I Love SU | Syracusefan.com

I Love SU


Jan 6, 2019
I've been a long time lurker and have enjoyed reading this board for years. We had season tickets for years back in the 90's until family came along and diverted us. My wife and I got season tickets again in 2017 and are loving the Dino Babers era. My younger son is a sophomore now at SU so football games are a chance to visit him as well.
Our bowl game experience was fantastic. Highlights included meeting the Jonas, Chandler and Coleman families at the pep rally. I said something to Mrs. Coleman about needing Kendall to have a big game since we were missing Alton and she confidently assured me that he would. I thought of her statements as Kendall was going crazy in the second half of the game. My wife had met Mr. Jonas in the beer line at one of the games at the dome so she seemed to think they were old friends, and he was very gracious and friendly.
We also met Donovan Darius and my sons and I had our picture taken with him.
My wife decided that she needed to help the young ladies from the SU athletic department hand out beads to everyone, so if you had a lady that was not a college student put beads around your neck that day, it might have been her. She even put beads on John Wildhack, who she said needed some orange.
The game was terrific of course and we all headed downtown afterward to celebrate. My SU student son found some of his buddies from SU and headed out on his own, He ended up getting mugged and having his skull fractured. An operation to stop a bleeding artery caused a few very scary days but all has turned out well for him. While at the hospital I met a man who works for SU athletics department. He took my name, my son's name, our phone numbers. Within a day I had heard from several directors and and VPs at the university, all offering support in any way they could help. It was an absolutely wonderful outpouring of support from the university, and my family and I will be forever grateful.
We were scheduled to fly home on the 29th but my son's surgeon wanted us to stay in town and rest even after he was released from the hospital. So we spent a week doing very little but helping him recuperate. During this time my wife got the idea of trying to get Dino Babers to talk to my son to lift his spirits. She emailed his assistant and got a reply soon after. Of course Dino did call and had very nice conversation with my son. I know he is busy right now and we are grateful for the time he took to talk to my son.
My son will most likely be taking the upcoming semester off to heal but the people at SU have been wonderful and have taken care of everything they could help with.
I hope all of you alums realize how wonderful the university is and I thank you all for any part you might have played in making it such a special place.

Wow your story took a turn, gosh how terrible. Glad your son is on the road to recovery, continued prayers for him. Very cool gestures by those employees of SU who have reached out including Dino. Hope your son has a speedy and full recovery!
Wow. Your post was an emotional roller coaster ride just to read. I can't even imagine. How are you holding up?

Let us know if there's anything your son needs.
Yeah, the past ten days have been a roller coaster. I'm not sure i could have written this a few days ago. Thanks for the kind words and offer of help.
Wow your story took a turn, gosh how terrible. Glad your son is on the road to recovery, continued prayers for him. Very cool gestures by those employees of SU who have reached out including Dino. Hope your son has a speedy and full recovery!
Thanks. I probably should have mentioned that the prognosis is indeed for a full and complete recovery. It just will take a lot of time and a lot of rest to get there.
Wow. Thanks for sharing your story. Had to be horribly scary for your family. So glad your son is ok. My son is also a student at SU and I can’t imagine going through that. Very cool that SU has shown your son so much support. Hopes for a speedy recovery.
I've been a long time lurker and have enjoyed reading this board for years. We had season tickets for years back in the 90's until family came along and diverted us. My wife and I got season tickets again in 2017 and are loving the Dino Babers era. My younger son is a sophomore now at SU so football games are a chance to visit him as well.
Our bowl game experience was fantastic. Highlights included meeting the Jonas, Chandler and Coleman families at the pep rally. I said something to Mrs. Coleman about needing Kendall to have a big game since we were missing Alton and she confidently assured me that he would. I thought of her statements as Kendall was going crazy in the second half of the game. My wife had met Mr. Jonas in the beer line at one of the games at the dome so she seemed to think they were old friends, and he was very gracious and friendly.
We also met Donovan Darius and my sons and I had our picture taken with him.
My wife decided that she needed to help the young ladies from the SU athletic department hand out beads to everyone, so if you had a lady that was not a college student put beads around your neck that day, it might have been her. She even put beads on John Wildhack, who she said needed some orange.
The game was terrific of course and we all headed downtown afterward to celebrate. My SU student son found some of his buddies from SU and headed out on his own, He ended up getting mugged and having his skull fractured. An operation to stop a bleeding artery caused a few very scary days but all has turned out well for him. While at the hospital I met a man who works for SU athletics department. He took my name, my son's name, our phone numbers. Within a day I had heard from several directors and and VPs at the university, all offering support in any way they could help. It was an absolutely wonderful outpouring of support from the university, and my family and I will be forever grateful.
We were scheduled to fly home on the 29th but my son's surgeon wanted us to stay in town and rest even after he was released from the hospital. So we spent a week doing very little but helping him recuperate. During this time my wife got the idea of trying to get Dino Babers to talk to my son to lift his spirits. She emailed his assistant and got a reply soon after. Of course Dino did call and had very nice conversation with my son. I know he is busy right now and we are grateful for the time he took to talk to my son.
My son will most likely be taking the upcoming semester off to heal but the people at SU have been wonderful and have taken care of everything they could help with.
I hope all of you alums realize how wonderful the university is and I thank you all for any part you might have played in making it such a special place.

I am very sorry your son was injured. Best wishes to him for a full recovery. So sorry he got hurt so badly.
OMG, I don't even know what to say other than I'm so glad your son is expected to make a full recovery.

In all honesty, your son's scenario was in my daughter's thoughts during the whole game due to the parking situation at the game. As roads were closed off we had to park several blocks from the stadium in someone's front yard! It wasn't the best of areas. My daughter was worried about the car and our safety the whole game. I reminded her that when we leave so do thousands of other fans so nothing will happen to us, but if she sees anything suspicious keep walking or turn around, whichever seems most reasonable to our safety. The car can always be fixed. As I suspected, nothing happened. She let out a sigh of relief. I certainly won't be passing on this story.
So sorry this happened to your family. Praying for a full recovery (physical and emotional).
Thanks! I'm sure you know a bit about injuries and long recoveries. And you are right about the emotional aspect of it. We have been advised that that needs to be addressed as well.
That is horrible! So glad to hear that your son will fully recover. Hits home with all of us who have college age sons and daughters. It could be any of us in your situation. There are bad people out there, but there are clearly wonderful people as well, as demonstrated by the great people at SU.

Welcome to the community, and all the best to you, your son and your family.
That plot twist in the OP was reminiscent of GoT Season 1. Geesh. At least this had a better ending.

As a parent myself, those are the moments we dread.
So glad to hear your son is doing OK. Thanks for sharing the story. The school typically does a great job in these types of situations and am glad to hear they're trying to ease the burden in any way they can. Not surprised Dino called your son -- he's an amazing man.
Life has a way at its most peculiar time of placing things in perspective. Glad to hear about the positive and optimistic prognosis for your son and to getting back on track of experiencing what should be the best times of his life.

God speed to you & your family.
I've been a long time lurker and have enjoyed reading this board for years. We had season tickets for years back in the 90's until family came along and diverted us. My wife and I got season tickets again in 2017 and are loving the Dino Babers era. My younger son is a sophomore now at SU so football games are a chance to visit him as well.
Our bowl game experience was fantastic. Highlights included meeting the Jonas, Chandler and Coleman families at the pep rally. I said something to Mrs. Coleman about needing Kendall to have a big game since we were missing Alton and she confidently assured me that he would. I thought of her statements as Kendall was going crazy in the second half of the game. My wife had met Mr. Jonas in the beer line at one of the games at the dome so she seemed to think they were old friends, and he was very gracious and friendly.
We also met Donovan Darius and my sons and I had our picture taken with him.
My wife decided that she needed to help the young ladies from the SU athletic department hand out beads to everyone, so if you had a lady that was not a college student put beads around your neck that day, it might have been her. She even put beads on John Wildhack, who she said needed some orange.
The game was terrific of course and we all headed downtown afterward to celebrate. My SU student son found some of his buddies from SU and headed out on his own, He ended up getting mugged and having his skull fractured. An operation to stop a bleeding artery caused a few very scary days but all has turned out well for him. While at the hospital I met a man who works for SU athletics department. He took my name, my son's name, our phone numbers. Within a day I had heard from several directors and and VPs at the university, all offering support in any way they could help. It was an absolutely wonderful outpouring of support from the university, and my family and I will be forever grateful.
We were scheduled to fly home on the 29th but my son's surgeon wanted us to stay in town and rest even after he was released from the hospital. So we spent a week doing very little but helping him recuperate. During this time my wife got the idea of trying to get Dino Babers to talk to my son to lift his spirits. She emailed his assistant and got a reply soon after. Of course Dino did call and had very nice conversation with my son. I know he is busy right now and we are grateful for the time he took to talk to my son.
My son will most likely be taking the upcoming semester off to heal but the people at SU have been wonderful and have taken care of everything they could help with.
I hope all of you alums realize how wonderful the university is and I thank you all for any part you might have played in making it such a special place.

wow hall of fame post on here Chuck, mostly because of the fact that there is and will be a happy ending. And because we all appreciate your family Orange colors running so deep with what you've shared here. Being in the medical world and teaching neuroanatomy/physiology for years I can tell you there will definitively have a happy ending given what they've told you and all you've shared.

Sorry you guys find yourselves going through such things but you will all be ok and then some on the other side of this. Keep us up to date and as the Marks wrote elsewhere hope to meet you all on day at a Fine mess gathering. Hang in there man and well wishes to you son!
Glad that your son is on the road to recovery. It really sucks that you had a wonderful vacation going only to be undone but a thug(s).
wow hall of fame post on here Chuck, mostly because of the fact that there is and will be a happy ending. And because we all appreciate your family Orange colors running so deep with what you've shared here. Being in the medical world and teaching neuroanatomy/physiology for years I can tell you there will definitively have a happy ending given what they've told you and all you've shared.

Sorry you guys find yourselves going through such things but you will all be ok and then some on the other side of this. Keep us up to date and as the Marks wrote elsewhere hope to meet you all on day at a Fine mess gathering. Hang in there man and well wishes to you son!
Thank you!
I've been a long time lurker and have enjoyed reading this board for years. We had season tickets for years back in the 90's until family came along and diverted us. My wife and I got season tickets again in 2017 and are loving the Dino Babers era. My younger son is a sophomore now at SU so football games are a chance to visit him as well.
Our bowl game experience was fantastic. Highlights included meeting the Jonas, Chandler and Coleman families at the pep rally. I said something to Mrs. Coleman about needing Kendall to have a big game since we were missing Alton and she confidently assured me that he would. I thought of her statements as Kendall was going crazy in the second half of the game. My wife had met Mr. Jonas in the beer line at one of the games at the dome so she seemed to think they were old friends, and he was very gracious and friendly.
We also met Donovan Darius and my sons and I had our picture taken with him.
My wife decided that she needed to help the young ladies from the SU athletic department hand out beads to everyone, so if you had a lady that was not a college student put beads around your neck that day, it might have been her. She even put beads on John Wildhack, who she said needed some orange.
The game was terrific of course and we all headed downtown afterward to celebrate. My SU student son found some of his buddies from SU and headed out on his own, He ended up getting mugged and having his skull fractured. An operation to stop a bleeding artery caused a few very scary days but all has turned out well for him. While at the hospital I met a man who works for SU athletics department. He took my name, my son's name, our phone numbers. Within a day I had heard from several directors and and VPs at the university, all offering support in any way they could help. It was an absolutely wonderful outpouring of support from the university, and my family and I will be forever grateful.
We were scheduled to fly home on the 29th but my son's surgeon wanted us to stay in town and rest even after he was released from the hospital. So we spent a week doing very little but helping him recuperate. During this time my wife got the idea of trying to get Dino Babers to talk to my son to lift his spirits. She emailed his assistant and got a reply soon after. Of course Dino did call and had very nice conversation with my son. I know he is busy right now and we are grateful for the time he took to talk to my son.
My son will most likely be taking the upcoming semester off to heal but the people at SU have been wonderful and have taken care of everything they could help with.
I hope all of you alums realize how wonderful the university is and I thank you all for any part you might have played in making it such a special place.


It's great to have you here. Welcome aboard.

And if you're a lurker who's reading this -- take the plunge and make your first post also. It's always nice to have new posters and perspectives.
Thanks very much Chuck for sharing such a great and terrible story. Glad and unsurprised that the University and Dino have been so supportive. That’s great. Things happen for a reason; your son and family will be stronger for this. All the best to you all for a smooth and speedy recovery.
Wow what an awful turn of events. Prayers for your son and your family.
Absolutely awful, but very happy to hear your son will be ok. So sorry this happened

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