marrone's personality on the sidelines | Page 2 |

marrone's personality on the sidelines

Marrone is clearly focused all-in on every play. Does he need to throw his headset to focus???? Nope. Leave him alone. He is by far the least of the worries right now.
Please with the posts about sideline demeanor. What in God's name does that have to do with anything?
actually a lot. Teams reflect their head coach on gameday. If you see a coach clapping, jumping up and down, showing energy and life teams pick up off that. Feed of that. If you see a guy who looks like a high school hall monitor, teams act like that as well.

Not saying Marrone has to be a jerk or be acting like a wildman, but if he showed a little life every now and then it might spark his team a little.
People scoff and turn their noses up when Brian Kelly goes ballistic on the sideline, and now we've got people whining because Doug is calm.

I seriously can never get over how freaking fickle people can be.

There is a happy medium for christ sakes. You don't have to be Brian Kelly and be throwing a temper tantrum on the sideline after every play cursing like a mad-man having your face turn 4 shades of red. But you can be more animated than Marrone is who looks like he is in a library and afraid to make too much noise.
Please with the posts about sideline demeanor. What in God's name does that have to do with anything?
Yeah, I'd rather have Brian Kelly with steam coming out of his ears every time a player loses his mouthgaurd on a play. I love the way he screams obscenities and pokes his finger in the QB's chest for missing a throw. That probably really motivates him to do better next time (do it or else!).
4-2 looks good with this bunch of young guys we have on the team. I don't care if DM has the affect of an undertaker as long as he wins.

I also notice that the refs take him seriously when he questions a call. The manic coaches that get in the ref's face every play don't get the benefit of the doubt. Certainly never from me when I was a football ref.
This team needs a yeller and screamer right now. Smash water coolers, throw chairs, what have you. That doesn't seem to be in Doug's personality.
Nah, I like Doug just the way he is, think Bud Grant and Tom Landry. It's not in everyone's makeup to be like Vince Lombardi.
players feed off emotion,and teams that lack top end talent needs a little something some of the times.

rolling your eyes when a certain player gets his weekly personal foul called just doesn't cut it any more.

get in his face and send a message.
I'd rather see the position coach do that. I like a head coach who is under control.
Marrone has zero charisma, probably part of the reason he can't recruit.
You are so far off the mark and just coming on here being a hater because your confernce future is in limbo. Stick to what you know and don't be putting your comments in topics on our board just to get your post count up. See you on October 21.
actually a lot. Teams reflect their head coach on gameday. If you see a coach clapping, jumping up and down, showing energy and life teams pick up off that. Feed of that. If you see a guy who looks like a high school hall monitor, teams act like that as well.

Not saying Marrone has to be a jerk or be acting like a wildman, but if he showed a little life every now and then it might spark his team a little.
Or how about the New Orleans Saints, it's their QB who does all the rah, rah stuff. It doesn't have to come from the head coach. The trouble in the rah, rah department is that everyone from the head coach, offensive position coaches and QB are all stoic by nature. The only one on that side of the ball who is close to being excitable is the Offensive Co-ordinator Nataniel Hackett, but I believe he's up in the booth. We just have a lot of Dr. Spock type personalities on the offensive side of the ball.
I'd rather see the position coach do that. I like a head coach who is under control.

Like Casullo did?

Who said anything about losing control?

I am not big on Marrone's affect on the sideline, it seems draining. But in the end, he should be who he is (who is he?) His sideline demeanor does not project the confidence, passion and joy he displayed at that basketball game when he addressed the fans.
I'd rather have aleader who keeps his cool on the sideline than a guy who goes crazy.

But it is interesting that when we got the ball on the 1 yard line Brian Higgins reported that Marrone annouced that we were going to have a 99 yard drive. Then we ran three straight times and punted. It's not his personaility that isn't inspiring. It's his strategy.
1) Obviously people missed the part where Marrone was in Bailey's face and slapping him on the helmet/ass for doing a great job running the ball as soon as he came to the sideline.

2) Schiano is very animated, I think we need someone just like him.

3) You don't win close games with meatheads. This team isn't good enough to put anybody away so you better have a coach that gets it and players that don't freak out because the coach does. The kids in this era are so psychologically different then college football players 20 years ago, you start yelling at some of these kids that are just starting to learn the nuances of the college game and they will shut right down.

4) It doesn't matter how Marrone acts on the field, some people on here are going to complain every week.
Marrone is a like an NFL coach in my mind he doesn't realize in college football most games feature teams with unequal talent whereas in the NFL all teams are professionals and the Gap between the most talented and least talented team is razor thin, and the lower teams always get the first crack at the young talent available. Whereas in college football the gap in talent between teams is HUGE. Marrone does an excellent job preparing the team each week with a gameplan and getting them ready. Then on Saturday during the game he becomes NFL coach and treats the games like they are equally talented teams playing. I want some new plays and not be able and sit there and go okay here comes the quick 1 yard out to the TE or quick slant to Lemon/Chew, or Bailey up the middle again. I remember the Minnesota game seeing the wildcat with Bailey and Carter why haven't we done that 1 TIME since that game. Our gameplans are so manilla I see trickeration from every team in college football all I have seen from Marrone in 31 games is an onside kick against Rutgers year 1, the wildcat against Minnesota the first game in the year 1, a WR pass against USC which worked in week 3 of year 3, and an attempted WR pass against Toledo that they never happened. In 31 games we have tried trickeration 4 times in my mind if anybody remembers any other legit attempts let me know. My point is Syracuse has become to damn predictable and Doug has to hopefully know this and correct it. Recruiting will improve if we keep making bowls with the move to the ACC. We just need our diamond in the rough to become our Robert Griffin III or Riley Skinner and lead us to promised land I am hoping its Ashton Broyld, but we shall see.

2) Schiano is very animated, I think we need someone just like him.

Schiano acts like a morn out there. Thank god we don't have a guy like him. Marrone is fine but I do think we need someone on the O side who has some fire. IMO Hackett, Adkins, and Moore are all soft. Wheatley has fire but I wonder if he feels comfortable using it outside of just the RBs? Usually the OL coach is that guy. Oh well. The D guys are a lot more intense and the players on that side show it.
A little dose of Coach Mac on the sidelines wouldn't hurt Doug.
^^Just to be clear, I'm thinking Coach Mac circa 1987, not Coach Mac circa 2011.

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