Oh Guiness breaking out the Chapin
A Better Place to be is great too. Hell, Harry was just awesome.
Yea. Well. Harry seems rather forgotten on here. His music always elicits a visceral response for me, likely because it is so tied to my innocent mind trying to learn about his adult subject matter.
Hell we got time for some more Harry right?
The original long song (rock and roll era) - Hey Jude, clocking in at 7:10 (I know - I have the 45). And unless I missed it, I'm surprised no one posted Free Bird yet...
Great song. One of my college buddies used to get all wasted and give us his Jim Morrison impression. The kid is now a neurosurgeon. I would pay anything to see him do this song at Karaoke.And this is appropriate since I am going to bow out now (and count on my upcoming tees in the AM)
I recall many a drunken air guitar fest to that song.