Its like an NIT game here... |

Its like an NIT game here...

"Dammit Vaughan, we all gotta work in the morning! And bring Karl too, the boys will get a real kick out of him".
sutomcat said:
A lot of season ticket holders are sitting this one out. Gives you a chance to see who the real fans are...

Students too, wth? Looks like a football game in here.
A lot of season ticket holders are sitting this one out. Gives you a chance to see who the real fans are...

Makes me want to post the Pink Floyd video where he sings "We're gonna find out where you fans really stand!!" If only I knew how to just post a segment of the video.
Not surprised.

What's with the 9pm starts? 8 million outlets and they have to schedule games in Siberia at 9pm. People in Rochester, Bingo, Watertown , Ogdensburg and Utica don't want to START heading home at 11pm in the middle of winter around here.

flipping stupid.

Students too, wth? Looks like a football game in here.
Oh no, tell me your football team doesn't leave 3/4 of the seats empty during the season too... lol... sorry, had to throw a jab at both of our football programs...
The crowd look and energy of a November game against Colgate
It was a crappy game with both programs when they were Big East.

For the TV viewer far away it's pretty ok.
This game looks like Providence vs Seton Hall circa 1985. Where's Syracuse?
Where are the students? Too cold for those nancies? The "late" excuse that everyone with a job has, certainly doesn't work for them.
OrangeDW said:
Where are the students? Too cold for those nancies? The "late" excuse that everyone with a job has, certainly doesn't work for them.

I suspect some might be doing schoolwork. Like, you know, for the reason they're in school.
A lot of season ticket holders are sitting this one out. Gives you a chance to see who the real fans are...

I'm going going to drive 5 hours on a Tuesday night to watch Virginia Tech play basketball, and I couldn't give the tickets away, despite my best efforts. I don't blame ANYONE who didn't want to go tonight.

If that makes me a bad fan, so be it.
GoSU96 said:
Not surprised. What's with the 9pm starts? 8 million outlets and they have to schedule games in Siberia at 9pm. People in Rochester, Bingo, Watertown and Utica don't want to START heading home at 11pm in the middle of winter around here. flipping stupid.
Yeah this is nuts.
I suspect some might be doing schoolwork. Like, you know, for the reason they're in school.

I could assume this might be true for a certain percentage, but I'd guess that is fa from the majority, and likely those students aren't the type who would be inclined to go to too many games.
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