Incoming recruits are great but |

Incoming recruits are great but


Living Legend
Aug 26, 2011
if this team is going to make any serious progression next year it will bedue to unknowns we currently have stepping up. Luckily for us there are quite a few intriguing prospects that have been in the system a year but were'nt used at all or were used too early due too need.

-Eskridge could be big time in the secondary.
-Reddish a year in with some S & C could push for a starting spot.
-Desir needs some bulk but being a Florida kid he's already pretty seasoned in knowing the game of football.
-Hunt is a wildcard but could see some PT in specific sets ala Nassib when Paulus was the starter.
-Vigille needs a bit more bulk but he is another talented body in the LB mix. Whoever wants it most will be starting
-Mungwa should be behind Shamarko next year but should be solid when he hits the field and is nice to have should Shamarko get hurt again.
-Hale sat this year to save his 5th year but by all accounts could be the young WR we've been looking for to step up.
-Ameen-Moore could show up in shape and knowing the playbook and make the starting RB position his own. If he wasn't motivated before, young guys coming in will hopefully push him to it.
-Lynch was a bit green this year but he's obviously in the plans moving forward. Once he learns the schemes and the game slows down he could be huge for SU.
-Simmons is a forgotten man but if since need a speed rush DE he fits the bill. A year in the S & C program could do wonders for him and being a raw NY kid likely needed at least a year to learn more about the game of football.
-Fisher at Punter was a true freshman and looked the part. He is a key player in our special teams but playing for a year should do wonders for his consistancy especially if we run the sheild protection scheme for him.
-Crume looked good in spots this year and his ceiling appears to be as high as he wants it to be.
-Trudo... cannot wait to see this guy take the field whether at be at Guard (likely) or center. These are types of recruits you want in the trenches.
-Sloan is a big body that we need in the middle of the D line. Another NY guy that likely benefitted from a RS year. Should be in the rotation whether it's 2nd or 3rd string.
-Robinson is up to 295, he's mean, and he's got a mustache. Not sure if/where he fits in on the O line next year but at some point we'll be glad we have him.
-Foy looked good in 1 on 1 drills at HS camps. Obviously needed some S & C but could be someone to watch for with open spots on the line. Might we actually have a legit 2 deep on the line for once?
-Curtis looks to be a future impact player for us. Supposedly looked really good before being injured. Being a year in and coming back healthy he could be one of our starters.
-Addazio appears to be a blocking tight end. What did we need last year? A blocking TE. If he can come in and give us the same type of effort Cruz did in his one year he would have a much bigger impact than stats will show. Hope he's healthy again.
-Foster apperently showed enough for the coaches to want to try and play him. Hopefully next year we'll see a bit more as to why.

So next year we will get a true feel for how good the current coaching staff are at identifying talent. I see alot of guys that could make impacts to varying degrees. The question of course, is how much will they. In my ever optimistic mind, more of these guys will make big impacts next year than will not and all will help in some way. I think our coaches can recruit albeit not out of the box day 1 type guys yet. Next year will be our first real taste of it.
One point, I saw robinson on the sidelines and believe he was no longer mustachioed.
if this team is going to make any serious progression next year it will bedue to unknowns we currently have stepping up. Luckily for us there are quite a few intriguing prospects that have been in the system a year but were'nt used at all or were used too early due too need.

-Eskridge could be big time in the secondary.
-Reddish a year in with some S & C could push for a starting spot.
-Desir needs some bulk but being a Florida kid he's already pretty seasoned in knowing the game of football.
-Hunt is a wildcard but could see some PT in specific sets ala Nassib when Paulus was the starter.
-Vigille needs a bit more bulk but he is another talented body in the LB mix. Whoever wants it most will be starting
-Mungwa should be behind Shamarko next year but should be solid when he hits the field and is nice to have should Shamarko get hurt again.
-Hale sat this year to save his 5th year but by all accounts could be the young WR we've been looking for to step up.
-Ameen-Moore could show up in shape and knowing the playbook and make the starting RB position his own. If he wasn't motivated before, young guys coming in will hopefully push him to it.
-Lynch was a bit green this year but he's obviously in the plans moving forward. Once he learns the schemes and the game slows down he could be huge for SU.
-Simmons is a forgotten man but if since need a speed rush DE he fits the bill. A year in the S & C program could do wonders for him and being a raw NY kid likely needed at least a year to learn more about the game of football.
-Fisher at Punter was a true freshman and looked the part. He is a key player in our special teams but playing for a year should do wonders for his consistancy especially if we run the sheild protection scheme for him.
-Crume looked good in spots this year and his ceiling appears to be as high as he wants it to be.
-Trudo... cannot wait to see this guy take the field whether at be at Guard (likely) or center. These are types of recruits you want in the trenches.
-Sloan is a big body that we need in the middle of the D line. Another NY guy that likely benefitted from a RS year. Should be in the rotation whether it's 2nd or 3rd string.
-Robinson is up to 295, he's mean, and he's got a mustache. Not sure if/where he fits in on the O line next year but at some point we'll be glad we have him.
-Foy looked good in 1 on 1 drills at HS camps. Obviously needed some S & C but could be someone to watch for with open spots on the line. Might we actually have a legit 2 deep on the line for once?
-Curtis looks to be a future impact player for us. Supposedly looked really good before being injured. Being a year in and coming back healthy he could be one of our starters.
-Addazio appears to be a blocking tight end. What did we need last year? A blocking TE. If he can come in and give us the same type of effort Cruz did in his one year he would have a much bigger impact than stats will show. Hope he's healthy again.
-Foster apperently showed enough for the coaches to want to try and play him. Hopefully next year we'll see a bit more as to why.

So next year we will get a true feel for how good the current coaching staff are at identifying talent. I see alot of guys that could make impacts to varying degrees. The question of course, is how much will they. In my ever optimistic mind, more of these guys will make big impacts next year than will not and all will help in some way. I think our coaches can recruit albeit not out of the box day 1 type guys yet. Next year will be our first real taste of it.
You've got the right idea. Improvement we make next season should be primarily due to the development of the players already in the program, with a few freshman contributions sprinkled in.
Appreciate the optimism. Hopefully somebody emerges as a dynamic offensive force. One thing I really dislike is how teams will use a wildcat set as a change of pace - even though it always seemed to work against us. Anyway, maybe that is the role that Hunt (or maybe Kinder) plays next year.
Only thing I see as unlikley is the use of Hunt or any other QB. Just don't see it with a 3rd year starter at QB. The only reason Nassib played at all behind Paulus is that there had been a competition. In fact Nassib had been named the starter in the Spring before Paulus ever came to SU. If Paulus had been a 3rd year starter we'd never have seen Nassib his freshman year. If Marrone had any inlcination to do this we'd seen one of the QB's some this year. He can't even get past moving one of them ahead of Loeb. I wouldn't be surprised if Loeb starts for a season after Nassib leaves. Haven't seen any indication that won't happen.
Only thing I see as unlikley is the use of Hunt or any other QB. Just don't see it with a 3rd year starter at QB. The only reason Nassib played at all behind Paulus is that there had been a competition. In fact Nassib had been named the starter in the Spring before Paulus ever came to SU. If Paulus had been a 3rd year starter we'd never have seen Nassib his freshman year. If Marrone had any inlcination to do this we'd seen one of the QB's some this year. He can't even get past moving one of them ahead of Loeb. I wouldn't be surprised if Loeb starts for a season after Nassib leaves. Haven't seen any indication that won't happen.

I think Marrone has designated Hunt as the QB of the future. Which is why he was a RS. He studied the playbook for a year, and was able to train/practice with the team. Next year he will be a 2nd year freshman. I really think we'll see Hunt get some playing time.
I can see Hunt getting time as a Wildcat QB this season, and taking over in 2013.
If people think we were young during this transitional year, wait until next year.

By my count, there are 80 scholarship players for next year (assumes no P. Thomas, assumes no Sales, assumes Lyn and everyone else returns). Speaking to eligibility class, not academic class, I have 33 freshmen, 18 sophomores, 16 juniors, 13 seniors. 64% freshman/sophomores. Add 5 more freshman to the list, it could get as high as 70%. More transitional years on the way?

Or are my #'s way off.
One point, I saw robinson on the sidelines and believe he was no longer mustachioed.

Damn! Well hopefully he'll have it back by Spring ball. His SUAD roster picture has a mean Super Troopers feel to it.
I think Marrone has designated Hunt as the QB of the future. Which is why he was a RS. He studied the playbook for a year, and was able to train/practice with the team. Next year he will be a 2nd year freshman. I really think we'll see Hunt get some playing time.
Agreed...Loeb might never see the field other than as the holder on FG's and extra points.
If people think we were young during this transitional year, wait until next year.

By my count, there are 80 scholarship players for next year (assumes no P. Thomas, assumes no Sales, assumes Lyn and everyone else returns). Speaking to eligibility class, not academic class, I have 33 freshmen, 18 sophomores, 16 juniors, 13 seniors. 64% freshman/sophomores. Add 5 more freshman to the list, it could get as high as 70%. More transitional years on the way?

Or are my #'s way off.

Depends on how you use RS years in your classification. I don't have the exact number but may be better to classify guys by how many years they've played aka 1st year, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Simply using FR and SO they could actually be 2nd and 3rd year players vs 1st and 2nd year which FR and SO appears to be at first glance. Hale will be a 2nd year frosh, Nassib 5th year SR, etc.
Depends on how you use RS years in your classification. I don't have the exact number but may be better to classify guys by how many years they've played aka 1st year, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Simply using FR and SO they could actually be 2nd and 3rd year players vs 1st and 2nd year which FR and SO appears to be at first glance. Hale will be a 2nd year frosh, Nassib 5th year SR, etc.

There will be some that are off, if they get a redshirt year later. But basically I have all the guys coming up to their final year of eligibility as seniors, those coming up on their 3rd as juniors, 2nd as sophomores, and then everyone else who is either a true freshman in 2012, or what I believe to be a true freshman in 2011 that never saw the football field, as freshmen eligibility. I know all of them won't necessarily get a 5th year, but at worst you put them as sophomores and the point still remains that up to 70% of our roster could be considered under classmen.
Only thing I see as unlikley is the use of Hunt or any other QB. Just don't see it with a 3rd year starter at QB. The only reason Nassib played at all behind Paulus is that there had been a competition. In fact Nassib had been named the starter in the Spring before Paulus ever came to SU. If Paulus had been a 3rd year starter we'd never have seen Nassib his freshman year. If Marrone had any inlcination to do this we'd seen one of the QB's some this year. He can't even get past moving one of them ahead of Loeb. I wouldn't be surprised if Loeb starts for a season after Nassib leaves. Haven't seen any indication that won't happen.

If Nassib gets hurt next year it would be interesting to see who gets the call out of the bullpen regardless of the current depth chart. Doesn't make any sense to play a first year QB if you have a sieve of an offensive line. Could end up getting the yips ala Andy Robinson or what seemed to be developing in Nassib later in the year. Next years depth chart may be more telling to where Loeb actually stands.
I've got 14 Seniors, 16 Juniors, 18 Sophs, 13 RF's and however many Freshmen show up for 2012.
There will be some that are off, if they get a redshirt year later. But basically I have all the guys coming up to their final year of eligibility as seniors, those coming up on their 3rd as juniors, 2nd as sophomores, and then everyone else who is either a true freshman in 2012, or what I believe to be a true freshman in 2011 that never saw the football field, as freshmen eligibility. I know all of them won't necessarily get a 5th year, but at worst you put them as sophomores and the point still remains that up to 70% of our roster could be considered under classmen.

Good info. I just feel alot better with a 2nd year frosh playing vs a true frosh. IMO linemen should never have to play as a true frosh. Next year we shouldn't see true frosh having to play. If they show up and earn it, great. If not we've got familiar faces that won't be thrown out there only knowing 1/4 of the playbook.
I've got 14 Seniors, 16 Juniors, 18 Sophs, 13 RF's and however many Freshmen show up for 2012.

Appreciate the info. So 61 which would leave us up to 24 new faces. How will Davis, Smallwood, and Broyld be classified once they arrive? Could the later 2 still redshirt or was last year the equivalent of their redshirt year?
I've got 14 Seniors, 16 Juniors, 18 Sophs, 13 RF's and however many Freshmen show up for 2012.

I match on SO and JR. I'm missing one SR and one RF.

Do you have Sales or P. Thomas as a SR? That would make it easier. Otherwise, I have Graham, Nassib, Diabetic, Goggins, Lemon, Shamarko, Vaughan, Boatman, Chibane, Alexander, Stevens, Sharpe, Chandler.


Hunt, Vigille, Mungwa, Hale, George, Simmons, Trudo, Sloan, Robinson, Foy, Curtis, Addazio
If Nassib gets hurt next year it would be interesting to see who gets the call out of the bullpen regardless of the current depth chart. Doesn't make any sense to play a first year QB if you have a sieve of an offensive line. Could end up getting the yips ala Andy Robinson or what seemed to be developing in Nassib later in the year. Next years depth chart may be more telling to where Loeb actually stands.

I have it on authority that marrone isn't going to pass the ball next year for fear of the nassib injury scenario. Just a lot of touches for Jerome smith and Adam Harris (or his replacement).
If people think we were young during this transitional year, wait until next year.

By my count, there are 80 scholarship players for next year (assumes no P. Thomas, assumes no Sales, assumes Lyn and everyone else returns). Speaking to eligibility class, not academic class, I have 33 freshmen, 18 sophomores, 16 juniors, 13 seniors. 64% freshman/sophomores. Add 5 more freshman to the list, it could get as high as 70%. More transitional years on the way?

Or are my #'s way off.

I worry about this too and, if I have one criticism of the recruiting so far, it's that it hasn't skewed a bit more JUCO just to bridge gaps. Hay and Tiller are good examples. Frustrating at times, but ultimately decent bridges to what's behind them. Hopefully at least.
if this team is going to make any serious progression next year it will bedue to unknowns we currently have stepping up. Luckily for us there are quite a few intriguing prospects that have been in the system a year but were'nt used at all or were used too early due too need.

-Eskridge could be big time in the secondary.
-Reddish a year in with some S & C could push for a starting spot.
-Desir needs some bulk but being a Florida kid he's already pretty seasoned in knowing the game of football.
-Hunt is a wildcard but could see some PT in specific sets ala Nassib when Paulus was the starter.
-Vigille needs a bit more bulk but he is another talented body in the LB mix. Whoever wants it most will be starting
-Mungwa should be behind Shamarko next year but should be solid when he hits the field and is nice to have should Shamarko get hurt again.
-Hale sat this year to save his 5th year but by all accounts could be the young WR we've been looking for to step up.
-Ameen-Moore could show up in shape and knowing the playbook and make the starting RB position his own. If he wasn't motivated before, young guys coming in will hopefully push him to it.
-Lynch was a bit green this year but he's obviously in the plans moving forward. Once he learns the schemes and the game slows down he could be huge for SU.
-Simmons is a forgotten man but if since need a speed rush DE he fits the bill. A year in the S & C program could do wonders for him and being a raw NY kid likely needed at least a year to learn more about the game of football.
-Fisher at Punter was a true freshman and looked the part. He is a key player in our special teams but playing for a year should do wonders for his consistancy especially if we run the sheild protection scheme for him.
-Crume looked good in spots this year and his ceiling appears to be as high as he wants it to be.
-Trudo... cannot wait to see this guy take the field whether at be at Guard (likely) or center. These are types of recruits you want in the trenches.
-Sloan is a big body that we need in the middle of the D line. Another NY guy that likely benefitted from a RS year. Should be in the rotation whether it's 2nd or 3rd string.
-Robinson is up to 295, he's mean, and he's got a mustache. Not sure if/where he fits in on the O line next year but at some point we'll be glad we have him.
-Foy looked good in 1 on 1 drills at HS camps. Obviously needed some S & C but could be someone to watch for with open spots on the line. Might we actually have a legit 2 deep on the line for once?
-Curtis looks to be a future impact player for us. Supposedly looked really good before being injured. Being a year in and coming back healthy he could be one of our starters.
-Addazio appears to be a blocking tight end. What did we need last year? A blocking TE. If he can come in and give us the same type of effort Cruz did in his one year he would have a much bigger impact than stats will show. Hope he's healthy again.
-Foster apperently showed enough for the coaches to want to try and play him. Hopefully next year we'll see a bit more as to why.

So next year we will get a true feel for how good the current coaching staff are at identifying talent. I see alot of guys that could make impacts to varying degrees. The question of course, is how much will they. In my ever optimistic mind, more of these guys will make big impacts next year than will not and all will help in some way. I think our coaches can recruit albeit not out of the box day 1 type guys yet. Next year will be our first real taste of it.

This is a good post. 2012 will be a really interesting year on a lot of levels, but I think one of the more intriguing storylines is that we'll finally get a chance to really evaluate the first wave of Marrone recruits. The guys who were second-year players are going to be leaned on even more as third-year players. Guys like Sloan, Robinson, crume, Foy, Curtis, Trudo, etc. These guys are all going to get a lot of run. The Foster and Hale types will be looked to to help jump start this offense (can they run fast enough to catch nassib's deep balls?). Hunt feels like a guy who could get some snaps and Eskridge could be a starter.

How this class plays out will go a long way toward adding some clarity to most of the opinions of Marrone's recruiting.
I match on SO and JR. I'm missing one SR and one RF.

Do you have Sales or P. Thomas as a SR? That would make it easier. Otherwise, I have Graham, Nassib, Diabetic, Goggins, Lemon, Shamarko, Vaughan, Boatman, Chibane, Alexander, Stevens, Sharpe, Chandler.


Hunt, Vigille, Mungwa, Hale, George, Simmons, Trudo, Sloan, Robinson, Foy, Curtis, Addazio

Not even counting Sales and P.Thomas.

You're missing Lichenstein and Cutler as Seniors.

Lou Alexander didn't play this year ... technically he's a Redshirt Junior.

Eskridge should be a RF.
Appreciate the info. So 61 which would leave us up to 24 new faces. How will Davis, Smallwood, and Broyld be classified once they arrive? Could the later 2 still redshirt or was last year the equivalent of their redshirt year?

January enrollees would be considered true freshmen next season. They can still RS if necessary.
I have it on authority that marrone isn't going to pass the ball next year for fear of the nassib injury scenario. Just a lot of touches for Jerome smith and Adam Harris (or his replacement).

Could be. I'm assuming we'll line up in wildcat and run TE reverses all game long to run the clock and keep Nassib from throwing an errant pass while getting steam rolled by 4 rushers who were all supposed to blocked by Mackey. Nassib, Hunt, and Hackett will take turns playing Madden on the sideline while this is happening. Phillip Thomas, Mario Tull and Kobena will be in the club house drinking beer and eating chicken waiting for their turn in the Madden tourney which will end early when Cater shows up and makes off with the TV and the PS3.

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