach is the most effective, and most fun. However, it may not be effective if the team is playing like hell. But of course, THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN!
I once had a guy behind me loudly bashing Forth for not getting rebounds, until I pointed out to him, just as loudly so others could hear, that Craig could not rebound, as he was currently on the bench. Guy didn't say another word the whole game.
Hi! I’m in Louisville with “the cousins” and am mucho distracto. Thank you for your interest! This thread is funny. I told my daughter (who is with me) that the thread was still going strong and she thought that was hilarious. I DID update about the Arkansas game - he came with his mother, you will have to flip back in the threads. With St. Bonnies, he and dad came in late. We were playing well, so again, not much to shout about. When Chukwu came in, the kid started in, but with more awareness, shall we say. His dad said, “Oh, here he goes, I can’t stop him.” I said, “His mother handles him quite well.” He said, “Yeah, she’s much better with him than me.” Not a trace of rue. Ha!

The rest of the game was good-natured. Every time Chukwu did something good, I would applaud and praise and then smile at the kid. In summary, the kid and father are better when the team plays well. We will really be able to determine if they remain better the next time we play poorly - which of course is not going to happen. ;)

Thanks for the update. I was curious. Glad to hear things were better the last couple games. Nice exchange with the father - at least he seems to be aware of the son’s obnoxiousness. And you’re right, there should be no problem when we steamroll through conference play. :)

Have a good trip down South!
Many of you have inquired after the teenager who sits next to me who is the Chukwu “hater.” I must report, he is coming around! When we arrived at the game he and dad were already seated. I extended my arm, pointed to him and intoned, “CHUUUUK WUUUU!” I pointed back to my shirt which had “DUKE” written on it and then pointed to him again. Both he and father laughed and the dad said, “He had a great game!” I leaned in and said to the son, “Your hate has made him strong. But now you must give him love!”

Chukwu had many fine moments during the game and received a few standing ovations in my section, with father and son standing and cheering as well. He had some bad moments as well, but the kid didn’t ride him. I think both he and Chukie have made a turnaround. And the best part is that the father and son are now fun to sit with. The father makes lively conversation with my daughter and me, and the kid’s negativity has plummeted (related, of course, to the team playing better).

The “safety” of 309 Row B has been restored! We are now a kinder, gentler section.
Many of you have inquired after the teenager who sits next to me who is the Chukwu “hater.” I must report, he is coming around! When we arrived at the game he and dad were already seated. I extended my arm, pointed to him and intoned, “CHUUUUK WUUUU!” I pointed back to my shirt which had “DUKE” written on it and then pointed to him again. Both he and father laughed and the dad said, “He had a great game!” I leaned in and said to the son, “Your hate has made him strong. But now you must give him love!”

Chukwu had many fine moments during the game and received a few standing ovations in my section, with father and son standing and cheering as well. He had some bad moments as well, but the kid didn’t ride him. I think both he and Chukie have made a turnaround. And the best part is that the father and son are now fun to sit with. The father makes lively conversation with my daughter and me, and the kid’s negativity has plummeted (related, of course, to the team playing better).

The “safety” of 309 Row B has been restored! We are now a kinder, gentler section.

That is great news. It looks like both him and Chukwu are coming around. I wish I could have seen it. I missed the game. Unfortunately, I didn't get any sleep the night prior. My father passed away Friday night and I was up at the Commons in Auburn saying good bye to him. I will miss Thursday's game as well as that will be the day of his service. I am sad but nothing but great memories of him.
That is great news. It looks like both him and Chukwu are coming around. I wish I could have seen it. I missed the game. Unfortunately, I didn't get any sleep the night prior. My father passed away Friday night and I was up at the Commons in Auburn saying good bye to him. I will miss Thursday's game as well as that will be the day of his service. I am sad but nothing but great memories of him.

sorry for your loss Weedsport.

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