Is our Defense really good or does every team play poorly agianst us? |

Is our Defense really good or does every team play poorly agianst us?


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
Routinely we have close games but our opposition seems to play really poor against us. Is it really that every team simply has a bad game against Syracuse or is it that our defense is just that good, that it makes everyone else play poorly on offense?

I believe that our defense is just that good. I believe that everyone brings their A game against us, but the defense is so versatile that they make every team look bad, even BC and Duke were not offensively impressive against the Orange.

It's good to be Orange!
I personally think our defense is indeed that good, at least the majority of the time. It better be as our offense can't seem to put the ball in the basket lately.
Get out of the dark ages bro - pace adjusted stats are your friend.

Although it did look to me like this game was faster paced than most we've played but I haven't checked the # of possessions.
Routinely we have close games but our opposition seems to play really poor against us. Is it really that every team simply has a bad game against Syracuse or is it that our defense is just that good, that it makes everyone else play poorly on offense?

I believe that our defense is just that good. I believe that everyone brings their A game against us, but the defense is so versatile that they make every team look bad, even BC and Duke were not offensively impressive against the Orange.

It's good to be Orange!

Its definitely that good, but we do have vulnerabilities [especially perimeter defense] that can get exploited more easily than they could against last year's team.

Need to shore that up as we peak for the post-season.
It would seem lately our defense is as good as our offense is bad.

I'm not sure that our offense is "bad" -- but we were executing much more efficiently earlier in the season than we are now. That made a huge difference.

Need to improve both our execution and efficiency as we ramp up for the stretch run of the postseason.
I'm not sure that our offense is "bad" -- but we were executing much more efficiently earlier in the season than we are now. That made a huge difference.

Need to improve both our execution and efficiency as we ramp up for the stretch run of the postseason.

Fully agree about the execution. As we stand now, this is not a good offense by any metric - other than wins. We need to play smarter. It looks to me that Ennis has been asked to be more assertive on offense. We need Grant back on the boards.

POINTS PER GAME: 69.2 238th


ASSISTS PER GAME: 12.5 199th

FIELD GOAL PCT: .446 159th
We are long under the basket and block shots. This causes intimidation along with the zone. When you get the ball inside you don't have just one guy to beat, you have 2-3.
SU defense is so good it even stops the SU offense
There is truth in that statement. When opposing teams have to attack the zone, they have to be patient, slowing the game down and holding the ball more than most teams like.

I don't see that we are scoring as effectively as in years past of the transition game, but that is my observation, I have not checked stats to verify.

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