My Dad is 86, Mom 81. Until 2 years ago my Dad climbed and rafted with me. Not anymore as he determined the risk was to great. I back country skied until until last year when i determined i could no longer safely do it.
Obviously these risk are different than the virus and yes everyone should be responsible. The problem is that we all know that is impossible. People do selfish, dumb self centered things and their actions have always effected others.
Pregnant women who drink
Second hand smoke
BIG Mac life choices
Drunk driving
Dont play with matches forest fires.
We are humans and humans make errors.
My point is be responsible for your own actions and decisions regarding this virus. But dont expect everyone else to.
If you are concerned that others are not going to or havnt followed the rules avoid them. Dont go out. Dont go to the store. Dont go to work. Dont go to the game. Self isolate. Control what you can control but realize that others are going to make choices based on their situation, their personal risk assessment, with little or no regard for others because that is what Humans have always done and will continue to do.