marcus Sales |

marcus Sales


Walk On
Aug 26, 2011
Since classes have started, does anyone know if Marcus Sales (and Johnny Miller for that matter) are enrolled at SU.
Since classes have started, does anyone know if Marcus Sales (and Johnny Miller for that matter) are enrolled at SU.

Both have been on campus. Can't vouch if they are enrolled in classes but my guess is they are.
Sales played as a true frosh. He could come back as 5th year senior.(no idea if Marrone would let him back)
Sales played as a true frosh. He could come back as 5th year senior.(no idea if Marrone would let him back)

If he is found not guilty or guilty of much lesser charges I would imagine Marrone would.
Both have been on campus. Can't vouch if they are enrolled in classes but my guess is they are.

A guy I was talking to at halftime told me Sales told him the suspension was only 2 games. But he also said Sales looked out of shape.

How's that for a source. To quote Prince Akeem, "just a man I met in the bathroom". (ok actually it was outside in the smoker's area, needed some air, albeit polluted).
Hmmm that could be interesting if its only two games, if that is remotely true Marrones done a hell of a job keeping it under wraps.
A guy I was talking to at halftime told me Sales told him the suspension was only 2 games. But he also said Sales looked out of shape.

How's that for a source. To quote Prince Akeem, "just a man I met in the bathroom". (ok actually it was outside in the smoker's area, needed some air, albeit polluted).
A freind of mine was at the game, he was a guest of someone and they were on the field for the game (visitors side Doug doen't allow guests on the SU side) an he was told that Sales was serving a 3 game susspension it sounded like bs but who knows.
A guy I was talking to at halftime told me Sales told him the suspension was only 2 games. But he also said Sales looked out of shape.

How's that for a source. To quote Prince Akeem, "just a man I met in the bathroom". (ok actually it was outside in the smoker's area, needed some air, albeit polluted).

Have the charges even been dealt with in court yet? Can't imagine we or he will know anything until then. Maybe it's a 2 game suspension to start next year?

Out of shape? Yeah Gin will do that to you.
I would be very surprised to see Sales back on the team this year, unless there is alot of behind-the-scenes stuff going on that we don't know about.

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