Melo Stays with the Knicks !!!! | Page 9 |

Melo Stays with the Knicks !!!!

Pau Gasol at 33 set a career high with 11rpg and still scored 17ppg on a team without a PG and terrible coach for using his talents. Gasol with Noah and Gibson playing 5 will thrive in Chicago giving them scoring they have desperately needed.
Where did you come up with that rebound stat for Gasol? His career high for rebounds was in 2009-2010 when he avg.11.3. Last year he averaged 9.7. And while you keep saying you love Melo, you keep making arguments against him. For example, you say in caps that Paul George is a better player. I'd agree on defense. But IMHO, Melo is clearly the better player in almost every other aspect. Outscored Paul, outrebounded him, outshot him from the field, assists about the same. Paul may be younger but what does that have to do with a player being better?
BTW go read the freaking argument people were calling Melo's last year one of his best two seasons. If Melo is a top 10 player having a top 2 season of his career HE SHOULD GUARANTEE YOU A PLAYOFF APPEARANCE.

why is this an unalienable truth??

seems to me that its a made up talking point by you.

so by this logic, having 1 superstar GUARANTEE'S you a playoff.

2 must GUARANTEE you a deep run.

and 3 or more most GUARANTEE a Championship.

why do they play the games??? seems to me that all we need is off season moves.
If your a top 10 player in the NBA you should make the playoffs every year in the Eastern Conference which last year had 4 of the 5 worst teams in the NBA

Where did you come up with that rebound stat for Gasol? His career high for rebounds was in 2009-2010 when he avg.11.3. Last year he averaged 9.7. And while you keep saying you love Melo, you keep making arguments against him. For example, you say in caps that Paul George is a better player. I'd agree on defense. But IMHO, Melo is clearly the better player in almost every other aspect. Outscored Paul, outrebounded him, outshot him from the field, assists about the same. Paul may be younger but what does that have to do with a player being better?
My bad on Gasol I mixed up 2010 and this year.
On Melo my point is that while I love him from winning SU a title he isn't as good a NBA player as his reputation. He isn't as good as Paul George IMP if your a top 10 player in the NBA and have a career year you gotta make the playoffs in a crappy East. I am a realistic and pragmatic in my beliefs. I don't say stuff without putting some thought in it. Melo is not as good as we rate him. He is a great scorer who doesn't play much defense he gets some rebounds but if he isn't scoring then isn't great. His passing is mediocre at best if he wanted to win a title taking less money was the way to go taking the money is fine but don't say winning is your number 1 goal.
If your a top 10 player in the NBA you should make the playoffs every year in the Eastern Conference which last year had 4 of the 5 worst teams in the NBA

My bad on Gasol I mixed up 2010 and this year.
On Melo my point is that while I love him from winning SU a title he isn't as good a NBA player as his reputation. He isn't as good as Paul George IMP if your a top 10 player in the NBA and have a career year you gotta make the playoffs in a crappy East. I am a realistic and pragmatic in my beliefs. I don't say stuff without putting some thought in it. Melo is not as good as we rate him. He is a great scorer who doesn't play much defense he gets some rebounds but if he isn't scoring then isn't great. His passing is mediocre at best if he wanted to win a title taking less money was the way to go taking the money is fine but don't say winning is your number 1 goal.

Melo is on pace to make the HoF. How much better do you want him to be? 7x all star. 6x on all nba 2nd or 3rd teams. Scoring champ. 2x gold medalist.

He is as good as his reputation. His career averages are 25, 6.5 and 3. With his career highs in rebounds and minutes coming this past year. He's never had a year where he averaged under 20 ppg.

He isn't LeBron or Durant, but anyone with any sense already knows that.

Yes, Paul George is better than him at defense, point taken. But Melo far outpaces him on the offensive end. It's not like Paul George is LeBron or Durant.

Of course you can argue the point as to who is better, but not by the fact that Melo is overrated. He is a max player. He is an offensive force, especially in the half court. He is on pace to make the HoF. He changed his style of play to focus on rebounding and was conditioned to play extra minutes because the team needed it.
Obviously it's up to how he is rated, but I think there are people who think Melo is one of the 3 best players in the league. Pretty sure I've read stuff comparing him favorably to Durant, how he doesn;t have a supporting cast like Durant, etc.

I think he's one of the top 10 or so players in the league. I'm also not in love with the idea of paying him $28 million a year when he's 34.
Well I love Melo because of the banner he single handily won Syracuse, but what your saying is Melo having a career year on his own doesn't even guarantee you a playoff appearance which means he isn't as good as we want to believe.

Ummm...the rest of the Knicks were god-awful from the roster, to the GM, to the Head Coach. Melo absolutely had the best season of his career last year and every other player on that team had their worst (not really embellishing that statement).

I wouldn't put last season on Melo at all. I'm not sure anyone other than Lebron was going to drag that pile of garbage to the 8 seed last season- and I'm fine with saying there was no way in hell Paul George would have done it if he and Melo swapped places.
If your a top 10 player in the NBA you should make the playoffs every year in the Eastern Conference which last year had 4 of the 5 worst teams in the NBA

My bad on Gasol I mixed up 2010 and this year.
On Melo my point is that while I love him from winning SU a title he isn't as good a NBA player as his reputation. He isn't as good as Paul George IMP if your a top 10 player in the NBA and have a career year you gotta make the playoffs in a crappy East. I am a realistic and pragmatic in my beliefs. I don't say stuff without putting some thought in it. Melo is not as good as we rate him. He is a great scorer who doesn't play much defense he gets some rebounds but if he isn't scoring then isn't great. His passing is mediocre at best if he wanted to win a title taking less money was the way to go taking the money is fine but don't say winning is your number 1 goal.
Replace Melo with Paul George on the Knicks last year and they would not have made the playoffs either. Many of us think Melo is better than you think he is - fair enough. And how many of us would actually take $30-50 million less (how much less it actually would have been to move to Chicago is not clear) to take a gamble that Chicago would have brought you a title particularly with Rose's health the past 2 years? It's just too simplistic to say he chose money over winning.

If Rose had been healthy the past 2 years and that element of uncertainty was not part of the decision making equation, perhaps Melo would have made the move. Or perhaps not. It may simply be as he stated, that he's a Knick at heart and NYC is home to him and his family and that was the ultimate decision maker. Nothing wrong with making a decision like that, even if it does not offer you the best chance to win a championship. And is that decision so much different than when a player chooses the Orange over Kentucky or Duke for instance? If you want to make it to a final 4 and have the best chance to win a championship, there are other programs you would choose over Syracuse. But I don't see anyone criticizing a player on this board for choosing Syracuse over one of those programs. Nor do I expect to any time soon :) Let's Go Orange and Let's Go Melo!
i think we all agree that the best player on the Knicks is Melo.

what you are failing to see is that the 2nd best player on the bad Melo.

and then the 3rd best player on the Knicks is really bad Melo.

there was no 4th as chandler took the year off.

the 5th was JR when he decided to be, which wasnt often.

this year was a fluke for the Knicks. Melo is one of the 5 best players in the league who has NEVER missed the playoffs except for this year.

he gets a mulligan.

what was he...28 & 8 and you kill him for this???

Chicago without Rose won 46 wins.
I have no idea if you switched Melo with George what the Knicks would have done.
I can be objective and say even though Melo went to SU I feel Paul George is obviously slightly better.
I have no problem if nobody agrees with me as what I say is legit feelings and not done for any reason. I want Carmelo to win a title but the Knicks aren't going to win a title in the next 5 years IMO.
Chicago without Rose won 46 wins.
I have no idea if you switched Melo with George what the Knicks would have done.
I can be objective and say even though Melo went to SU I feel Paul George is obviously slightly better.
I have no problem if nobody agrees with me as what I say is legit feelings and not done for any reason. I want Carmelo to win a title but the Knicks aren't going to win a title in the next 5 years IMO.
please, youre talking to the King of killing Syracuse guys.

hell, i freakin invented it on here.

but youre out of your mind on Melo.

with swap paul george for Melo...the Knicks win 20 games.

i watched about 70 Knick games this year. what he did was ridiculous.
i think we all agree that the best player on the Knicks is Melo.

what you are failing to see is that the 2nd best player on the bad Melo.

and then the 3rd best player on the Knicks is really bad Melo.

there was no 4th as chandler took the year off.

the 5th was JR when he decided to be, which wasnt often.

this year was a fluke for the Knicks. Melo is one of the 5 best players in the league who has NEVER missed the playoffs except for this year.

he gets a mulligan.

what was he...28 & 8 and you kill him for this???

If Carmelo is one of your top 5 players in the NBA you probably have Eli Manning as a current top 5 QB.

Carmelo is probably at best 8 or 9th but more likely in the mid teens in current NBA players if you consider age and upside.
Lebron, Durant, Anthony Davis, Chris Paul, Russell Westbrook, Dwight Howard all better than Melo right now.
Hell even a Tony Parker right now.
Chicago without Rose won 46 wins.
I have no idea if you switched Melo with George what the Knicks would have done.
I can be objective and say even though Melo went to SU I feel Paul George is obviously slightly better.
I have no problem if nobody agrees with me as what I say is legit feelings and not done for any reason. I want Carmelo to win a title but the Knicks aren't going to win a title in the next 5 years IMO.

Chicago had a much, much better supporting cast and a better coach.

I don't know how you can say with any sense of conviction that they won't win it all in 5 years. 3 Months ago LeBron and the Heat were all set to 3-peat. Phil and Fisher have been on the job for about 2 months.
If Carmelo is one of your top 5 players in the NBA you probably have Eli Manning as a current top 5 QB.

Carmelo is probably at best 8 or 9th but more likely in the mid teens in current NBA players if you consider age and upside.
Lebron, Durant, Anthony Davis, Chris Paul, Russell Westbrook, Dwight Howard all better than Melo right now.
Hell even a Tony Parker right now.

If you consider age and upside, the rookies just drafted might be better than Melo. It's not a good measure. You have to use "right now" when you talk about who the best players are - it's a different conversation than "who is a more valuable asset"...
Chicago had a much, much better supporting cast and a better coach.

I don't know how you can say with any sense of conviction that they won't win it all in 5 years. 3 Months ago LeBron and the Heat were all set to 3-peat. Phil and Fisher have been on the job for about 2 months.
I can't see the Knicks overcoming Cleveland or Chicago in the near future. 2015 FAs are Marc Gasol or Deandre Jordan if you want to go 2016 and Kevin Durant then you are putting faith and nothing more in Knicks winning a title. I am glad Melo got paid but the signing just ensures that the Garden will have an all-star for the fans to see and contend for a playoff berth and maybe win 1 playoff series.
If you consider age and upside, the rookies just drafted might be better than Melo. It's not a good measure. You have to use "right now" when you talk about who the best players are - it's a different conversation than "who is a more valuable asset"...
Fine take the age and upside remark out and I would still take all those players I listed along with Paul George, Joakim Noah,
Chicago without Rose won 46 wins.
I have no idea if you switched Melo with George what the Knicks would have done.
I can be objective and say even though Melo went to SU I feel Paul George is obviously slightly better.
I have no problem if nobody agrees with me as what I say is legit feelings and not done for any reason. I want Carmelo to win a title but the Knicks aren't going to win a title in the next 5 years IMO.
I don't disagree with you that the Knicks may not win a title in the next 5 years. But Chicago was not a sure fire bet either with Rose's health a question mark. Melo had no choices equal to what the big 3 in Miami were able to make happen when they came together. If only all the big contracts had expired for the Knicks this year - perhaps Phil could have made something exciting happen. But timing is a contributing factor when it comes to winning championships - and the timing was not good for the Knicks and Melo this year. Not to mention all the horrible decisions Dolan and crew made in trading away so many draft choices and signing up an injury prone guy to a max contract in Amare etc.

The Knicks are Melo's favorite team and he's now a Knick probably for the rest of his career. Hopefully, Phil can work some magic to give Melo a chance. If he doesn't win one, he'll join a long line of Hall of Famers who never won a championship - no shame in that. In the NBA, you normally have to have 3 all star caliber players to win a championship in a given year. Melo's never had that and perhaps he never will. But we can hope.
He had the highest per game averages in his career in rebounding and assists, and also had his best season shooting 3s and FTs by percentage, all while playing the most average minutes in his career. He didn't make an All-NBA team because people were drunk on Paul George, not because as an individual player he didn't have an incredible season.

Agreed with all of this except for the part about PG at the end. I wouldn't have complained if Melo got in over PG, but I also can't complain that the voters went with PG. It makes sense that voters favored a guy that was an MVP candidate the first half of the year and was the best player on the best team in the East.

The real reason Melo didn't make it is because the Knicks sucked and because Lance Stephenson became a starter this year, pushing PG to the SF spot. If PG were voted in as a SG, Melo easily makes it as a 3rd teamer.
Alsacs said:
Fine take the age and upside remark out and I would still take all those players I listed along with Paul George, Joakim Noah,

That's cool. I can't quibble with that per se. I think most people are looking at last years team results and confusing them with the player.
Alsacs said:
Fine take the age and upside remark out and I would still take all those players I listed along with Paul George, Joakim Noah,
lol at Noah and Howard and George as better than melo. U mustn't watch much nba
KaiserUEO said:
i think we all agree that the best player on the Knicks is Melo. what you are failing to see is that the 2nd best player on the bad Melo. and then the 3rd best player on the Knicks is really bad Melo. there was no 4th as chandler took the year off. the 5th was JR when he decided to be, which wasnt often. this year was a fluke for the Knicks. Melo is one of the 5 best players in the league who has NEVER missed the playoffs except for this year. he gets a mulligan. what was he...28 & 8 and you kill him for this??? incredulous.
I think melo might be one of the most under appreciated guys in the nba actually. No one has carried the burden on his teams as singlehandedly as melo over his career.
He sucked comparing to dominating like he did in the first half. I don't know if the catfish happened or not, but George is better than Carmelo Anthony IMO. He is younger, can score, plays better defense, while Carmelo is the better scorer.

Carmelo scores significantly more, shoots better, and rebounds better.

George has potential but needs to develop more ways to score. I shudder to think what his % would be if he switched rosters with Melo last year. His game took a huge nosedive in the 2nd half of last year and he has become wildly overrated in the last 14 months.

He's not better than Melo. He's still a good, but inconsistent Nyquil player with potential.
Well I love Melo because of the banner he single handily won Syracuse, but what your saying is Melo having a career year on his own doesn't even guarantee you a playoff appearance which means he isn't as good as we want to believe.

When the 2nd best -6th best players on the team are all either hurt for significant stretches of the year, fat, struggling coming off a major injury, or just playing poorly, it's tough to win any games.

Melo had a great year. Every single other important Knick had a bad year. If Melo wasn't as good as he was, that had 15-20 win disaster written all over it. Point to ONE other positive that team had going on(Tim Hardaway Jr. scoring 10 ppg doesn't really move the needle much, either)
If Carmelo is one of your top 5 players in the NBA you probably have Eli Manning as a current top 5 QB.

Carmelo is probably at best 8 or 9th but more likely in the mid teens in current NBA players if you consider age and upside.
Lebron, Durant, Anthony Davis, Chris Paul, Russell Westbrook, Dwight Howard all better than Melo right now.
Hell even a Tony Parker right now.

Russell Westbrook is NOT better than Carmelo Anthony. He runs faster and jumps higher. That's about it.
Alsacs said:
You people arguing with me caused me to call my guy Bill Simmons and he said he would do my work for me.

BTW, Simmons likes SU because he grew up in Boston hated Georgetown and Ewing and loves the Dome is filled for bball.

Actually, in the article Simmons says Melo is a top 8-9 player in the NBA. So he also thinks Melo is better than you do.

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