To know with certainty that they are "poor reads" you would have to have a crystal clear understanding of exactly what those progression read keys are for each defensive alignment. Admittedly, I know nothing of your football background, but I am going to suggest to you again that it is more complex than you are implying. One example, it's not the DB in the "face" of the WR that is keyed to determine whether he is "cheating" the run. In the simplest form for most Spreads, the run/screen reads are box, OLB, playside S alignment, and coverage.
I seriously doubt that they will ever run a hard bubble call (going to run that play regardless) w/o going through a presnap read progression. IMO, the screens that are getting blown up are the result of execution, timing, missed blocks, poor throws, good play/schemes by the D, and/or talent disparity.