Limited seating, masks, temperature checks? What can SU football fans expect at the Carrier Dome this fall | Page 13 |

Limited seating, masks, temperature checks? What can SU football fans expect at the Carrier Dome this fall

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No one is telling you to stay home. Hell of a lot of stuff at phase 3 you can do in NYState, but the nature of this virus is that until treatment/vaccine they will never let 50,000 people cram together IMO. I I’ll just add I may disagree with him but I have nothing negative to say about Texas Mark, I have known him for years and he is a class act all the way and his tailgates are legendary . Can’t wait till we get past this thing in earnest and my next road trip takes me to one of Marks gates.

Agree. I'm closer to you on this issue but you couldn't meet a better guy than Mark - not that he needs my validation.
You shame yourself

You’re “people should be able to live their lives” take became invalid the moment you decided old people should just stay in isolation.

CuseRunner’s opinion was that everyone should just do what they do and to heck if somebody else gets sick. That is not a valid opinion. Neither is yours in my opinion because it selfishly puts others at risk.

Funny how “you don’t get bullied” but you sure are posting like a bully. Sorry our opinions don’t coincide.
You don’t see the irony in what you’re saying here?
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You don’t see the irony with what you’re saying here?

I see my 90 year old parents dying from coronavirus because they were infected by an asymptomatic 25 year old who was just living his/her life without a clear understanding about the benefits of a mask or social distancing.

I have a hard time understanding how we can be months into the pandemic and there are still people who don't understand that we all need everyone to work together to keep everyone safe.
I see my 90 year old parents dying from coronavirus because they were infected by an asymptomatic 25 year old who was just living his/her life without a clear understanding about the benefits of a mask or social distancing.

I have a hard time understanding how we can be months into the pandemic and there are still people who don't understand that we all need everyone to work together to keep everyone safe.
Why do people automatically go to younger people when it comes to mask and social distance blaming? I know just as many, if not more, older folks who openly are against following guidelines and restrictions than people my age. It’s getting old.

Second, nobody wants our parents and grandparents to die of covid but a blanket “quarantine” doesn’t have to be and, in my opinion, shouldn’t be the answer. I’m sorry but that doesn’t make me a bad person. We’re allowed to have different opinions as long as we respect the health and safety of others and aren’t about the way we feel.
Why do people automatically go to younger people when it comes to mask and social distance blaming? I know just as many, if not more, older folks who openly are against following guidelines and restrictions than people my age. It’s getting old.

Second, nobody wants our parents and grandparents to die of covid but a blanket “quarantine” doesn’t have to be and, in my opinion, shouldn’t be the answer. I’m sorry but that doesn’t make me a bad person. We’re allowed to have different opinions as long as we respect the health and safety of others and aren’t about the way we feel.
Well, those older folks are just as irresponsible and inconsiderate as the younger ones.

And, I find very few people are in favor of a "blanket" quarantine. Just. . .when you're out, wear a mask and keep a reasonable distance away from other folks.
Well, those older folks are just as irresponsible and inconsiderate as the younger ones.

And, I find very few people are in favor of a "blanket" quarantine. Just. . .when you're out, wear a mask and keep a reasonable distance away from other folks.
I agree 100%. Older generations just can’t help themselves from blaming younger ones in any situation.

In general, the last three months have exposed a lot of selfish people. Hopefully things get better throughout the country and we can get back to complaining about play-calling and poor tackling in September instead of more serious, less fun things on the football board.
I agree 100%. Older generations just can’t help themselves from blaming younger ones in any situation.

In general, the last three months have exposed a lot of selfish people. Hopefully things get better throughout the country and we can get back to complaining about play-calling and poor tackling in September instead of more serious, less fun things on the football board.

the younger generation is getting blamed now because the data shows it.
the younger generation is getting blamed now because the data shows it.
The data shows no other age demographic is out without a mask and not waiting six feet apart ordering a beer at the bar? Do young people own all of these establishments that aren’t forcing people to wear masks and practice social distancing?

Blame here isn’t absolute. It hasn’t been at any step of this pandemic and it never will be.
I see my 90 year old parents dying from coronavirus because they were infected by an asymptomatic 25 year old who was just living his/her life without a clear understanding about the benefits of a mask or social distancing.

I have a hard time understanding how we can be months into the pandemic and there are still people who don't understand that we all need everyone to work together to keep everyone safe.
My Dad is 86, Mom 81. Until 2 years ago my Dad climbed and rafted with me. Not anymore as he determined the risk was to great. I back country skied until until last year when i determined i could no longer safely do it.
Obviously these risk are different than the virus and yes everyone should be responsible. The problem is that we all know that is impossible. People do selfish, dumb self centered things and their actions have always effected others.
Pregnant women who drink
Second hand smoke
BIG Mac life choices
Drunk driving
Dont play with matches forest fires.
We are humans and humans make errors.
My point is be responsible for your own actions and decisions regarding this virus. But dont expect everyone else to.
If you are concerned that others are not going to or havnt followed the rules avoid them. Dont go out. Dont go to the store. Dont go to work. Dont go to the game. Self isolate. Control what you can control but realize that others are going to make choices based on their situation, their personal risk assessment, with little or no regard for others because that is what Humans have always done and will continue to do.
People do selfish, dumb self centered things and their actions have always effected others.

We can add "yearning to attend college football games during a global deadly pandemic" to the list of selfish and dumb things that human beings do.

(And college football is literally my favorite thing in my life).
I see my 90 year old parents dying from coronavirus because they were infected by an asymptomatic 25 year old who was just living his/her life without a clear understanding about the benefits of a mask or social distancing.

How would that happen? Are your 90 year old parents swinging it up at the local pub or is the 25 year old their caretaker? I'm not trying to be a jerk if you have 90 year old parents but this seems sort of implausible.
I see my 90 year old parents dying from coronavirus because they were infected by an asymptomatic 25 year old who was just living his/her life without a clear understanding about the benefits of a mask or social distancing.

I have a hard time understanding how we can be months into the pandemic and there are still people who don't understand that we all need everyone to work together to keep everyone safe.

Don’t you think that if your 90 year old parents got sick with anything they would die?

They are vulnerable to many viruses at that age. If they got they flu at that age they could die...I’m not comparing this to the flu...just that the flu is equally as deadly for that age group...
It’s also really important to note that although the cases in some states have been rising for about 4 weeks, we have yet to see a major spike in deaths, in fact, the deaths continue to drop. This indicates that the virus has actually weakened, all really positive news.
It’s also really important to note that although the cases in some states have been rising for about 4 weeks, we have yet to see a major spike in deaths, in fact, the deaths continue to drop. This indicates that the virus has actually weakened, all really positive news.

Sigh. No it doesn’t.

It indicates that younger people with fewer co-morbitities are the ones now getting it.
And they are much less likely to die from it.
Which all the data backs up.

Edit - this does NOT mean the virus is “weakening”. :rolleyes:

However- the problem there is two-fold:

Some of them will die (a small %, but not zero)

Some of them will likely infect other people who are older and/or have co-morbidities.
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How would that happen? Are your 90 year old parents swinging it up at the local pub or is the 25 year old their caretaker? I'm not trying to be a jerk if you have 90 year old parents but this seems sort of implausible.

One example - my mother went to her hairdresser on Saturday. She was really anxious to get her hair done, and doesn’t really have a grasp on social distancing and mask wearing protocols. The hair salon actually did a good job with wearing masks and separating chairs, but there was five people in the 20x20 space. If one was Infected & asymptotic they could easily infect everyone in the room. Especially since they were using hair dryers which is one of the big risks at salons.

My dad went to his barber a week earlier. Five people cutting hair, five people in the chairs, six people in the waiting room. My dad just went through some heavy surgery to remove a cancer on his neck last fall. I’ll be pissed if he got through that only to die because he had to get a haircut.
Don’t you think that if your 90 year old parents got sick with anything they would die?

They are vulnerable to many viruses at that age. If they got they flu at that age they could die...I’m not comparing this to the flu...just that the flu is equally as deadly for that age group...

Influenza is well understood, has a vaccine, plus a tried & tested treatment plan. It is also not nearly as transmissible. Coronavirus right now is the Wild Wild West.
One example - my mother went to her hairdresser on Saturday. She was really anxious to get her hair done, and doesn’t really have a grasp on social distancing and mask wearing protocols. The hair salon actually did a good job with wearing masks and separating chairs, but there was five people in the 20x20 space. If one was Infected & asymptotic they could easily infect everyone in the room. Especially since they were using hair dryers which is one of the big risks at salons.

My dad went to his barber a week earlier. Five people cutting hair, five people in the chairs, six people in the waiting room. My dad just went through some heavy surgery to remove a cancer on his neck last fall. I’ll be pissed if he got through that only to die because he had to get a haircut.

what's your solution then.

edit and I'll ask another question. Your parents I'm assuming know the risk. Is it worth it to go out and get a haircut? And amen to your Dad if he still has hair at 90. Mines been pretty much gone for 10 years.
Why do people automatically go to younger people when it comes to mask and social distance blaming? I know just as many, if not more, older folks who openly are against following guidelines and restrictions than people my age. It’s getting old.

Second, nobody wants our parents and grandparents to die of covid but a blanket “quarantine” doesn’t have to be and, in my opinion, shouldn’t be the answer. I’m sorry but that doesn’t make me a bad person. We’re allowed to have different opinions as long as we respect the health and safety of others and aren’t about the way we feel.

Because older people love to yell at younger people, because they "know more and have more life experience." ;) I'm 38, so kind of in the middle - maybe a little closer to younger (I hope) than older.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I find the group that wants everyone to basically stop life until there is a vaccine/treatment incredibly obnoxious. It's not that simple, and who knows when that will happen. Folks like CuseRunner who essentially want everything open all at once & a free for all, are also a bit nuts, IMO.

I think your take on it all is great. And the age shaming is ridiculous. In this time where we have the BLM movement, trying to advance rights and bring social injustices to an end for a segment of the population, you'd think that people wouldn't lump 1 group (based on age, race, gender etc.) together when they speak about how that group acts/feels, but sadly they do.

It's not fair to say all young people are not taking this seriously. I had a college age kid shows up at my door yesterday to pickup something I sold on FB marketplace, and he was wearing a mask. I never said he had to, he just showed up that way.

I like NY's approach, where we take things in phases and see how it all goes. Wear a mask when out in public, wash your hands frequently. But we cannot just shut everything down and all stay in our bubbles. People have to work. People have to be able to get out. And just as importantly, people need to be able to see and interact with family & friends.
what's your solution then.

edit and I'll ask another question. Your parents I'm assuming know the risk. Is it worth it to go out and get a haircut? And amen to your Dad if he still has hair at 90. Mines been pretty much gone for 10 years.

My parents are slowing down and their cognitive ability is what you would expect from someone their age. They still are able to live at home and they say "the two of us make one normal person" which is sadly pretty accurate. They know the risks but they don't truly understand them.

There currently isn't a solution, but in the meantime I believe that maintaining health standards and making businesses responsible for following the rules is vitally important. We have laws about drunk driving and speeding and food & beverage codes and building codes, all put in place to protect society. I don't think requiring a mask in stores, shops, restaurants is any different.

Putting the onus on the business owner is no different than requiring a bar to check ID. If they don't do it they get fined. If they continue they lose their license. Why are COVID health codes any different?
I miss cuserunner. Hope he’s back someday. Entered in the middle of a pandemic and was an absolute force. You have to admire the persistence and ability to completely disregard actual facts and reality. Hard to imagine he was actually a person, with a business analytics degree no less. I wish I could simply ignore things as easily— true talent.

Imo he was a board legend. An absolute legend. Until we meet again...
My parents are slowing down and their cognitive ability is what you would expect from someone their age. They still are able to live at home and they say "the two of us make one normal person" which is sadly pretty accurate. They know the risks but they don't truly understand them.

There currently isn't a solution, but in the meantime I believe that maintaining health standards and making businesses responsible for following the rules is vitally important. We have laws about drunk driving and speeding and food & beverage codes and building codes, all put in place to protect society. I don't think requiring a mask in stores, shops, restaurants is any different.

Putting the onus on the business owner is no different than requiring a bar to check ID. If they don't do it they get fined. If they continue they lose their license. Why are COVID health codes any different?

IDK, maybe they do understand. I'm sure you've told them.

Your point is fair but understand these aren't 'laws' they're guidelines.
Because older people love to yell at younger people, because they "know more and have more life experience." ;) I'm 38, so kind of in the middle - maybe a little closer to younger (I hope) than older.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I find the group that wants everyone to basically stop life until there is a vaccine/treatment incredibly obnoxious. It's not that simple, and who knows when that will happen. Folks like CuseRunner who essentially want everything open all at once & a free for all, are also a bit nuts, IMO.

I think your take on it all is great. And the age shaming is ridiculous. In this time where we have the BLM movement, trying to advance rights and bring social injustices to an end for a segment of the population, you'd think that people wouldn't lump 1 group (based on age, race, gender etc.) together when they speak about how that group acts/feels, but sadly they do.

It's not fair to say all young people are not taking this seriously. I had a college age kid shows up at my door yesterday to pickup something I sold on FB marketplace, and he was wearing a mask. I never said he had to, he just showed up that way.

I like NY's approach, where we take things in phases and see how it all goes. Wear a mask when out in public, wash your hands frequently. But we cannot just shut everything down and all stay in our bubbles. People have to work. People have to be able to get out. And just as importantly, people need to be able to see and interact with family & friends.

1. I don’t know a single person in this site or in “real” life that life to stop until a vaccine. We want a safe and measured reopening, like you mentioned which NY is doing. BUT we want every business and person to follow the very basic rules (law in NY) so that everyone can enjoy those reopenings and feel safe.

2. The mentioning of the younger people isn’t age shaming. It’s data. Just like people would always mention most deaths were people over 65. I never took that as shaming. The data supported those comments. And at least in CNY and also according to the mayors of LA and Tampa the data says the 20-29 year old age group are spiking up compared to the others. They take more risks and don’t always realize the consequences. At least that what the experts said. That doesn’t mean they all do, but comparatively they do. I have a 22 and 23 year old. They follow the rules as best I can tell. Some of their friends...not so much. Kids being crowded into a bar shoulder to shoulder is not being smart.
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