Mike Hopkins to the Phoenix Suns | Page 15 | Syracusefan.com

Mike Hopkins to the Phoenix Suns

Just some info on prospective coaches and ages:

Birthday/current age

James Arthur Boeheim 11/17/1944 (76 yards old)
Jay Wright 12/24/1961 (59 years old)
Mike Hopkins 8/6/1969 (51 years old)
Adrian Autry 02/28/1972 (48 years old)
Nate Oats 10/13/1974 (46 years old)
Rob Murphy 09/19/1973 (47 years old)
Kevin Willard 4/6/1975 (45 years old)
Allen Griffin 05/24/1978 (42 years old)
Gerry McNamara 8/28/1983 (37 years old)
Greg Paulus 07/03/1986 (34 years old)
Buddy Boeheim 11/11/1999 (21 years old)

JAB was hired on 4/3/1976. He was, according to my calculations, 31 years old at the time.

So - we've just gotta wait another decade for Buddy to hit 31, and bingo! :p
We were never a good hoops program, but we were also never this bad. There is a difference in being a middling program and a bottom feeder. Before we were more like an NCST, Hop has brought us down to BC. There is a big difference between being mediocre and being one of the worst P5 teams.

Romar only had one back to back season under .500 in conference, and it was an 8-10 team followed by a 7-11 team, in what was a much better Pac-12. Hop went 5-13 last season, and may not win a conference game this year. Hop is something like 5-23 in his last 28 games. Think about that. Here just take a look.

A coaches job is to improve the team. We finished in last place in Romar’s last season. Year three Hop got us last place, and looks like last place again in year four. Has he improved the team? Simple question.
In two of his first three years, he was the coach of the year in your conference. Romar's players, your players, I don't really care. Two time COY. He didn't get suddenly dumb. I think this off season will be very interesting for Hop. I would bet that he would hit the portal hard. Time will tell.
N.C. State has won two national championships. Maybe a Wake Forest or Vanderbilt?

Im talking about recently. The last 20 years or so. UW has been a middling NCAA program the last 20 or so years. Just look at the link I posted. UW is now at the bottom. We have basically been you guys from the past five years or so. Very average, usually a bubble team. How would you feel if you became BC?
Im talking about recently. The last 20 years or so. UW has been a middling NCAA program the last 20 or so years. Just look at the link I posted. UW is now at the bottom. We have basically been you guys from the past five years or so. Very average, usually a bubble team. How would you feel if you became BC?

You have 14 twenty win seasons in the last 68 seasons. In the same time period you have 16 seasons of a below .500 record. Stop pretending to be something you're not. It's going to be hard to win every year at UW. I would have thought those first 2 seasons would buy Hop time, but you guys think you're Arizona when in reality you are BC.
Im talking about recently. The last 20 years or so. UW has been a middling NCAA program the last 20 or so years. Just look at the link I posted. UW is now at the bottom. We have basically been you guys from the past five years or so. Very average, usually a bubble team. How would you feel if you became BC?
BC hasn’t been to NCAAT since 2009.
Washington went to the tournament and won a game 2 years ago.

BC would take Washington’s last decade.

You guys suck this year. Last draft you guys had 2 players drafted Hopkins can use that recruit.
Next year is a season Hop needs to produce.
Getting frustrated about this season is a fans right but it’s a Covid season.
Just some info on prospective coaches and ages:

Birthday/current age

James Arthur Boeheim 11/17/1944 (76 yards old)
Jay Wright 12/24/1961 (59 years old)
Mike Hopkins 8/6/1969 (51 years old)
Adrian Autry 02/28/1972 (48 years old)
Nate Oats 10/13/1974 (46 years old)
Rob Murphy 09/19/1973 (47 years old)
Kevin Willard 4/6/1975 (45 years old)
Allen Griffin 05/24/1978 (42 years old)
Gerry McNamara 8/28/1983 (37 years old)
Greg Paulus 07/03/1986 (34 years old)
Buddy Boeheim 11/11/1999 (21 years old)

JAB was hired on 4/3/1976. He was, according to my calculations, 31 years old at the time.
Jay Wright is 59!?
IMO it’s either Hop, Red or GMAC for our next coach. I want an in-house coach to replace JB, with the caveat of a short leash. If that fails after 4 years, I’m all for a national search. My preference as of today would be Hop

Why not just get the best candidate we can from the beginning, instead of limiting ourselves to in-house with special parameters on if the in-house candidate fails?

Makes no sense to me.

Identify, evaluate, and then recruit the best, most qualified candidates you can and then hire one. Period. If that candidate emerges from in-house, fine. If not, then limiting ourselves is self-defeating.
You have 14 twenty win seasons in the last 68 seasons. In the same time period you have 16 seasons of a below .500 record. Stop pretending to be something you're not. It's going to be hard to win every year at UW. I would have thought those first 2 seasons would buy Hop time, but you guys think you're Arizona when in reality you are BC.

Romar, Bender and Nance lit it up every year - not sure where you're getting your "facts."

This definitely isn't my holiday bender talking.
Im talking about recently. The last 20 years or so. UW has been a middling NCAA program the last 20 or so years. Just look at the link I posted. UW is now at the bottom. We have basically been you guys from the past five years or so. Very average, usually a bubble team. How would you feel if you became BC?
You have been to the final four in the last 5 years? You have been to another sweet 16 in the last 5 years? You have played in an elite league for the last 5 years? You haven't been us. Maybe us in the early 60's.
Why not just get the best candidate we can from the beginning, instead of limiting ourselves to in-house with special parameters on if the in-house candidate fails?

Makes no sense to me.

Identify, evaluate, and then recruit the best, most qualified candidates you can and then hire one. Period. If that candidate emerges from in-house, fine. If not, then limiting ourselves is self-defeating.
Literally this!!!! ^^^ The amount of back and forth on this thread of people fighting over which in-house candidate or someone connected to the program to get the next HC spot is exhausting and perplexing.

If it were up to me I would want Mark Few as our next HC-- someone that has a proven track record at the D1 head coaching level. The reality of that happening, unlikely. Depends on if he would be willing to make a move to a better conference and if Wildhack will fork over the right amount of money to get him to move. But I can dream right? Lol. :p
Literally this!!!! ^^^ The amount of back and forth on this thread of people fighting over which in-house candidate or someone connected to the program to get the next HC spot is exhausting and perplexing.

If it were up to me I would want Mark Few as our next HC-- someone that has a proven track record at the D1 head coaching level. The reality of that happening, unlikely. Depends on if he would be willing to make a move to a better conference and if Wildhack will fork over the right amount of money to get him to move. But I can dream right? Lol. :p
Not really. No. You can't dream. Few would never come. to Syracuse. And if he did, he would suddenly have to start recruiting in the northeast. Not so easy as Hop is finding out. And he would have to play in a very tough league for the first time in his career. Does that mean he couldn't be successful at Syracuse? No. Of course not. But our best candidate will have east coast ties.
We were never a good hoops program, but we were also never this bad. There is a difference in being a middling program and a bottom feeder. Before we were more like an NCST, Hop has brought us down to BC. There is a big difference between being mediocre and being one of the worst P5 teams.

Romar only had one back to back season under .500 in conference, and it was an 8-10 team followed by a 7-11 team, in what was a much better Pac-12. Hop went 5-13 last season, and may not win a conference game this year. Hop is something like 5-23 in his last 28 games. Think about that. Here just take a look.

A coaches job is to improve the team. We finished in last place in Romar’s last season. Year three Hop got us last place, and looks like last place again in year four. Has he improved the team? Simple question.

When you're a "middling" program, it's much easier to crash to the bottom than to soar to the top. The margins are razor thin.
Romar last went to the second round of the NCAA 6 or 7 years before his firing. Hop did it in second year after going 21-13 and 27-9 in his second year. Romar was 9-22 in his last year. let's be real here.

Hop also inherited two NBA players and a team loaded with talent. Yes, Romar was awful. But to say Hop is better is like saying Trubisky is better than Foles

Bottom line is Hop is on the verge of two consecutive last place finishes in a bad conference. Washington hasn’t done that in who knows how long. Romar never did it. It will likely be three in a row next season as the team likely gets worst.

Once again. Ask yourself. Is UW better, worst or equal to where they were when Romar got fired?
Hop also inherited two NBA players and a team loaded with talent. Yes, Romar was awful. But to say Hop is better is like saying Trubisky is better than Foles

Bottom line is Hop is on the verge of two consecutive last place finishes in a bad conference. Washington hasn’t done that in who knows how long. Romar never did it. It will likely be three in a row next season as the team likely gets worst.

Once again. Ask yourself. Is UW better, worst or equal to where they were when Romar got fired?
Since Hop has been at UW only 5 Pac-12 teams have even made the NCAAT.
More than half of your conference teams haven’t even made the tournament.
UW won 1 NCAAT game during that time.
UCLA has 0 NCAAT wins
Arizona has 0 NCAAT wins
Arizona State has 1 NCAAT win
Oregon has 2 NCAAT wins.

But he has been in last place in the last 2 years.
You ask is UW better or worse?
It’s obvious that by looking at how pathetic the PAC-12 basketball conference has been during Hop’s tenure the Huskies are fine.
You have been to the final four in the last 5 years? You have been to another sweet 16 in the last 5 years? You have played in an elite league for the last 5 years? You haven't been us. Maybe us in the early 60's.

Yes, UW was pretty bad the last 5 or so years under Romar. But they were very good from the early 2000’s up until about 2010. Wheels fell off for Romar at the end. My point is, we suck. Hop was suppose to turn the program around. Well it’s year four and we are looking at two consecutive last place finishes.

Everyone on here bashes Romar but make Hop out to be some great coach. They both suck. It’s Hop’s fourth year and he has the team right where they were when he took over.
Since Hop has been at UW only 5 Pac-12 teams have even made the NCAAT.
More than half of your conference teams haven’t even made the tournament.
UW won 1 NCAAT game during that time.
UCLA has 0 NCAAT wins
Arizona has 0 NCAAT wins
Arizona State has 1 NCAAT win
Oregon has 2 NCAAT wins.

But he has been in last place in the last 2 years.
You ask is UW better or worse?
It’s obvious that by looking at how pathetic the PAC-12 basketball conference has been during Hop’s tenure the Huskies are fine.

You just proved my point. At least when Romar lost UCLA and Arizona were powerhouses. Hop is getting last place in a bad conference. And no UW is not fine. Please tell me the last time we had consecutive last place finishes. UW is also last in NET rankings among all P5 teams. Hop has made UW the worst P5 team in his fourth season. By year four you should be building up not going the other way.
Why not just get the best candidate we can from the beginning, instead of limiting ourselves to in-house with special parameters on if the in-house candidate fails?

Makes no sense to me.

Identify, evaluate, and then recruit the best, most qualified candidates you can and then hire one. Period. If that candidate emerges from in-house, fine. If not, then limiting ourselves is self-defeating.

Yup. It's not that hard to comprehend. Really don't get the counterargument.
That’s...just wrong. Wow.
I was shocked too.

Fun facts:
Jay’s first job coaching in college was at the University of Rochester in 1984. The same school JB almost took the HC job at 8 years earlier. The same school his daughter Jaime would enroll at 35 years later...

Why not just get the best candidate we can from the beginning, instead of limiting ourselves to in-house with special parameters on if the in-house candidate fails?

Makes no sense to me.

Identify, evaluate, and then recruit the best, most qualified candidates you can and then hire one. Period. If that candidate emerges from in-house, fine. If not, then limiting ourselves is self-defeating.
On the football side we brought in an outsider after P was let go and we reached our lowest point ever with GERG. The jury is still out on another outsider in Dino and unfortunately I’m not optimistic he can turn it around
Hop also inherited two NBA players and a team loaded with talent. Yes, Romar was awful. But to say Hop is better is like saying Trubisky is better than Foles

Bottom line is Hop is on the verge of two consecutive last place finishes in a bad conference. Washington hasn’t done that in who knows how long. Romar never did it. It will likely be three in a row next season as the team likely gets worst.

Once again. Ask yourself. Is UW better, worst or equal to where they were when Romar got fired?
Just curious , do you guys have a board of your own?
On the football side we brought in an outsider after P was let go and we reached our lowest point ever with GERG. The jury is still out on another outsider in Dino and unfortunately I’m not optimistic he can turn it around

Everyone's entitled to their opinion.

But fear of change does not constitute a good rationale for aiming low.
Everyone's entitled to their opinion.

But fear of change does not constitute a good rationale for aiming low.
I respect your opinion but IMO Syracuse prefers to hire “lifer” head coaches and the only way I see this continuing with the basketball program is to hire from within.

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