This isn't Syracuse.
I've said it before; IMO- a team is defined by their effort and hustle, especially on defense. When the crowd cheers for just 60 seconds of effort shown, what does that tell you about what they're used to seeing w/ this team?
Red won games last year, sure- but even Stevie Wonder could see the disturbing trendline...the mouthing off to coaches, the "hero ball", the "get-mine no matter what" attitude that permeated the team. Sure, you can blame the players but they are relatively young, immature, testosterone-addled, know-it-all numbskulls, who not unexpectedly act like idiots sometimes.
Where is the line in the sand? Where is the discipline? Why keep going back to the Carlos well, hoping that this time...just this once, things will be better. It's on Red to adopt a "damn-the-torpedoes" attitude and start sitting those who don't wanna compete. Either you give effort, or you ride the pine. At this point it needs to be asked; "Is he even capable of doing that"?