They won their NC game slot on the field. If we had won 12 games the way they did ... we'd all be cheering.
Okay, they may (or may not) get smooshed by Bama, but they won the right to play in the game.
Actually I am with Joyce...rather see Notre Dame in NC than a whole lot of other teams...first because it is a first rate academic university; secondly because it is an association of the conference we are in and hopefully they full join too; and third, I want to see Alabama's ass kicked as much as I want 'Cuse to beat WVU!They won their NC game slot on the field. If we had won 12 games the way they did ... we'd all be cheering.
Okay, they may (or may not) get smooshed by Bama, but they won the right to play in the game.
I think in many ways it's similar to SU. They have more national appeal and an undergraduate that focuses more on science than other disciplines. Su is the Northern Ireland/ Protestant antithesis to Notre dame. Both have football movies. Frustrating that they keep stealing big time SU recruits, but otherwise I like nd
My hatred for ND is generational. It was passed down to me like a family heirloom. Mostly its because ND does for ND....and ND alone.
Notre Dame is hated because its a brand that can withstand seemingly impossible odds, like remaining independant through the past decade, and could sustain to the point where they had the audacity to thumb their nose at joining a conference (which I do resent, but if SU could pull that off...we'd be right there with them). A brand like that draws fans that otherwise have no connections to the school/team...whereas SU just doesn't have that draw, our fans are either alums, or central new yorkers for the most's an understandable hatred, but worthless in the end, as I'm sure Notre Dame either doesn't care, or relishes in it, as most "top dogs" do.
They won their NC game slot on the field. If we had won 12 games the way they did ... we'd all be cheering.
Okay, they may (or may not) get smooshed by Bama, but they won the right to play in the game.
One word- selfish.
ND does nothing for anybody but ND.
i'm the opposite of 44pride. i can't bring myself to hate ND because so many people in my family root for them (irish side, italian side). I never rooted for them but i don't hate them because of that. when they all want to talk ND football over christmas, i don't like being a about it, i just go along with itThey won their NC game slot on the field. If we had won 12 games the way they did ... we'd all be cheering.
Okay, they may (or may not) get smooshed by Bama, but they won the right to play in the game.